What is your custom controller layout?

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The default button mapping is outdated, what have you guys done to change it? I used to use R2/L2 for gas/breaking but I have recently switched to dual stick and feel it offers better control. Anyone else use R2/L2 for looking right and left? I think it's awesome in cockpit view because you don't just look as far left or right as possible, you control how much you look so it's like you are barely turning your head.
When I used the DS3:

L2: brakes
R2: accelerator
L1: look back (GT tradition)
R1: high and low beam
Triangle: reverse (Again, GT tradition)
Square: flashing
X: E-brake
Circle: horn
L3: RA function menu
R3: ghost
D-pad: RA function scroll and adjust
Right stick: gear up (down) gear down (up), like a sequential shift lever, look side-to-side
Select: change view

EDIT: This is the layout I used for GT5, I use a wheel now for GT6.
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I use the DS3, off the top of my head.

L1: Reverse.
L2: Brake.
L3: Flash lights.
R1: Look behind.
R2: Accelerate.
D-pad UP: Nitrous.
D-pad DOWN: Horn :D.
X: Handbrake.
Triangle: Change view.
Square: Gear down.
Circle: Gear up.

And yep.
My Layout:
L2: brakes
R2: accelerator
L1: Flashing high and low beam (In case you need to overtake someone)
R1: reverse (When you reverse, you don't need to accelerate)
Triangle: look back (when you need to look back, you don't need to shift)
Square: shift up
X: shift down
Circle: E-brake
L3: horn
R3: nitros
D-pad: RA function menu scroll and adjust
Left stick: steering (no setting on up and down)
Right stick: look side-to-side left to right (no setting on up and down)
Select: change view
Start: Pause menu
When i use DS3 for GT5:

< = left
> = right

In redundance:
Left stick also for steering

X = accelerator
Square = brake

In redundance:
Right stick for thr pedals, as follows:
< = brake
Up = accelerator
> = accelerator
Down = accelerator

L1 = shift down
R1 = shift up

L2 = ghost on/off
R2 = rear view

O = handbrake
Triangle = reverse

Select = change view

L3 = nothing
R2 = nothing

Probably need to update for GT6
R2: Accelerate
L2: Brake
R1: Lights
L1: Look behind
Left stick: Steering
L3: Show/hide ghost
Right stick left/right: Look sideways
Right stick down: Handbrake
D-pad: RA adjustments
X: Gear up
Square: Gear down
O: RA menu
Triangle: Reverse
Triangle: Reverse
Square: Change up
X: Change Down
Circle: Hand brake
L1: Rear View
L2: Brake
R2: Accelerator
L3: Horn
Right Analog: Steering
Left Analog: Blank
D-pad up: Ghost
Select: change view

Should put in the RA menu stuff somewhere I guess, mainly its irritating that they have X and Circle as stop and go, instead of L2 and R2 like it should be - and how everyone ends up doing it.
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Should but in the RA menu stuff somewhere I guess, mainly its irritating that they have X and Circle as stop and go, instead of L2 and R2 light it should be - and how everyone ends up doing it.
There arent really enough buttons on the DS3 to map the RA functions as well as lights flash, lights toggle high/low beam, horn and NOS. Especially given not all functions are allowed to be mapped to all buttons.
I am on DS3 while I wait for my new wheel stand to arrive for my G25. I have it set up as I did in GT5 which is as follows:

R-STICK Accelerate and Brake
L-STICK Steering
L1 Rear View
L2 Look Left
L3 Horn
R1 Handbrake
R2 Look Right
R3 Windscreen Wipers
X / CROSS Nitrous
SQUARE Nothing
D-PAD UP Lights Flash / High-Low Beam
L2: Brake
L1: (window) wipers
R2: Accerlation/Reverse (change gear to R for reversing)*
R1: Headlight toggle/flash
X: Rear view
O: Handbrake
[]: Horn
/\: Nitro
L3: Ghost toggle
Left stick: Steering
R3: Change view
Right stick up: Gear up
Right stick down: Gear down
Right stick left/right: Left/Right view
Select: Open RA menu
Pad: Adjust RA

*with automatic gear, 'gear down' works as a reverse. I use manual.
Mine is fairly close to the original schema with a few modifications.

