What is "Civilization?"

  • Thread starter milefile
i believe civil just refers to a city. the words "act civilized" are there for missused often. I dont think civil refers at all to acting proper.
a group of individuals who have come together in support of eachother to maintain a local society. Having some type of political stucture is necessery too. JMO:tup:
Originally posted by milefile
What are it's characteristics? Can you name a few? What is not civilization?
It's a video game.
You must have majored in Philosophy. :lol:

Also, your new avatar confuses me. But, June Cleaver sure looks cute in that picture.:lol: :lol:
Civilization is what happens when people deal with each other in ways other than initiating or threatening to initiate violence. Initiating violence is barbaric. Note my emphasis on the word initiate. Responding forcefully to violence initiated by others is still civilized.
What about when a three year-old punches a 25 year-old and then the 25 year-old throw the child out a window?

Is that still civilized?
Thanks for oversimplifying, but I didn't say that any forceful response to any initiated violence was justified.
Having a local Best Buy is the obvious answer. And a judge that doesn't give throw you in a hoosegow for spitting in public. :D

Seriously, I suppose hallmarks like a fair legal system, a military, a system of commerce and trade, a governing body, a place where citizens are proud of their land and resources, communication is exchanged freely, would be parts of civilization.
Me? Oh.. yes. Right.

Well. Infrastructure. There must be infrastructure also known as services like water, trash removal, vermin control, roads, mail, etc. Codified laws and the means to enforce them. A belief system, a communicated, shared belief system (also known as culture). Written language. Not necessarily an alphabetical one like ours, but even a symbolic one like ancient Egypt or pre-conquest Meso America. History. A civilization must have a history to justify itself with. Trade. People specialize and produce or provide one thing and trade it for other things they need. This allows expertise to develop allowing people to become excellent at one thing rather than spending all their time merely subsisting.

There's more, I'm sure.

Civilizations end. As ours will eventually. The trick to sustaining one, however, is to convince the population that this will never happen. But Mr. Average Roman and/or Mrs. Average Aztec also believed their world would go on forever, too.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Makes sence,....

Ironic how Christianity had a direct impact on the collapse of both of your examples,... isn't it. ;)

Christianity is the single most destructive force, attributable to humanity, ever. But who knows? Isalm may surpass it someday.
I wouldn't limit that to Christianity. I'd say religion in general. People have been killing each other over who has the best imaginary friend for as long as human records have been kept.
Originally posted by neon_duke
I wouldn't limit that to Christianity. I'd say religion in general. People have been killing each other over who has the best imaginary friend for as long as human records have been kept.

But don't you think that Christianity has taken it to an extreme that no other has... so far anyway? I just think of the Aztecs, the Incas, and the Carribean Islanders (can't remember what they were called)... not to mention all of Africa (even though Islam is taking the torch in many areas now). And all this after the crusades and the Inquisition. Of course they failed miserably in Asia.

In fact, I guess one aspect of Civilization nobody has named yet would be conquest. Judgement aside, they've all done it. A civilization can't grow without something to eat, right?