What is the best Nissan GT-R to buy?

I am looking for a Nissan GT-R to buy but there are 4 different ones to choose from

GT-R PROTO '05 @ 430,000 (No Statistics Availible)
GT-R 07' @ $77,700 (473 HP)
GT-R Black Mask @ $250,000 (No Statistics Availible)
GT-R SpecV 09' @ $157.500 (478 HP)

I usually pick the one thats more expensive. But these are so similar. It seems as though the SpecV would be the faster one but the black mask is more expensive. Am I paying almost $100,000 for a leather cover? If anyone has any suggestions let me know. Maybe post the stats of the GT-R you modified. Thanks!
The GTR-'07 is the best looking imo, and there's a trophy associated with the car so it's worth buying one to practice with :D
The GTR-'07 is the best looking imo, and there's a trophy associated with the car so it's worth buying one to practice with :D

Spec V, because I think (I don't have the trophy yet myself) that you have to run the lap of Nürnburgring in acade-mode to get the trophy - where you can choose to drive the normal 07' GT-R without buying it :)
07 GT-R is the best value for money and also allows you to get the GT-R Nurburgring trophy. But the Spec V comes in a better white. :D
I've owned both the GT-R '07 and the GT-R Black Mask. The Black Mask is a waste of money unless you like black car covers. :lol: It drives the same as the regular GT-R '07.