What Is The OLDEST Piece of Working Electronic Equipment . . .

. . . that you have . . . and do you still use it.

I just realised I have an AKAI cross-field tape deck, with IPLS (instant program location search) that is more than than 20 years old - and I still use it.

I have also realised that the ancient keyboard I am using right now does not allow me apostrophes, exclaimation and question marks.

How about you (think question mark here). Anything old that you still use or is actually functioning.. . .
Well, my mum has a TV her dad gave her when she went to uni, 29 years ago. It's black and white, only 5 channels, but she loves it, and when the digital switchover happens later this year she's sadly gonna have to chuck it out.
It would have to be a GE surge protector. I'd say it's around 24 years old(The surge protector came with the house so I don't know the actual exact age). If I remember correctly the model was made during 1987-1988 from what I read a year ago. The usefulness is limited by the six power outlets on the device but it's something I can work around.
I work from home 3 days a week and use this Zenith C730 tube radio in my home office. It's about 50 years old. I bought it for $10 at a flea market and spent $30 on new tubes. It picks up a few local stations very well.


As for electronics that I personally bought new, I have a Kenwood KR-V6070 receiver that I purchased in High School around 1996 that still powers my primary TV speakers.

nick09 - a surge protector that is still current. Shocking. A photo would be awesome.

mattythe dog - I do not think you should disconnect that black and white TV. A splitter may help keep it also connected. Then she would still have the nostalgia she needs to balance her perceptions of reality, unless there is no way to convert the signal for her TV.

I am now discovering more older, working stuff around my home. Pics and descriptions soon.

chuyler1 - you immediately brought to my memory the giant Telefunken we had at home when I was a kid. Some of those older radios have the most awesome sound.
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My audio system is a old sony it's a 5.1 surround etc.. but it has what 20 years now I think ^^ Still love the sound :D
Some of those older radios have the most awesome sound.
This one doesn't exactly have awesome sound. It sounds well at low "background" volume and when it grabs a station there is virtually no static. However it is only mono and grabbing a station can take a little finagling...and once you find it, don't touch anything!
I was gonna say my Magnavox Odyssey 2, but I realized it's my Lloyd's stereo receiver with built in 8 track. Both get used, but the stereo a lot more.
Well, my mum has a TV her dad gave her when she went to uni, 29 years ago. It's black and white, only 5 channels, but she loves it, and when the digital switchover happens later this year she's sadly gonna have to chuck it out.

Why can't you just get a digibox?
nick09 - a surge protector that is still current. Shocking. A photo would be awesome.

Yep, it's the GE EPC-6S. These were actually recalled in 1988. Though I don't see the problem that was reported for the surge protector. Never had any problems with it. Here's the image as requested:


The whole thing is cluttered with wires and that HDMI Switcher is plugged directly into the free outlet where the Surge Protector is plugged into!:lol:
I've only got a few things from about the mid-late 90s or so (Panasonic portable CD player and a Panasonic DVD player that was given to me from my parents; interestingly that purchase won them a trip to the 2000 Sydney Olympics) but I don't use them at all. Pretty much the oldest bit of kit I do use frequently is my 60GB PS3.
Quite possibly my Sega Master System. I still own it and it still works to this day.
When we moved into our house we got mostly new electronic items so the oldest thing we have here is a HD DVD player! :lol:
I think it's my freezer, and microwave, both about 8 years old, bought when I moved out of my parents house.
*sigh* Let's see.

Well I've got an old computer still in working condition, from 1996, AMD K6 @ 400MHz and 100MB of RAM, 5GB HDD and Win ME.

That's all I can think of at the moment, I'll have a hunt around the house, see if I can find something else.
I have a Nikon F3 that's probably pushing 30 by now. I have older cameras (one of which is 58 years old), but they don't have any electronics in them.
I totally forgot that. I has an old SLR camera laying around somewhere. I must figure out how old it is.
For me personally, it's a Panasonic RS-813S, circa mid- '70s... the track selector is broken so it's stuck on program four though. I really need to see if that can be fixed!

The oldest thing that I kept hold of is my old mid '90s Commodore Amiga 1200. Still in perfect working order but sadly kept in a box inside a dark hardly ever opened cupboard :(
Who knows what sits in my old bedroom back at my mom's house back in Ohio...probably find all sorts of 90's goodies such as boom boxes and the Sega Game Gear.

Here in my most recent apartment? Nothing really that old. It'd probably have to be my release day Dreamcast. Assuming it still works.
I totally forgot that. I has an old SLR camera laying around somewhere. I must figure out how old it is.

Not necessarily electronic then, depending on the age :P

Speaking of old cameras, my old Minolta X-700 ( 80's ) and Petri FT 1000 ( 70's ) are worth a mention as well I guess.
Not necessarily electronic then, depending on the age :P

Speaking of old cameras, my old Minolta X-700 ( 80's ) and Petri FT 1000 ( 70's ) are worth a mention as well I guess.

