What is my job?

  • Thread starter Der Alta

Der Alta

Official GTP Bouncer
Staff Emeritus
In the last 6 months, my life has been (understatement) tumultuous. Last night I got some really good news. It came out of left field, and was entirely unexpected. Now I'm stuck evaluating what I'm supposed to do. So I'm turning to the opinions forum, as this is usually where I can expect the best evaluation of a thought or position.

The topic I need to discuss is simple and phrased in a question. I'm not looking for an exact definition, but more of a broad, or vague, answer and evaluation.

"What purposed does a Vice President serve?"

Now, I'm talking Vice President of General Motors, VP of the United States, VP of Public affairs of National Community Reinvestment Coalition, VP of a small 15 person firm, VP of a 1,500 person firm.

In vagaries, or in detail, what does a Vice President do?

Are they there simply if the person above them drops dead? Do they spend their time on the road talking up the principles and theories of the person above them? What purpose do they have?

I ask this, because I've been told that I'm being voted in as the Vice President of All Cape Parrot Rescue at the next board meeting. Which honestly scares the hell out of me. This means a life changing purpose is being handed to me. No longer am I just a working guy trying to get through life. I now have a purpose. Something beyond me, that I will get no financial benefit from. Something that deserves and warrants my constant attention, that will grow from an idea and a dream to whatever I can make it into.

But what purpose is that? What am I to do? What purpose does a Vice President serve?

Is it this: The Vice President shall be responsible for the chapter’s functions, programs, and to keep the chapter calendar. He is the Chairman of the Programs Cabinet which may include the Events Chairman, the Community Service Learning Chairman, and the Intramural Director. He shall assume all duties in the absence of, or the disability of, the President.?

Or is it a vague description that covers a vast area of duties?

That's what I'm asking. When asked this question: "What purposed does a Vice President serve?" what are your thoughts?


the beauty is you get to define your responsibilitys ( out side of the givens ) and tailor the job to your stregnths...after all you ARE the Vice President .
I think your first step ought to be ask for a parking space with your name on it. :sly:

I think in general, I could say that while the President determines the direction/goals of the comapny/group/country, the Vice Presidnet's job is to support these goals by delegating the tasks needed to make them a reality. Kinda vauge, but its a pretty broad question.
I think it's the scariest thought ever- Der Alta with a purpose. :lol: jk. Just don't ask the company "Hey guy's, let's play guess what I'm drinking tonight!"
The Vice-President is a lot like a high school Vice-principal.
That person is the ****-filter for the Top Dog.
Usually the one the hires/fires. Deals with problems. Gets little recognition (Dick Cheney, who?)
Does that help?
The Vice-President is a lot like a high school Vice-principal.
That person is the ****-filter for the Top Dog.
Usually the one the hires/fires. Deals with problems. Gets little recognition (Dick Cheney, who?)
Does that help?
Ain't that the truth! :lol:
The Vice-President is a lot like a high school Vice-principal.
That person is the ****-filter for the Top Dog.
Usually the one the hires/fires. Deals with problems. Gets little recognition (Dick Cheney, who?)
Does that help?
That's kinda what I figured. I'm there to quell the noise and get the important stuff onto his desk. Deal with the volunteers and employees. Make "it" happen and let him take the credit.

Basically, it's my job to make him look good?

It's a random line of thought, but I've been rolling it around in my mind trying to figure out what to work out.

I appreciate any and all input.

^Yeah. I would also say that this sums it up well.

Originally Posted by Gil

The Vice-President is a lot like a high school Vice-principal.
That person is the ****-filter for the Top Dog.
Usually the one the hires/fires. Deals with problems. Gets little recognition (Dick Cheney, who?)
Does that help?
Der Alta
That's kinda what I figured. I'm there to quell the noise and get the important stuff onto his desk. Deal with the volunteers and employees. Make "it" happen and let him take the credit.

Basically, it's my job to make him look good?

It's a random line of thought, but I've been rolling it around in my mind trying to figure out what to work out.

I appreciate any and all input.


Perhaps you should start vieing for a higher position? Where are you right now? If they recommended you for VP, chances are they'd recommend you or President (which by the sounds of it is much easier). I guess it all comes down to this: which do you get more satisfaction out of, and which pays you more for what you do? It's all up to you big guy, just take whatever you're more comfortable with, but don't be stupid to pass up any good opportunities or experiences.
Perhaps you should start vieing for a higher position? Where are you right now? If they recommended you for VP, chances are they'd recommend you or President (which by the sounds of it is much easier). I guess it all comes down to this: which do you get more satisfaction out of, and which pays you more for what you do? It's all up to you big guy, just take whatever you're more comfortable with, but don't be stupid to pass up any good opportunities or experiences.
hehe, the President is the one who asked me to step up. I can't exactly ask him for his job ;)

And it's a non-profit organization that's a little more than 2 years old. Hence, it's not a paying position. I've pretty much decided that I will take it, and will do whatever is asked of me. I'm just wondering what others thoughts are on a Vice Presidents position and duties.


Well, i'd say, from looking at what the VP of US does, a VP is almost like a PR guy. Goes around telling people about his organization, and what they/he represents. Keeping the top dog free to do his business.

But in a business type situation, i'd say you would be the guy who does the dirty work. Like they said above, filtering the s**t and firing people. And maybe doing PR stuff too.
Ah, I'm a little late, but here my .02, DA.

In my experience, the VP's job description varies from org to org. It's hard to say without really understanding how the org/company functions and how decisions which come down from the Pres/CEO/chair etc. are actually executed.

That said, I think there are some common definitions for the post. I'd say the first is redundancy of knowledge in case the Pres/CEO/chair retires, quits, goes on vacation or gets hit by a bus. The whole idea is to provide leadership continuity.

The second, similar to the first, is to ensure that he can proxy decisionmaking in the Pres' place for day to day or operational matters in order to take the workload off the Pres so he can concentrate on other matters. In a way, the VP becomes almost like a President Bot, that acts like the CEO and makes the choices the CEO would. Obviously, there can only be one CEO, but having a duplicate of him/her would be nice.

I have worked in/consulted in/seen places, usually smaller companies where the VP is simply a partner with a smaller stake in the business. In these cases the Pres/VP have their own personal arrangement entirely decided on by personal choice, skillsets, legacy and random opportunity.

I've seen companies with 25 people and half of them were VPs. Seriously. I have also observed VP positions that were largely 'ceremonial' and don't have any real bearing on what this person does all day. So it really depends..

Congrats on, btw. :) By this time next year, I expect to be a VP myself.

Mike, that's an interesting layout on it.

And that's pretty much my job. I was voted in by the board of Directors on Thursday night after the Memorial Service, and was handed a load of stuff to work on. Mainly getting Macawbo-Wabo up and running. Nothing like a night job being incharge of designing, building, funding, managing and controlling a 75,000 sf sanctuary. :embarrassed:

The basic job duties layout as such. The President manages and runs the day to day operation. Managing volunteers, keeping up with the birds, smiling for the camera and basically assuring that everything runs as it should every day. I'm in charge of developing funding, developing business plans, building the sanctuary, securing funding, building alliances, managing the upcoming years, marketing, websites and communication. In other words, everything else not related to the current residents care.

Nothing like adding a little more stress to my life. But at least this stress has benefits I can see and hold with my own two hands.

Thanks guys for all the input.

So now after updating my web page, the Sanctuaries web page, adding 4 more pages to the business plan, firing off 4 e-mails to potential investors, constructing 3 CGI models of a green house and feeding my own 12 birds, getting the wife breakfast, and lunch, and getting myself ready for the day, I'm plugging into GT4 for a few hours.



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