what makes a great Bob?

  • Thread starter Drift260Z
hey guys. when creating a new Bob, I'm curious what makes a great Bob. are you trying to go for someone right in the middle of the cool/hot bar? are you wanting certain characteristics higher than other, etc, etc. I guess I'm just curious what certain characteristics mean, and what should I be looking for when making a new Bob.
My Bob is at maximum hot and he wins almost every time. Granted, I generally put him in an overpowered car, but he's still pretty aggressive for an AI driver and will bump his way to the front.

Only downside is that if I try to pace him up too much and he's fully stressed, he's more prone to spinning out...lost a race on the 6th lap when Bob thought it'd be cool to spin out on the last turn and lose the race.
I have 5 Bobs lvls. 40, 40, 40, 35, and 34. It's safe to say I have spent some time with Bobs. It is my experience that the hotter Bobs are better at passing/over taking and are WAY better in close races. If they get far ahead and cool way off they seem to slow down more than cool headed Bobs. If I had to start over again I would always choose hot headed Bobs.
I find my fully hot Bob's alot more aggressive when it comes to overtaking then my other more cooler Bob's.
I find my slightly balanced Bob does well at keeping cool during races, especially when he's out in front of the pack in the X2010 or something else over powered. But I'll have to try the hotter Bob suggestion.
nebtal? and ah, cool velocetric. I'm a recent transplant from Jackson, MS. I'm not much into stick and ball sports, but I'll be damned if people here aren't insane about college sports. lol. send me an add on PSN. we should race some time.
I played it safe with my original Bob and set him at just above centre. He performed pretty well - very few mistakes and consistent, but found he needed quite a bit of encouragement up to about lvl 28. He would cool off way too quickly and risk being caught by the AI's.

I set my new Bob slightly hotter (2/3rds up the bar) and he performs just as well and can keep his pace up longer. He is also less likely to slow down and get stuck for too many corners behind slower AI cars.

So I would advise the second option in a hotter driver. 👍

PS. No Bob is perfect. At the end of the day they do behave more like retarded machines than humans, but what do you expect! ;)
When I picked my Bobs I made sure that their starting skills like braking and cornering were the most you could get in the beginning. I have a mix and match of cool and hot bobs and I've found no difference really in which personality performs. If you give them a car capable of winning a race, 95% of the time they will win.
I went with one as far to the hot side as possible, stuck him in a ZR1 RM and left the room :P Only time he's lost is when I thought it would be a good idea to put him in an un-tuned Veyron on a daytona track... and promptly got walked on by a Mclaren F1... Imo, go with one with as high up the braking/cornering stats and as hot as you can get him, more aggressive, but as mentioned before, not good in long races, not as steady as a cooler headed bob. At the end of the day, it's all about the car anyways ;)
this could be just me but I try to keep the bob's meter during a race where his personality is. for example, I have a bob whose personality is just a bit right (hot) of center - a pretty neutral bob. when he is hot during a race i cool him down toward the middle of the meter and then maintain him there. if he cools down too much I pace up until he is at the middle of the meter. I have found that cool bob runs slow laps, hot bob is risky and can go off course which is slow, but if I maintain bob where his personality is the lap time will be the fastest. typically if I pace up 1-2 times each lap and let it cool naturally I can maintain bob in the personality zone and lap time will be fastest and consistent.