X: Accelerate
Square: Brakes
Triangle: Reverse
Circle: E-Brake
D-Pad (L/R): Steering
D-Pad Up: Flashing
D-Pad Down: Toggle High/Low beams
L1: Rear-View
R1: Nitrous (I have yet to purchase that though, and I don't really think I will.)
L2: Downshift
R2: Upshift
L3 In: Horn
L3 (L/R): Steering
R3 In: Windshield Wipers
R3 (L/R): Side Views
R3 Up: Accelerate
R3 Down: Braking
Select: Change View
I don't use the DS3 so. I did set my wheel mapping though. I have a Fanatec Elite and there are two red buttons on the left that you can hit with your left thumb while driving. Those are mapped to Nitrous and Toggle high/low beam. There are two red buttons on the right which I mapped for horn and wipers

I mapped the dpad to adjust and select the RA options and the x button to bring up the RA menu but the RA menu does not seem to work correctly and I think I will end up mapping the dpad back to its original fucntions of lok left, right, behind and toggle ghosts
Mine is fairly close to the original schema with a few modifications.

X: Accelerate
Square: Brakes
Triangle: Reverse
Circle: E-Brake
D-Pad (L/R): Steering
D-Pad Up: Flashing
D-Pad Down: Toggle High/Low beams
L1: Rear-View
R1: Nitrous (I have yet to purchase that though, and I don't really think I will.)
L2: Downshift
R2: Upshift
L3 In: Horn
L3 (L/R): Steering
R3 In: Windshield Wipers
R3 (L/R): Side Views
R3 Up: Accelerate
R3 Down: Braking
Select: Change View
This is very similar with my ds3 settings, the only difference is that d-pad up is for ghost on/off, d-pad down for flashing and high/low beams and removed right stick up and down so it dosen't annoy me when I have to look left/right.
I play on a DS3

R2: Accelerate
L2: Brake
R1: Gear Up
L1: Gear Down

Triangle: Ghost toggle on/off
Circle: Flash and toggle headlights
X: Handbrake (E-brake)
Square: (RA Function) Menu

R3 (L/R): Left and Right view
R3: Rear View
L3 (L/R): Steering
L3: Nitrous

D-pad up: (RA Function) Select +
D-pad down: (RA Function) Select -
D-pad right: (RA Function) Adjust +
D-pad left: (RA Function) Adjust -

Start: Pause
Select: Change View

If you don't know what the Real-time Adjustment menu I highly recommend searching either on YouTube or elsewhere as to what it does.
I used this setup in GT2, when I was learning to drive with manual gear. There were slightly fewer buttons then.

i use x to accelerate
r2: brake
r1: shift up
l2 : shift down
l3: stearing

And I posted it in a thread. And I got a lot reactions, for the weird setup. But it worked for me. I learned two drive manual. I have evolved since then, and I use a wheel now (G27)

The original tread:
When I used the DS3:

L2: brakes
L1: rear view
R2: accelerator
R1: high and low beam

up: ghost
left: left view
down: rear view
right: right view

Triangle: reverse (Again, GT tradition)
Square: down shift
X: E-brake
Circle: up shift

Select: change view
Start: pause

Left stick: steering

up: n/a
left: steering
down: n/a
right: steering

L3: horn

Right stick:
up: n/a
left: n/a
down: n/a
right: n/a

R3: nitro

I used this layout for GT5, as now GT6 as well, but only for drifting.
I race using the G27 wheel for both GT5 & for GT6.
(still learning to drift with the wheel :(
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Right thumbstick for acceleration and braking, left thumbstick for steering, L1 for looking back, R1 for nitro, triangle for reverse, circle for handbrake, L3 for lights.
R2 = Acceleration
L2 = Brake
X = Gear Up
Square = Gear Down
O = Handbrake
Triangle = Reverse
R3 = RA Menu On/Off
D - Pad = Navigate RA Menu

Nitro? = No thanks!
What next, banana skins and turtle shells? :P
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Left stick = Steering
Right stick up = acceleration
Right stick down = brake
X = flash lights
O = horn
Square = E-brake
Triangle = Reverse

L1 = Look back
R1 = Nitros
L2 = Gear Down
R2 = Gear Up

Dpad UP = Gost on/off
Dpad Down = windshield wipers
Dpad left = Look left
Dpad Right = Look right

