What Music Makes You Think of Your Nation?Music 

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City
...and no fair using anything that's specifically ABOUT your country - like a national anthem or "America F-Yea" from the Team America soundtrack, or any overtly patriotic songs.

I'm talking about music that causes you to think about your country and evokes some sense of the underlying character you associate with it.

This always makes me think of America.

The song that makes me think of MY country is the national anthem to MY country.

Sadly the UN haven't recognised us as a sovereign nation yet, but they will. They will... :mischievous:

This one might be cheating a tad because it "takes place" in St. John's, NFLD

The lyrics combined with Rush being a Canadian band remind me of the area I live in. I live just outside of the Golden Horseshoe, and about 50 minutes from my house, you get into Hamilton. and from then it is just freeway, cities, subdivisions, and industrial parks until Kingston, about 300km away from Hamilton.
...and no fair using anything that's specifically ABOUT your country, or any overtly patriotic songs.
Would I get away with this?

Or anything by Big Country

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