what is the car"dc2" for initial d v.2?

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is the car a skyline or intergra? i forgot......i need to know the car for initial d v.2.........thx for answering if u answered god bless u


  • homer_small145.jpg
    5.9 KB · Views: 63
i think its an integra type R?
but the "dc2" refers to integra that im sure


  • homer23.jpg
    4.3 KB · Views: 60
pretty sure, i remember playing midnitechallenge, and it was called teh DC2 Type R


  • homer24.jpg
    4.6 KB · Views: 57
i dont know i never played it, but i cant wait for GT4 to come out...
but thats like next year...


  • homer2.jpg
    4.1 KB · Views: 51
Ai yi yi.

nicholaslienjkl - I've already told you this before... Please, please, please post relevant topics in their appropriate forums! It's bad enough that a drifting thread is in a sub-forum primarily geared towards politics/religion/morals, but this isn't even asking someone's opinion. This is at least the second thread of yours that I've personally seen that was in the wrong forum, and is only one of many threads I've seen of yours that are, well, pointless and/or irrelevant. I know I'm not the first mod to have tried to point you in the right direction, so please heed our advice. Believe it or not, this stuff is against forum rules, and are grounds for banning.

From the Terms of Service:
Half decent grammar is expected. Use of capital letters starting sentences is looked upon favorably. Spelling half decently is also encouraged.

From the Acceptable Use Policy:
You will not post messages that are clearly outside of the stated topic of any Forums nor disrupt a forum by deliberately posting repeated irrelevant messages or copies of identical messages (also known as "flooding"). Downright stupid and blatantly wasteful comments and posts, as judged by our moderators, will be removed.

I'd also appreciate it if you stopped uploading those Homer Simpson attachments, since they really have no relevance to what your posts are about (and bandwidth isn't cheap).
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