What (If Anything) Can PD Learn from rFactor in Making the Next GT?

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
Been a VERY long time since I made a thread in the GT5 forum. I'm going to release two seperate discussions. This one involves a 1-year old game. You might have heard of it. It's called rFactor. This PC game goes by a certain mantra- "Customize. Control. Connect." I'm coming up on having this game for two months. Like with past threads with similar titles, I tend to study each racing game to see what it can do and what limitations there are. rFactor is no different. The demo to Gran Turismo HD has long been out. However, GT5 still remains without much in the way of new updates. So if PD were to see what rFactor was about and what they could likely learn about this game to impress fans, what would they be? What could Polyphony Digital learn from this addicting PC game?

Let me provide some background to help you.

rFactor was developed by the wonderful people of Image Space Incorporated. They were the team behind the classic PC sim- Sports Car GT back around 1998, and F1 Challenge somewhere around 2000 and 2001. This group is based in Ann Arbor, MI (yes, Michigan Wolverines' country). What rFactor was created for was to provide an all-around gaming experience that provides great racing with something very important to the PC sim community- customization. That's right. People have made all kinds of modificiations to help people enjoy this game more and to get more replay value out of this game. It has won a 90% rating from PC Gamer, a 94% rating from AutoSimSport's Gold Label Award, and also "Most Editable" by [I'm presuming] Blackhole Motorsports. Dozens of aspects could be controlled ranging from lap distance, time distance, how many cars on track, and that sort of thing. ISI is actively working on a few of their own mods and updates. Recently, the Version 1.250 patch was released to rFactor gamers. I'm not an online gamer. So all I know about the online portion is that RaceCast actively tracks results from races all over the Internet. This game was released back around January 2006. And even now in February 2007, still remains one of the most editable and most fun mod-happy games since Sports Car GT (only because I haven't played F1 Challenge).

Now what do I think PD could learn from rFactor? I'll start. Highlighted points will be in bold text. I'm going to warn you... I have a lot to talk about. So feel free to chime in with your own comments.

* The best thing I take away from rFactor is simply how much control you have over every race. You know in Enthusia when you could select different cars on the grid for Free Run races? And how you could change tracks on the fly? Well, the element of customization deeply applies. The online component for Gran Turismo 5 would GREATLY benefit when you give gamers and gaming leagues the opportunity to come up with their own races by their own rules and settings. * I think PD should definitely consider an environment model which supports realistic time cycles. What rFactor allowed you to do was to be able to make anything from a 2-lap sprint to a 24-hour race. And for those who want a 24-hour race but not enough time for one, gamers were in luck. All the rFactor gamer had to do was set the race to a timed race, set the time distance to 24 hours, and cycle through time at 60x. This allowed you to have a 24-hour race in 24 minutes. Time cycle and all. VERY convenient for those who want quick action. The customization extends to cars. The variety among different customizable car options is also key. Granted the only real car in the full rFactor lineup is the BMW Sauber F1 car, these fictional cars give a great idea as to how to turn a drab looking car into something sensational. Variety among different types of racing is also a huge plus for this game. You had almost every kind of circuit racing available to you when you unlocked rFactor completely. You could do ovals at one of three different ovals in the game. You could have some rallycross with the Lienz Rallycross event. Cars ranged from a moderate-sized hatchback to stock cars to Formula 1 cars. * It is also possible that true One-Make Series in rFactor could benefit from a championship model. This marks some concern I have. The current GT formula is that you get a car for a One-Make Race, then you sign up for a certain race event, then go race. The formula is the same for rFactor. Only that you have control over everything from AI aggression to number of cars in the championship (most have a minimum of 6 to a track) to distance and more. The race schedule doesn't change. But still, you get to control a number of different aspects you take control of. The only negative aspect is that you can't view the full season while in the game. You just have to go through each race until it's over. Or, you could try to look into the season files (I forget the extension) and look at it with NotePad. * Since damage has been rumored for GT5, customizable levels of damage would make the game more challenging for those who aren't careful. My concern about a damage model for GT5 mostly pertains to how challenging PD wants to make the game. Do they want an arcadish model in which slamming into a wall head-first only results in minimal or moderate damage, or do they want a model in which if you hit ANYTHING, the game is over? Damage levels can be customized usually based on how severe crash impact affects your car. I usually set my races at 25% damage since I'm more of an arcade person. I've been doing recent races at 50% damage. I even challenged myself to a 100% damage rate a few times. Make it customizable. And if things get too severe, let the user have the chance to simply end the race or (maybe) restart the event or skip it altogether.

