What kind of Tires do I buy?

The Super Soft one, the life.  Does that matter at all on regualr races?  and if not only on endurance races, does that just mean u have to pit in more?  I think'in I'm gonna save up for some of thsoe
it doesn't matter on a 5 lap race,but in endurance
it deppend onthe power of the car and your style of driving.if u take super soft ones and drive like sh** with a powerfull car, u can pit every 2 lap
Well, If I buy only Medium tires and I put them on my Skylline GSR V-Spec II I have to pit after about 3 laps.
And I drive as much as possible without squeeking the tires. I hate tire damage, if they include that, they should also include fuel consumption, belts that wear off, real pit people (or just 3d people),
I think it shouldn't be called The Real Driving Simulator coz the only simulation r the physics of yer car and the graphics.

Don't get me wrong, I love this game, I'm too heavely addicted, only the name bothers me somewhat...
Super soft tires to me are such a waste of money and time.  Go with the medium.  It will require a little more driving skill but you can go a 5 lap race without pitting.
Hi, The Super Softs are ok in race's where tyre damage is not ON.  Otherwise you could use them like qualifying tyres, changing them to hard ect, before the actual race.