What information would you want in GT5?

Roaming around GT4, I always think to myself "I wish they'd tell me which car I won that race in last time etc etc"

What things would you like to know?

For me?

  1. Trophy list for each car in garage: which races has it won?
  2. A-spec points info (before you go into race): how many have I made/will I make with this tune?
  3. Power outputs for cars on the grid (want competitive races)
  4. Service history of cars in Garage (Oil change and chassis refresh)
  5. What have I tuned this car for (labelling option)? (Sometimes hard when you have 26 NSXs!)

I'm too disorganised to make my own database for this stuff, I just want to play the game:indiff:

What do you think?
General Car information from GT3.

Instead of stupid --- for some cars Power and Toque, acctully tell us what it is before we buy it, I bought the Opera S2000 thinking it'd have 400+bhp.
It had 274.
I'd like all the infrmation we've been givenin the previous GT games. We used to get to know what parts are on our cars, how stiff the competition would be with their stats, ad we used to get to know the HP/drivetrain/torque/weight of every purchasable car. Why has PD left us in the dark on every aspect nowadays? I can still find out the drivetrain, power and weight of a car when I tune it, so why hide the info? Are the cars top secret vehicles? No, so give us the damn info and don't make us hunt for it.
-> I was wondering why the [INFO] from GT2 has gone? And the one in GT3 is stupid (with the scrolling info). And also I hate cars that doesn't state power/torque at the dealership (like those concept cars and race cars).

-> I like the idea of FastEddie on whose cars has the most trophies under its belt, I can recall on GT4 that my 22B drift car has the most trophies, my [R]Motul Pitwork Fairlady Z is the endurace champ, and the [R]Impreza Rally Car '04 is my rally champ. I like to see trophies around those cars while I view my precious little garage in GT5. (:
George Morley
General Car information from GT3.

Amen to that!

I remember back in GT3 where they used to show all the information for every seperate model car scrolling alongside of the bottom of the screen.
This helped me alot when it came to automotive knowledge and gave me a lot of insight into various cars from a decent number of manfacturers.
That leads then to you enjoying cars much more, which has always been a goal for Polyphony.

Also, I hate the error in GT4 where you have KW as your power measurement and when you go to your garage and sort by power, info etc. It's still gives you the HP instead!!!
GT Pro

Also, I hate the error in GT4 where you have KW as your power measurement and when you go to your garage and sort by power, info etc. It's still gives you the HP instead!!!

👍 I now use PS for my horsepower figures, as it eliminates those errors....:grumpy:
the old car backstories form GT2. I loved those things! read 'em for almost every car!
I think i would like to know the engine names. because there are a lot of cars that carry the same motor. sorry if someone already wrote this, i am at work and a little in a hurry so i didn't read much of the above.
I think i would like to know the engine names. because there are a lot of cars that carry the same motor. sorry if someone already wrote this, i am at work and a little in a hurry so i didn't read much of the above.
thats a great idea:tup:
This would be too much for GT5, though it'd be cool. In addition to the GT2-like backstories of each car, and the specs of those cars, some cars should have videos of them being testing by PD. (Top Speed, 0-60, etc.)
I think everyone has great ideas so far. I would like to see the info in a more presentable way. For example, instead of scrolling just have a static pop up so that you can read an entire page at a time instead of just a few words.

I would also like to see track info and histories in addition to car histories. For example history on Monoco and Laguna.
I'd like to be able to save settings with an actual name, rather than just "Setup A", "Setup B", and "Setup C". Sometimes I forget which setting is which, and it would be nice to know quickly which setting is for Opera Paris, and which for Le Mans, instead of having to peek at several characteristics to figure it out.

Also, before each race, I want to see the competition's power and weight. They did it in arcade mode, so why not simulation mode as well?? :confused: A preview of A-Spec points would also be nice.
Being able to see how much horsepower your opponents have before you enter a race. Otherwise sometimes you find you have to spend a great deal tuning your car, which you have just bought for a certain championship hoping it will be fast enough as it is, and end up getting smoked off the line :grumpy: I don't mind having to tune but i'd like to now how powerful my opponents are so i can upgrade accordingly, I prefer closer racing :sly:
Acura Dealership - Acura NSX - 281 BHP

Home - Acura NSX - 289 BHP

Tell us what the Bhp is properly, not give us one to choose from!
I love to see the info from Gt2 return also. I enjoyed learning about the different cars in the game.:)
I'd like to be able to save settings with an actual name, rather than just "Setup A", "Setup B", and "Setup C". Sometimes I forget which setting is which, and it would be nice to know quickly which setting is for Opera Paris, and which for Le Mans, instead of having to peek at several characteristics to figure it out.

