What happened to the days of 2 player between friends and family

  • Thread starter SpawnBlack
United Kingdom
Never ever ever ever ever !
Remember when you used to get together with friends or family after months of setting up your favorite cars, tyre testing for maximum performance and rigorous transmission tuning along with dozens of race modifications.........đź‘Ť

Well that seems to have totally dissapeared now we have the great online communnity so that we can battle against the best from around the world. đź‘Ť Well i for one am not happy about not being able to sit along side someone and have an old fashioned battle. The problem is that we can no longer take the memory card that we used to have to a freinds house and compare and beat that person with your superior set up like we used to.

How about it people.....should PD give us in the next update a way that we can save our game save to a memory stick and use that somehow to then have the old fashioned 2 player races we all used to love and enjoy. Let me know of your thoughts on this good :) or bad:crazy:
You can save your savegame to usb. This should be made automatic because gt safe file updates constatly. Comparing is though not like in the old days :/ Hopefully full version or some update brings this.
This does not however consern me as only one of my friends has ps3 and lives 700km away :D
The problem is that we can no longer take the memory card that we used to have to a freinds house and compare and beat that person with your superior set up like we used to.
How do you know? GT5 isn't out yet and that feature could very well be included in it.
I have heard people asking about a small memory stick built into the controler. This will allow people to keep their save games and profiles on there controller. I would love this to happen. But in all truth. with private rooms why would you go round to your m8's house to race him/her. And also I reley hate split screen mode. just my personal preference though.
The Internet killed the Lan-Party goers.
Some people still like to game together in the same room. Hopefully a 2 Player Battle will be in GT5, with the option to import a garage from a USB memory stick.
You're talking about updates to GT5:P, I think you're taking GT5:P too literally as a representation of everything that will be in GT5...unless of course you've posted this thread in the wrong forum? ;)
I will say that I too also hope the days of split-screen multiplayer don't die out, and I'm fairly sure they won't because they are still quite popular, especially with many party games being popular currently.
Split-screen play has almost always been far superior to online play simply because sitting next to your opponents is far more fun. I know all those games of Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Timesplitters were more fun than anything I ever played online.
2 player went down hill since GT3. With GT3 you had single screen replay of the two player battle. They for some unthinkable reason left that out of GT4. Never been the same since GT3. With the PS3 surely they can do two player arcade with single screen replay. While we are at it there should not really be any reason why they could not throw in some A.I. drivers in two player arcade. Although I would tend to agree with online and private rooms etc. that the days of hooking up more than one system in the same house etc. are most likely over. I would hope that when the full GT5 comes out that the user options for online would allow a bunch of people to simulate a LAN party etc. Say 32 people sign up for a online race event. You have two races of 16 players and than the 16 fastest go on to the final race. Things of that nature should not be that hard to program. Perhaps even while the final race is going on the 16 slowest could have their own exhibition race.
How about an online memory card which you can access from anywhere in the world? That way you don't have to carry a physical object; just access it from the internet, upload it an voila!
How do you know? GT5 isn't out yet and that feature could very well be included in it.

Your right i do not know, but looking at all other games on PS3 that no longer have that option leads me to believe that it may not be there. Besides it should have been there in GTP as a tester or something..........but who knows like you said.
You're talking about updates to GT5:P, I think you're taking GT5:P too literally as a representation of everything that will be in GT5...unless of course you've posted this thread in the wrong forum? ;)

No not at all. i do mean for GT5
You're talking about updates to GT5:P, I think you're taking GT5:P too literally as a representation of everything that will be in GT5...unless of course you've posted this thread in the wrong forum? ;)
No not at all. i do mean for GT5

Then why are you assuming GT5 won't have better split screen options? Its not out yet! GT5:P isn't 100% everything that GT5 will be remember.
Then why are you assuming GT5 won't have better split screen options? Its not out yet! GT5:P isn't 100% everything that GT5 will be remember.

Again youre misunderstanding what i am saying........2 player battle......split screen?? yes......being able to take your car's set up to your friends on your mem stick is what i meant. That is what we cannot do any more. Please read this carefully as i know the english langauge is very confusing:indiff:

I know that GT5 is not out as yet but as i said before, we are not able to do this since the release of the PS3. Maybe PD will put it in GT5, but who knows which is what i am trying to say.....!!
As I said.. What's the point of split screen when we have online play?

