i was thinking about this the other day for some reason. I was thinking about the fact that our american dollars are only backed by trust. something about that doesnt really sound right to me. It used to be backed by gold and at one point silver. and i know that now they have more money than they can back by gold so its backed by the american "trust". what does that mean really. all that says to me is that the money we have is worth no more than the paper its printed on. how can you back something by trust? trust of what? and if thats so then whats to stop them from just printing up a billion dollars, and calling it a billion dollars. to do that they have to go through a process with the UN and what not, but baisically they CAN do that. i understand fully how this works but something about it just doesnt click right in my mind. Back in the days when they had nothing but the bartering system, people would trade one thing for another because they believed that what they were recieving was either equall to or worth more than what they were trading for it. but money is just paper. backed by the trust that as long as the american govt. is in tact, its still good. what the hell?