That's all of most I wanted to get to. I may come in with more things in future posts. But come on in and reply away.
-> rFactor is a very immersive game. It took a lot of notes from GTR series, Live for Speed, TOCA series, and some notable others to create this game. It really looks very impressive especially the "Damage Control" that let you adjust the level of damage that will inflict with you vehicle. Heres a pic of that impresive game:


I know I keep going back to my Career Mode concept. But I think a realistic career level system, ranging from SCCA-like hobbyist to pro level, up to professional racing in many different real world leagues would give the league builders the chance to create racing leagues for any style and skill level.

The Sports Car Club of America is practically a microcosm of racing itself, with dirt track level racing in cars you build up yourself, to semi-professional GT class racing. You could pick almost any type of car with any kind of restrictions and rules based on some of the SCCA leagues. And then of course there's the whole universe of pro racing, in numerous categories and classes.

Setting up racer friendly rules for leagues would help give the less skilled or daring among us the chance to tangle without having to worry about a series of wrecks ruining the chances of some kind of decent showing. No damage for beginners, moderate damage for the more experienced or capable, and full damage for the hardcore. The same with ranges of horsepower and car types. Different rules would teach drivers to be disciplined and professional to an extent. Racing an entire league "season" with just one car, or a few, would encourage everyone to become intimately familiar with their steel chariots, and how to push them down the road the most effectively.
Since you mention c Career Mode deal, I'm here to let you know that I'm going to fantacize a Gran Turismo model shifting more towards a pure sim direction (without destroying the original formula). So I'll get to that in more detail.

One aspect I didn't discuss was that of weather. It's because there has been talk about rain effects for rFactor tracks. I heard it's possible (with some modding) to have rain in races. No precipitation of any kind is in the game. Funny enough, there are some bitmaps showing the rooster tails of water being kicked up as cars zoom by. Maybe this will be remedied some in the future.

Feel free to reply at will.
I dont think there is anything PD needs to learn from rFactor. Damage, night/day changes, multiclass races, large fields etc are facts of life, it does not need to be 'learned' from another game. Everything we want for GT5 is real world. PD needs to copy the real world of racing and not worry about what some other game does.

Now I do not want PD to have the insane vehicle customizations that rFactor features. GT has always given a good amount of setup options for the car without going overboard to the point where you need a 20 page manual and/or be a F1 technician to figure out what change does what.

Also, a large amount of the mods for the game are junk. Most of the mods I downloaded feature cars that are near undriveable, even in a straight line.

All in all, I only bought rFactor because that was where the sim racing community was moving to. Once GT5 online is released rFactor will see no more playing time. It rarely sees any now.
And the most important comment from Earth was 'everything we want for GT5 is real world'.
This race fans is the exact essence of the GT series and Polyphony Digital.My faith in the series is strengthened knowing that Kazunori and his team of masters will stay true to his dream of creating the ultimate car heaven. Also the fact that they have a mighty powerful system to develop it on bodes well too.
I think the above two were very well stated. Kaz has always wanted to capture the essence of racing and led the entire field in a new direction. When Microsoft wanted an ace racing game franchise, they didn't copy rFactor, GTR, Toca or Enthusia.

It's time for Kaz and the lads to lead the pack once more, and define their genre themselves by looking out the window at the wide world of racing.
I think the above two were very well stated. Kaz has always wanted to capture the essence of racing and led the entire field in a new direction. When Microsoft wanted an ace racing game franchise, they didn't copy rFactor, GTR, Toca or Enthusia.

When M$ started the Forza franchise, there was already rFactor, GTR and Enthusia... yeah right 💡 💡 (Toca has been left out, obviously).