L3 = High Beams
R3 = Horn (yeah it's mapped twice, honking is a very important part of racing)
Thumbsticks for gas/brake/steering

r2/l2 shiftup/down
r1 handbrake
l1 nitro (can you tell I drag and drift a lot?)
D-pad left/right/down is to look around while I wait for RA to start working, up is ghost
X-high beams
l3 horn
L2: brakes
R2: accelerator
L1: look back
R1: high and low beam
Triangle: reverse
Square: RA Function
X: N20
Circle: Handbrake
L3: Horn
R3: Windscreen Wipers
D-pad: RA function scroll and adjust
Right stick: look side-to-side
Select: change view

I use AT since i'm too retarded to juggle MT on a controller :D

I kinda wish they had it like Race07 where it was AT, but you could manually shift up or down a gear if you want. Sometimes when climbing a hill, it chooses the wrong gear, i'd love to be able to bump it down one manually.

Whatever happened to the old GT behaviour of being able to hold a button to prevent a gear change!?
Left Analog: Steering
Right Analog: Up- Gas, Down- Brake (best setup in my opinion)
L3: Horn
R3: Wipers
R1: Lights
L1: Look back
O: E-Brake
D Pad: Left- View left, Right- View right, Up- Ghost on/off.
L2: Down Shift
R2: Up Shift

The rest are default, I guess. I never use them. I have no interest on Nitrous, so I don't have it assigned to any button.
Xbox controller with crossover box

May try the right stick for go and stop like HuskyGT, maybe will be easier with abs off?
Xbox controller with crossover box

May try the right stick for go and stop like HuskyGT, maybe will be easier with abs off?

I find the analog sticks much more accurate than the L2/R2 triggers, so it is certainly easier. No locking at all even with high brake bias settings if you're careful. Of course, it all depends on the sensitivity of the Xbox controller sticks and it also requires a little getting used to. At the end it's all on what makes you feel more comfortable.
I use a controller but not a DS3. I use an XBox 360 wired controller for Windows on a USB adaptor for PS3. I feel the triggers give me better control over throttle and braking. The 360 controller also just fits my hands better, with much less fatigue and cramping than the smaller, much more symmetric DS3.

R2: Accelerate
L2: Brake
R1: Ghost toggle
L1: Nitrous

Triangle: Reverse
Circle: E-brake
X: Downshift
Square: Upshift

R3 (L/R): Left and Right view
R3: Rear View
R3: (U/D) Upshift/Downshift
L3 (L/R): Steering
L3: RA Menu

D-pad up: (RA Function) Select +
D-pad down: (RA Function) Select -
D-pad right: (RA Function) Adjust +
D-pad left: (RA Function) Adjust -

Start: Pause
Select: Change View

*button designations in DS3 layout

Yes, I'm aware that I have Up/Downshift defined twice. Sometimes I use the stick but most of the time it's the buttons but you can't set the U/D of the sticks to anything other than a narrow list that I have covered elsewhere.

Xbox controller with crossover box

How is that working for GT6? Love my Xbox controller but have heard not so good things about the crossover thing. Been trying various 3rd party controllers for PS3 that are designed like the 360 pad. Ended up picking up a Fus1on controller from PowerA that I think actually improves on the 360 pad. Love the sticks on this thing.


On topic -
Left Stick: steering
L2: brakes
R2: accelerator
L1: flashing
Triangle: rear view
Square: downshift
X: E-brake
Circle: Upshift
L3: N/A
R3: flash and toggle high/low beam
D-pad: RA function scroll and adjust
Right stick: look side-to-side
Right stick down: Reverse
Select: change view
How is that working for GT6? Love my Xbox controller but have heard not so good things about the crossover thing. Been trying various 3rd party controllers for PS3 that are designed like the 360 pad. Ended up picking up a Fus1on controller from PowerA that I think actually improves on the 360 pad. Love the sticks on this thing.


I've got one of these babies, works a treat! Can't be dealing with the ps3 controller, get hand ache after 15 mins because they're so god damn small....


Only negative is you need a wired controller for the kids too trip over on....
I find the analog sticks much more accurate than the L2/R2 triggers, so it is certainly easier. No locking at all even with high brake bias settings if you're careful. Of course, it all depends on the sensitivity of the Xbox controller sticks and it also requires a little getting used to. At the end it's all on what makes you feel more comfortable.

I'll give it a go later, cheers for the advice.