What is the best metal gear solid game for ps2?

  • Thread starter gt4supra
Metal Gear Solid 3 is chronologically earliest.

Both games are integral to the overall story, as is MGS1 and the Metal Gear series.
Best story would probably go to 3, imo (it has the best ending of any game I've ever finished). I haven't played 2 in a while, but Raiden left a bad aftertaste. The graphics are a little better in 3, but not by much; MGS2 was far ahead of its time. Smart decision with the Essentials pack though; all three games for a great price. Too bad the MGS3 Subsistence in that pack is missing the second disc, there are so many extra features on it. Just be sure to play them in order of release your first time through or the somewhat dated gameplay of MGS1 might be a turn-off.
definetly three/Snake Eater. the cool James Bond tribute music is also a nice touch. I just picked up the Essential collection, and am finally getting somewhere in 2 (it has the substance/Subsistance versions of 2 and three in it). I wanted to play the original, but I can't get out of the first area.
I don't see how people think Raiden is a turn-off. He is a representation of the player.
I don't see how people think Raiden is a turn-off. He is a representation of the player.

How is he a representation of the player? I just didn't like his kinda-girly character, not to mention Rose got annoying (I'm not one to skip codec conversations or cutscenes in these games).
ROAD_DOGG: there's allready an update, and it's old. MGS2 was redone into a "substance" version, which I have in my Essential collection. I breifly had the original MGS2, and noticed that the graphics were WAY cleaned up. mabey Konami got smart when they retooled it.

Cyborg: 'course Rose got annoying. she's mother hen-ing him. throw in that Raiden is an espionage tinhorn who's on his first live action mission...

raiden got flack for being a girly man. throw in Kojima's witty bits that make fun of Raiden's rep (where do you think Raidenovich came from in MGS3!)...
How is he a representation of the player? I just didn't like his kinda-girly character, not to mention Rose got annoying (I'm not one to skip codec conversations or cutscenes in these games).

If you can't see how then maybe that's why you don't like Raiden so much.
ROAD_DOGG: there's allready an update, and it's old. MGS2 was redone into a "substance" version, which I have in my Essential collection. I breifly had the original MGS2, and noticed that the graphics were WAY cleaned up. mabey Konami got smart when they retooled it.

Yes, but the game was changed due to 9/11. I think the majority of the game was supposed to be on the ship.
EVERYTHING was changed because of 911. suprised they haven't banned Gojira from US shores, or games LIKE MGS completely. the politically correct and non threatening movement is getting annoying.

is raiden a poke at the typical "nerd-boy" that they think plays these kinds of games? cause the nerd boys I know aint long haired beanpoles, they're 300 lb fatsos.
Well then would you mind explaining it?

Sure, but be warned that I will disclose major spoilers (including from MGS4) in doing so.

Remember when you input your data into the computer terminal during MGS2, and at the end of the game Raiden pulls out his dogtags with all that info (your info) on it? There's good reason for that. Like I said, Raiden represents you, the player. Or at least he does up to a point.

Raiden was "bishounen" to appeal to both sexes. He's also a child-soldier, trained by Solidus in previous wars. Translated, that is the equivalent of us (most of us) being child-gamers and having experience with Metal Gear, MGS, and video games in general.

When you first use Raiden, he tries to be Snake, just as you have played Snake's role all along. When it comes down to it, however, he just isn't Snake. Like you, he will never be Snake. That's why everything he does while assuming this role is either a failure or is done in vain. I see Raiden's tortured nude scene as a representation of the vulnerability and the stripping-down (sorry for the pun) of this charade of "being Snake."

Raiden finally finds his identity after taking Olga's sword and learning that he is being manipulated by the Patriots. At this point, Raiden and Kojima leave us in the dust. Raiden now knows more than we do; he ascends beyond the player and our wanting to play Snake's role.

When we are playing MGS4 as Snake, Snake has some very close calls and near death experiences. As players, we fear for the worst, and anxiously hope for relief. We think: "how can Snake die? There must be something I can do!" And then Raiden comes to the rescue. Raiden represents us and what we would do. This time, however, he really represents the player, and not the player as Snake. As MGS4 goes on and Solid Snake gets older and more vulnerable, we begin to fall out of his identity and his role. At the end, you are immersed in the story from your own perspective instead of Snake's. Raiden is the key for us to be us and not merely a character, and so we evolve just as Raiden evolved.

When the patriots and their actions are revealed, it makes us question what and who is really right or wrong and good or evil. It makes us too feel used by the Patriots for playing Snake's role when Snake has been used by them all along. In the end, everyone either dies or is set free from the events. It is thanks to Raiden's brilliant character design that we too can have closure and be free from this story and our attachments. Just like Raiden took off and returned to peace, we can explore other games and stories (and ourselves as individuals), and have our own peace with ourselves and with the Metal Gear series.