What is your favorite type of car?

  • Thread starter AJ22

What is your favorite type of car?

  • Fast and sleek Italian

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • American Beauty

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • neither

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • other

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters
Thats a hard one some fine lookin cars from over seas but all in all id have to show the pride an go with the great US of A !

~mike~ :fdevil:
I picked other, and would(and will) say Japanese. They are inovaters in the car market, making hybrid cars before anyone in the US. They are generally better quality, better gas milage, and longer lasting.
Forget italian cars there just style you need a good English car. There all nutts Eg TVR speed 12 where the roadgoing version is more powerfull than the racer
Originally posted by Y2TUSCAN
Forget italian cars there just style you need a good English car. There all nutts Eg TVR speed 12 where the roadgoing version is more powerfull than the racer

forget american cars, my dad works at a place where they build engines for fords etc... and there full of faulty parts and fall apart!!! :)

Brit cars are proper motors like TVR and Lotus..

Ford used to build
decent looking cars an now they look real boring!!!

the corvette isnt a real sports car compared to the speed 12 or even the lotus esprit, But i do like the VIPER
I have to throw my hat in to support Japanese cars. The Land of The Rising Sun has consistently built the cars that are the standard in quality and performance accross the board. They can't be beat.

As for picking between Detroit Muscle and Italian Curves, I'll pick Italian any day. Every Redneck between the coasts has a camaro, but it takes a guy with some change to pick up a Ferrari or Lamborguini(SP?). Those are cars are so freaking fast and and they do it in a style that cannot be surpassed.

In my opinion, there hasn't been a decent car designer state side since Carol Shelby. He knew how to do it right, God rest his soul.

--Nexus Maelstrom--
Id go for American Muscle (I dont like the term American Beauty, it seems to refer to college girls more than cars). I dont care about exclusivity... or luxury... or any of that elitism or stuff. I like fast high quality cars for very low prices, and nobody can beat America at that:)
When it comes to a blend of practicality and performance, the Germans have got everyone beaten, including the Japanese. It's like the system has reversed from the 60s and 70s when the Japanese were refining European/American innovation. Now the Japanese are building these really advanced cars that are somehow soulless and undesirable, whereas the Europeans (specifically the Germans) are building cars that are so complete. I think that power-for-power the Germans build the best cars, but $/£ for $/£, it's probably the Japanese.

However, since European wasn't on the list, I have to go with the poll options, in which case you'd better check out the Diablo in the avatar! :)
i`m all for british cars
but i do like other european cars especially german
i have to say that am not a great fan of american cars, they tend to go for the brute force aproach when looking for perfomance but there still good cars and so are japanese motors
Originally posted by MazKid
I picked other, and would(and will) say Japanese. They are inovaters in the car market, making hybrid cars before anyone in the US. They are generally better quality, better gas milage, and longer lasting.

The Japanese haven't been innovators of any kind since before WW2. What they do excel at is *improving* upon existing formats and designs...and copying what they couldn't improve upon. Take the Nissan Z: interior of the Aston Martin Vantage concept, front of the Chrylser Prowler concept, rear of the Audi TT. Sure, it'll be a well-built, reliable car that handles & performs fairly well, but it's just another iteration of the original 1972 Chevrolet Camaro copy (i.e., Nissan/Datsun 240Z).

And the question of reliability? Most -- if not all -- US-designed cars are made in South & Latin America. Most -- if not all -- Japan-designed cars are made in the US & Europe. Most -- if not all -- European-designed cars are made in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. See a pattern here? The US really does *make* the best cars, but they don't get the credit for it -- Honda & Toyota do. This is not to say that the bloated SUV craze or "Auntie Grace" Chevrolet Cavalier-type cars are all that great to begin with...especially compared to the aforementioned Nissan 350Z. After my 2001 Subaru Impreza RS was totaled last November, the insurance company loaned me a Pontiac GrandAm SE. After three weeks of excessive torque steering and boat riding suspensionin the GrandAm, the 2002 WRX I now own is a revelation. Driving is fun again.

The Pontiac's point of origin: Mexico City, Mexico.
The Subaru's point of origin: Kentucky, USA.

So is it that I love Japanese cars or American cars? And if they say "Buy American", which should you support? (Hint: Subaru is part-owned by GM anyway).
You hooligan, MPVs, RX-7s, Miatas, and some others are Made in Japan, while the 626 and others are made in Michigan. Improving designs? Like the rotory? That was MAZDA, not US, not british, MAZDA. And that's just 1 Nissan. Subaru part owned by GM? I've never heard of that at all, my dad's a Subaru Master tech(and Mazda master tech) for 20 yrs, he'd know, too bad he's sleeping now. And the companys are Japanese, I could care less where they're made. That's that.
Originally posted by MazKid
You hooligan, MPVs, RX-7s, Miatas, and some others are Made in Japan, while the 626 and others are made in Michigan.

Great; that's Mazda. And FYI, you should really look at the "Country of Origin" on most of the components, and then check the "Location of Assembly". It surprised me, too.

Improving designs? Like the rotory? That was MAZDA, not US, not british, MAZDA.

No, not Mazda. Mazda made no effort to bring light upon Felix Wankel's original design [http://www.monito.com/wankel/dr-wankel.html], despite the amazing advancements they've made (and still make) with it.

And that's just 1 Nissan.

I was implying that almost all Nissans (even the previous generation Altima) are better cars than most Chevy's...but I think you were implying that, too.

Subaru part owned by GM? I've never heard of that at all, my dad's a Subaru Master tech(and Mazda master tech) for 20 yrs, he'd know, too bad he's sleeping now.

It's been a technological partership for quite a few years, and a buyout is under conisderation: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/business/DailyNews/gm_subaru991210.html And by the by, the article is from 1999. Tell your Dad to wake up. ;)

And the companys are Japanese, I could care less where they're made. That's that.

Neither do I. I buy what best puts a smile on my face, what makes me look forward to driving each morning. My WRX does just that.