Amen to that one and the BHP differences (heck I notice 3 different BHPs for cars...Car profile/Dealership, Garage Car List and Settings...half the time they're different)

Maybe a little introduction to the tracks when entering Championship races (like those of Formula 1 04/05 games), preferably voiced instead of having to read.

A career total of championship *points*, not wins/trohpies, but points (note I don't mean A-Spec/B-Spec points either).

Bullet point hints for driving licenses.

A cars highest top speed recorded in it's profile.
i want dyno tuning so u can see where the power comes in and when the torque is the strongest and u can be able to remap the ECU. Also it would be cool if you can adjust the boost levels of turbo cars. haha it would be better if they would describe what race your getting yourself into half the time i end up entering my nicely tuned 250-300hp car into some crazy race where im versing prototype cars.
Yep, I want to SEE the figures, and I mean the real ones. When I bought my PlayStation Pescarolo C60, it stated something like 500HP. However, in my garage it said ~800HP, same in the replays...

And being able to see that car history would be nice - as well as the price changing with each victory. I mean, a car full with trophys should be more worth than the same car without victories... It'd work well with a 3D garage, seeing the car with all the trophies it won around it. I'd also love being able to get general information about that car model (some details, as an example, about the SL300 Gullwing would be nice)
When you buy a car it's not run in, when you run it in the power goes up. There's three different power readouts in GT4, one that is the cars current bhp like in your garage, one where the bhp is actually PS even though it says bhp and the one as a replay start thats the cars maximum possible bhp with the current parts installed, so if you need an oil change, that will show it as higher than in your garage.
Wawawawait. Slower... I'm not that smart.
One is the current BHP, isn't that the one when highlighting a car in your garage? (and the one before replays? the replay number is always somewhat lower than the one in the tuning and garage number)
And what is running the car in?
Yeah, in your garage you see what your cars actual max bhp is, in it's current state of tune and with the oil and engine wear as it is. That's the power that car produces.

In the replay screen when you see the cars power at the start, thats actually how much bhp your car would have with full wear and the dirtiest oil, I got it the wrong way round before.

And in some other places the bhp figure is actually measured in PS even though it says bhp.
I miss and would like back, the car information that used to scroll along the bottom in GT3. I liked having the information.
i would like to see some information on what fuel the car takes because the bmw 120d the only way u knew it was a diesel was if u already knew that the 'd' at the end of the name ment it was a diesel, and in gt5, so many cars are diesel these days, they would have to try pretty hard to miss out any diesels.
I know this has been said before, but bringing back the cars' backrounds in the GT2's format would be awesome. I would like the same type of info on real-world tracks as well as the people that raced and designed the cars.
i would like to see full stats of cars and tracks stored for reference. And i mean full stats. Similar to PGR3 and the diversity thats in the PSP Home Brew game "Squares". I want EVERYTHING logged. Its great to see how many hours you've actaully driven in total wiht every car. How many hours on a certain track you've driven with every car. How many hours driven on a track with each car. How many kilometers the same. Total average speeds. max speeds. Again all with a full tally plus a per track or per car tally. how many clea sections and clean laps. How many wins/2nd/3rds/top 10. How many laps of each track you've done, hwo any with each car. The list goes on (this is just off the top of my head).

i dont know about you guys but i love these sorts of stats.

Oh and i nearly forgot. A skill rating based on one thing i have NEVER seen... skill versus time played. Sure anyone will be good if they've played for 4 years solid while there mothers dress them for skewl and whipe there bottoms when they get back! But some of us have to do it our selves (and work to boot!) and there for simply cant devote as many hours to playing like some and i feel this is a very valid factor to take into any kind of ranking.

Like Hoffy, I want as much stat tracking as possible. In fact, in Career Mode I'd like full stat tracking on the bots as well.

One thing about info on the cars and tracks in-game is that it really wouldn't have to be in-game, since the PS3 is an online game system. GT5 could load some bookmarks into its net browser, pointing you to some excellent pre-existing sources for the cars and tracks which you could explore to your heart's content. It wouldn't be that much trouble for Polyphony to cull together a lot of that info for us, but with it already out there and all over the net, it really wouldn't be that big a deal if PD left a bunch of it off.

Just googling for "Laguna Seca," "Nissan 350Z" or "ALMS" will give you enough info to spend a whole day with.
To go back to the different levels of power shown in GT4, I now use PS units exclusively, as this cuts down the variety dramatically. Suddenly you have one figure in the garage, tuning area, stats, and the graph thingy, plus the weird figure they show at the start of the race.