What should I do?

Yesterday I've check my memory card and there were only 160KB left.

I came with this question, should I delete my GT4 file?

Positive Point:
-It will let enough space on my memory card for my new game.

Negative Point:
-I will loose all the efforts I did on GT4. (I don't mind.)

Should I really delete my GT4 file, or should I delete one of my other game files and loose all the efforts on those game. (Most of them are racing games and RPGs.)

I hope that your opinion will change my mind!:)
That really is your own decision, you know. If you prefer your GT4 data, keep it.

Personally, I'd keep the GT4 game and delete files from other games - especially those that don't require much unlocking.

EDIT: Personally, I wouldn't delete any. I'd get a MaxDrive and backup whatever needs to be cleared.
Well, there is another way to do it, and you can keep all your game saves as well! If you have maxdrive, codebreaker, or even gameshark (or any cheat device) just transfer your game saves to a USB drive and delete the game on your memory card. If you want to play the game again, just transfer the game save form the USB drive to the memory card. 👍
My nephew stupidly deleted his in a rush to play another game, he regrets it and I don't let him forget it........ever.
you said yourself that you dont really mind deleting your GT4 game save, i think youve found your answer.
Look for the game you haven't played for the longest amount of time, delete that one. Or save money and buy a 64 mb card. (I got one, some games don't read it though)
Hehe, yeah your right in a way. But I still want to know what the people think about my decision.

Well, you should have posted this is the general discussions thread, but i personally wouldnt delete my GT4 game save, although i do like to occasionally start from fresh. Apart from having to do all of the licenses again its usually quite fun.
I can't really say to delete other games, it wouldn't be fair to the other games (or really, you, it wouldn't be fair to you).
I suggest you buy a new memory card. That's the best thing you can do since it will solve the problem. 👍
However, if you're looking to put a band-aid on a bullet wound and simply delete one game file... Delete any rental title you have on the memory card. Losing the data will be just fine since you'll be forced to replay a game you enjoyed enough to buy.
If there are no rental games on your card, older titles you don't play anymore are the best bet.

Arguing why you shouldn't delete the GT4 file...
If you ever want to play GT4 again it will take a great deal of time and work to play with the game file you have now. Licenses, unlocked arcade cars, and unlocked tracks will be availible any time. Delete GT4 and you will not be able to use those tracks until you do tons of game time and work your way back to where you are now.

Good luck with your decision.
If you've already made your decision please let us know! :cheers:
This is it, I have made my decision!:)

I have decided to keep my GT4 game file and delete my older game file like some of you sugest. :sly: I have deleted for more than a MB!

I didn't mind deleting my older games because yeah, they are old, and I don't play very much on them.

The only thing I didn't delete are some of my RPG'S and my Need for speed games. Maybe later on when ever I'll get my pay check, I'll buy a memory card and I will only put GT4 on it so I won't have to make this kind of decision later.

Thank you all for your sugestion, it really helped me!👍