What Mod-chip for PS2 is the Best ?

  • Thread starter fLipb0y
hey guys , i wanna know what mod-chip is the best for ps2 , so you wont get dected by that damn DNAS stuff ? any subjects ?:lol: :confused: :lol:

usually , i get DNAS (-402) !

i need a chip that DNAS wont detect my mod-chip !
the ONLY WAY TO BYPASS DNAS is to put the chip in sleep mode and run a LEGIT game.

get dms3, magic 5, or messiah 2, . They're the 3 best chips (in that order) and they all support sleep mode.

games with dnas WILL NOT work if the chip is enabled or if the game is a burn
stealth for ps2 is non-existent - the chip is either on at boot or off at boot - no way around it for the following reasons:

DNAS operates by checking the ps2's bios. The modchip, when enabled, replaces chunks of the bios which essentially makes stealth impossible. That's the first method used for the DNAS check - see if the console is modded. The second step of DNAS is to check the media if it is an original. If it isn't, then you won't be allowed in. The chip can't falsely give info because the bios data is verified through the DNAS server.

If there IS a way around DNAS, it's EXTREMELY illegal and whoever gets caught using it will be in craploads of trouble. You would be violating SEVERAL laws trying to bypass. 1) A violation of the DMCA, 2) it's essentially going to require hacking of someone's servers.

If you wanna do that, you're talking to the wrong people...

if you want to go online, then STOP BEING CHEAP and BUY the game - keep the chip for your imports/backups
dnas...basically a security check to make sure the ps2 is unmodded (just disable the chip) and to check if the game is legit.

nothing external is available. I'll pm a link to you. The people on that forum are almost all trustworthy and I'm fairly sure you'll find a guy in your city who can do the install for you....at a cost of course.

no-solder chips are just plain worthless because they require swapping and that's a pain in the @$$...plus you gotta buy the boot disks & you can't run games with a file size greater than the boot disk.
So with this disk swapping thing...do i have to have a boot disk for each game or just 1? you said I can't run games with a file size greater than the boot disk...can't I just get a fully loaded boot disk? so It would be bigger than any game I could play?
a single boot disk plus a modified case or a modification to your disk tray so you can do the knife trick or a no-solder chip. you swap and it boots.

The boot disks currently go to the max dvd is capable of (excluding the dual layer dvds)...but still, there will always be the ultra-rare game that'll have a tiny bit more squeezed in. I'm not too familiar with the boot disks...ask the folks at that site

also, learn to use the edit function so you don't post 3 times in a row.
:rolleyes: I know how to use the edit function but I generally only use it if I want to add to that point, If I have another point/seperate set of questions I'll just add another post.
I have tried taking both the top and bottom covers of the PS2(I had to fix a broken connection from the motherboard to the power button ribbon cable)... and realised that the construction of the PS2 makes it really hard to take the parts apart(the parts are stacked on top of each other, and you need to take everything apart in order to separate the motherboard), and I got pissed off at it... modding a PS2 would be much harder than other electronics gear.
^ it is...that's why I took mine to a guy that knew what he was doing. Granted he charged me $150 canadian but it was worth it because no damage was done...plus 30 AWG wire...that's TINY
Originally posted by emad
^ it is...that's why I took mine to a guy that knew what he was doing. Granted he charged me $150 canadian but it was worth it because no damage was done...plus 30 AWG wire...that's TINY

Yeah but say he screws up....is he going to pay for the PS2 and a new modchip?
If you take it to a reputable installer, then yes the ps2 and chip will be replaced...if it's just a friend...then it depends on whether or not you have good friends.
I have modded PS2, with a magic 4.1 chip in it, and I play a copied version of the Frequency online all of the time with out any problems, and I don't have to do anything special to boot up my PS2 to make it work. Just boot it up normally, and it works just fine. My advice to you is to get a magic 4.1 chip I can go online with any type of game, without any special boot up.
frequency is an old game. The DNAS checks are in EVERY SINGLE new game that was released after Madden 2004.

Also, the magic 4.1 is nothing more than a low quality clone of the Magic 3.1 - There never was a real magic 4 and there never will be because of that clone. They just jumped over to the Magic 5
I meant Amplitude, not frequency, and if that game isn't new enough my copy of NBA Live 2004 goes online just fine, and I know that came out after Madden 2004, I haven't had a problem with any of my games going online, or had any problems with my PS2 playing imports, so if my magic 4.1 is a 3.1 clone I don't care, cuz it works perfectly for me.
2 lazy 2 buy them ! haha and plus i like renting games at block buster , then i burn them and i return the real game and get my own copy !
I usually buy the games that I want, but if it is a game that I'm not really interested in, I usually just have my friend burn me a copy of it. Also my friend with DVD burners, usually just burn me a copy of games that they already have, or rented because they know I have a chipped PS2
I bought a slide card. Haven't used it yet. How would you guys rate it?? Also, I lost the instructions to it. Don't I have to remove the front of the disk drawer to use it??? Take out screws I think?? Any printable instructions anywhere?
One of my friend got one right after I bought my modded PS2, and I was pissed, cuz I paid way more than he did for a brand new PS2, when he just paid $15 bucks for the slide card, and his PS2 was able to play all of the games that mine could play. I don't know about online capability with import games and the slide card, we never used it for that, but just to play imports, and burned games it works just fine.
I own the magic swap works perfect!!!!! u can even play ur backups online useing it. I recomend buying this because u do not void ur original warranty for ur plasyation. One problem ive had with the magic swap is some games will make the ps2 check twice to make sure u have an original ps2 game in. What i mean is, you'll get the game to work with no problem, then you'll get to the start screen on the game and youll be interrupted by a red screen saying insert ps2 game. This only happened to me with the game True Crimes. All other new and old games ive had no problems useing the swap magic! Aslo 20 bucks!!!