Unbelievable. After all that my car and I have been through, all the money I've been spending on the ungrateful little b***h, she decides to break down on me, on the gateway motorway when its really busy, on Christmas Day.
So, after my mechanic friends came to see if we could determine what happened and try to get it going again, which didn't happen, I then had to find a tow company will to work on Christmas day, and one that caters for lowered vehicles.
What a mission, got it home after a few hours, and its going to have to sit in the garage, again, until the shop I use opens up again, then I'll have to get it towed there and more money spent.
We don't know exactly what the problem is (we had spark, fuel and compression - engine was turing over same as usual) so we are thinking injector signal, when we checked the distributor it had oil at the bottom of it, so a seal has gone, oil has gotten into the dizzy and is probably fouling the crank angle sensor, so I get no injection. Thats the main theory anyway.
What happened was I was just driving at around 90 kph, in fifth, so just crawling along, and just lost power. No spluttering, no bang, no oil, no steam, just no power. Still had all electronics, car still cranks over.
So, more money going towards my shop. Might leave it in the garage for a bit and save up so I can get some of the other things I want done to it performed at the same time, but I'll probably just end up getting it fixed, and having to potentially re-do work down the track. The joys of it, man I've had some bad luck with this car, one step forward 2 back. Hopefully one day it will be at a stage where I'm happy with the performance, and it doesn't break down... yeah right.