What happen, if I play GT sport using VR but not in VR drive mode?

  • Thread starter jackysatio
So if I play other mode or other race, other than VR drive mode, what did I see in the VR screen?
I honestly don't know, I do not have the setup to run VR. But, considering how the game is setup, I don't think it will work.
Is it still playable?

It comes up like it's in virtual cinema mode. So basically it's like you're sitting in a black abyss looking at a large flat screen of the game.

It's playable, but it's much lower resolution, and wasn't really intended to be played that way. It's basically the same as playing it on your tv, only worse.

Regular VR Mode in arcade can be a game changer tho, even if the PSVR isn't really up to snuff.
In virtual cinema mad you get a very large screen. Very much playable, but you loose resolution. For some it could ad to the feeling of immersion. Would have appreciated arcade mode in VR mode. 1v1 is quite limited. But you could use it to learn tracks and for hotlapping
The DriveClub VR demo didn't work correctly for me, basically putting me into cinema mode and running like GTS would run if you did what you're asking. And it almost instantly made me sick. You can give it a shot, but it's not going to be pretty in any capacity. ;)
I haven't played Gran Turismo sport in cinematic mode (2d) on my psvr yet mainly due to the fact that I bought a 55-inch 4K TV that I put my rig in front of.

But when I was playing the original project cars, half the time I would put it into cinematic mode with my psvr setup on medium size screen and I actually did a little bit better that way.