There are still parts of the world where there is very bad internet connection or none at all (I even have a friend who has never had internet at his house). And split screen racing is much more conventional when you just want to invite some friends over for a little gaming.
As I said.. What's the point of split screen when we have online play?

You obviously are a product of the computer generation that had no idea about true competition in it's simplest form which is where all the ideas have come from.
It's actually a pity that Splitscreen is being phased out of consoles.

On Dirt and Grid you can't do splitscreen; what if I wanted to race with my brother, it's actually very annoying, very few games have splitscreen these days.

Even against friends, it's funner splitscreen, you're there with them, not a digital representation of them. I can speak to them with ease and joke about. I can't do that online.
Offline multi player with everyone in the same room is better than online multiplayer for me and I suspect most other people as well. There's a lack of connection with people online.
yeah i agree totally, in fact the whole concept of split screen gaming seems to have gone down the pan in any genera of game. there's no doubt that on-line play is an awesome feature, but you cant beat having your mates over doing a split screen torny =D
what's more fun hanging out with your mates n having a laugh, or sitting in your room on your own, with a low quality mic.... i dont see why game developers all seem to think that anyone who play video games must be a social recluse
so im defiantly in favour of a memory card or some sort of PSN sky drive for your cars and setups
I had no idea that some people really want to race with splitscreen! Doesn't it mess up engine-noises totally, so your driving is almost impossible?

Me and my friends, we did lots of racing-evenings with GT4, but never without 2-4 console, and TV's, connected with CAT5 cables and router. All of us had ofcourse our own PS2, what we bringed in backpack to our racing-partys. Old style TV's cost nothing in recycling-stores, and I still have mine collecting dust in garage... old four-port routers are free also.

I agree, that racing with friends in same room is best what GT can give, but with todays Online added to that, is best ever! I still sometimes took my PS3 to my friends place, and we drive side by side, with you in online.

Friends, GT, online, and cold beer... where do I need womens?
But for some people (me), carrying a console per player is too inconvenient, especially since the console is definitely capable of handling two displays.
2 player went down hill since GT3. With GT3 you had single screen replay of the two player battle. They for some unthinkable reason left that out of GT4. Never been the same since GT3. With the PS3 surely they can do two player arcade with single screen replay.
Agreed. Back when i used to use the control pad instead of a wheel, it was great fun to sit side by side and have some great battles and then watch the replay in full screen mode. Wouldnt mind seeing that feature back, but in all honesty i'll be enjoying online and LAN racing too much to be too involved with split screen anymore (might drag it out for the odd party race or two though).

Friends, GT, online, and cold beer... where do I need womens?
mmmmmmmm. If i have to explain it you probably wouldnt understand :sly:
What do some of you mean, "Why have split if you have online " :embarrassed::embarrassed:.
Split screen is alot more fun then sitting like a loner and staring at a screen I really for one fact cant find whats interesting in online.
While Split screen especially when someone who comes over plays, shows emotion, mainly anger ;) and fun in the end while online is more like "Yes I won the race" and no one of brag to etc :P.
Offline multi player is what makes those boring when single player games like Nintendo's mario party series great fun and should still be a big priority which sadly it dosent seem to be :(.
What do you mean the "Days of splits screen with family and friends"? All I remember is having to use really slow cars against really fast cars in order to give them a chance.......
What do you mean the "Days of splits screen with family and friends"? All I remember is having to use really slow cars against really fast cars in order to give them a chance.......

How modist of you lol. But unfortunatly you are right. My missus cirtainly wouldn't want to race me, and her cousin thinks that TC and ASM make you faster. so Online it is.
I also used to do rolling start comparo's with friends in GT4. I remember doing a SRT10 vs E60 M5 which had about the same power, IIRC the M5 was able to just pull ahead slightly probably due to the gearing.

What do you mean the "Days of splits screen with family and friends"? All I remember is having to use really slow cars against really fast cars in order to give them a chance.......

I used to like doing that, beating or atleast keeping up in a much slower car.
I also used to do rolling start comparo's with friends in GT4. I remember doing a SRT10 vs E60 M5 which had about the same power, IIRC the M5 was able to just pull ahead slightly probably due to the gearing.

I used to like doing that, beating or atleast keeping up in a much slower car.

We used to do standing drag races in GT3 I remember.

Using the slower cars against fast ones wasn't too bad, at least the finishes could be close, but it certainly wasn't productive for close and clean battles like we have online now, where racecraft and racing rules are used.