It has a small battery inside!


A RevueFlex 1000S. Early 70's.
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My grandfather bought himself and us a big screen TV back in the 80s. I think it's a 52 inch and ours was a 46. Ours stopped working because I put 2 huge speakers beside it and the magnets bent the mesh inside of it, which knocked the colors off really bad. They are the kind that has the plastic screen with the grooves in it. He though still uses his everyday.
My main speakers are JBL L-100s, mid to late '70s. I also have a late '70s Thorens turntable. I have a working Commodore 64 with the floppy drive, but it's not exactly in daily use. I have my dad's Bell and Howell 8mm movie camera that would work if I could get film for it (but why bother? No sound, and a roll of film only lasts about 10 minutes, if I remember correctly.) I long ago found a substitute battery to replace the mercury cell it used for the metering system (making it electronic.)

I also have my dad's 1986 Ford LTD Crown Victoria, which counts for electronics because it runs (EFI,) blows cold air, has working cruise control and climate control, and remote keyless entry. (That car clicker thing was unheard of in the 80s. This was an uptown happening thing, you guys!)

I have a working laserdisc player, with AC-3 sound (now called Dolby Digital) that even plays both sides of the disc automatically. It's a little less exciting to view nowadays, though, since its best video out was S-video, and that doesn't exist on modern stuff so all I can connect it with is composite, the ol' yellow RCA video cord.

Not electronic, but electric: I have an American Flyer train set from 1956 that runs.
HACKr - Would be interesting to see a mfg date on that unit. You probably have some cartridges, too. Funny, but lots of people still have an 8-Track; even AMCNUT has confessed. We just can’t give them up.

tfed - yes, maybe, but that’s another subject altogether. TBH - I prefer analog sometimes - especially when playing playing 19th Century music played on 19th Century musical instruments, that’s been recorded analog.

grrlpurple - Cruel. Being kept in the dark, and when you’re in good working order, too, isn’t very nice. Actually - that might be worth something - retro-collectors are always on the lookout for stuff like that. Same goes for you, Xenn, unless you want to hang on to your Sega. I still have my NES decks, and all associated paraphenelia. (No, that’s not Latin!)

bevo - pics of those TVs, if possible. 1 pic = 1000 words.

tlowr - you know some of those older things need love therapy now and then. Find them!

Murcie_LP640, Moglet, Disinfected, Dennisch - thanks for your contributions. I’m glad you didn’t see this as another schoolboy pissing contest; the purpose was, again, to make us think - what do I have, and what do I use, and why. Younger folk living alone, or independent would usually have newer stuff, though sometimes they would have stuff that’s older than them! Not unusual. Take Cody’s headphones, for instance. They look so comfortable that anyone trying to take those away from him would probably get a good earful. We tend to get attached to stuff. And it gets old. And new stuff comes along, all gung-ho, and look-at-me-I’m-trendy, etc, but we would still go with what works, what we trust, and it’s okay, thanks. But, this is not to say you are not dependent in some way on electrical items that are old. Maybe that new fridge is plugged into a 50-year-old socket (though there may be resistance to considering a plug-point a ’working’ piece of electronics). And older homes can have electrical metering systems that go back many decades. These things are not perishables. They just go on and on and on . . . and quite often even modern technology doesn’t make them obsolete - they still do the job. But, also, interestingly enough, I’ve come scross people (though mostly younger folk) who wouldn’t touch anything that’s over 10 years old!

F1GTR - now that you brought cameras into the pic - here are my twin, trusty, Canon AE -1s - both from the 80’s - and still working fine. Great for Cibachrome slides.


wfooshee - Oh! yes, by all means, bring the electric items here, too - I’m looking forward to seeing a Les Paul from the 40’s!
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Still have two working Atari 2600s, one from 1980 and the other from 1984. That's about the only known old working things in my house that I know of. I do have a bunch of Sony products in daily use (a clock-radio, MDR headphones, and a PSX that are all over 15 years old).

My Canon AE-1 was from 1983. I'd have to buy a battery for it to see if it still works.
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I have an Old Nintendo Super Entertainment System, a PSOne, a old Veridata laptop that is in pieces at the monment(it doesnt work).

Yep, it's the GE EPC-6S. These were actually recalled in 1988. Though I don't see the problem that was reported for the surge protector. Never had any problems with it. Here's the image as requested:


The whole thing is cluttered with wires and that HDMI Switcher is plugged directly into the free outlet where the Surge Protector is plugged into!:lol:

Overload ALERT!

When we moved into our house we got mostly new electronic items so the oldest thing we have here is a HD DVD player! :lol:

And it has another title, Most useless thing.
And it has another title, Most useless thing.

Not quite, I've got quite a few HD DVD titles since they were all sold off for next to nothing when it was announced that they were stopping production! The entire Planet Earth collection cost me £3 👍