Originally posted by Y2TUSCAN
Forget italian cars there just style you need a good English car. There all nutts Eg TVR speed 12 where the roadgoing version is more powerfull than the racer
Originally posted by MazKid
I picked other, and would(and will) say Japanese. They are inovaters in the car market, making hybrid cars before anyone in the US. They are generally better quality, better gas milage, and longer lasting.
Originally posted by MazKid
You hooligan, MPVs, RX-7s, Miatas, and some others are Made in Japan, while the 626 and others are made in Michigan.
Improving designs? Like the rotory? That was MAZDA, not US, not british, MAZDA.
And that's just 1 Nissan.
Subaru part owned by GM? I've never heard of that at all, my dad's a Subaru Master tech(and Mazda master tech) for 20 yrs, he'd know, too bad he's sleeping now.
And the companys are Japanese, I could care less where they're made. That's that.
Originally posted by DessViperV-10
why-because the viper