What shouldnt happen. But could


Wymondham, Norfolk
Everyone is saying, put this in it, put that, referring to all types of motoring disiplines, F1, nascar, rally, trucking, etc, this could very well turn into another TOCA game on a larger scale, the original GT was specifically for buying and tuning up street cars, now all you do and want is to buy/win ready made race cars with real life decals and real life tracks.

What i want is more emphasis on street cars (at this point you say but wtf, 700 is emphasis enough) what i mean is go back to GT, go back to concentrating on tuning the street cars, bring back the racing car modifications with more options, im not saying dull the game down, im saying take the emphasis off of championships that ALREADY exist, F1 yeah, JGTc been in from the beginning, DTM is ok but going beyond that, e.g. nascar is pushing it, rallying only works if done right, no normal racing game that has implemented rallying has made it work, Race driver 2 and GT3 and 4 are cases in point.

So what im saying, is more fictional tracks, more emphasis on YOU making YOUR cars into race cars, NOT just BUYING race cars already there for you.
And this doesnt mean, ricing, this means give RACING style kits, turn a car into a JGTC racer by giving different JGTC body kits, same with DTM etc, choose your own sponsors or make your own, ala forza but with more RACE options as opposed to RICE, and as for the bare CF race cars, let us paint them and turn them into race cars as well.

In other words wha im saying is we dont want another toca game, let codies do that, too many racing disiplines wont work, and thats what this game is heading towards.

thanks about it, it makes sense and you know it. thanks for reading.
So what im saying, is more fictional tracks, more emphasis on YOU making YOUR cars into race cars, NOT just BUYING race cars already there for you.
And this doesnt mean, ricing, this means give RACING style kits, turn a car into a JGTC racer by giving different JGTC body kits, same with DTM etc, choose your own sponsors or make your own, ala forza but with more RACE options as opposed to RICE, and as for the bare CF race cars, let us paint them and turn them into race cars as well.
That is the way GT should be going 👍
I do like having the race cars in the game, and I would like them to add more racing series' as well. However, I respect your opinion and I wouldn't be put off if GT did go in the direction you discribed.

What do you think of the 'fantasy' cars (Nike One, Toyota Motor Triathothingy) and curiosities (Leno's Tank car, Auto Union Streamline, the motor carrages)?
i think at least half of the cars in GT4 shouldnt be there, including the ones you mentioned, and the choice of race cars should sstill be there but you should be able to have other options as well for those who dont just want to buy a race car.
I love how when I first play Gran Turismo, it was the first game to have a Civic hatchback and an Impreza besides a rally game. I love tuning back then and I still do. GT has enough stock cars, although more wouldn't hurt. It is a racing game, so why not add race cars and real tracks?
GT_Fan2005, I can dig where you're going with all this. Since I'm human and free to speak my mind, let me tell you what I think.

Having played "Pro Race Driver" and "TOCA Race Driver 2," I can say that I disagree that GT is going in the direction of Codemasters' popular TOCA franchise. I think the Gran Turismo series has been well known for being able to take your dream car (granted it's in the game) and be able to take on the world. In the case of TOCA RD2 and PRD, you basically sign up for teams, they fix you up with cars, and you're racing with them against hungry competitors. If GT was REALLY going in the direction of TOCA, instead of laying down the 1,250,000 Credits for the WoodOne Toyota, you have to apply for the WoodOne team, maybe take a Test Drive, and if good, you get to commit to the WoodOne Team until the end of the season. If you ask me, I kind of like Gran Turismo's formula slightly more because I like trying to race all sorts of other things, even buying and modifying cars. I don't think I'd like to commit to a certain team, run a championship, go to another team in probably another series... I'm sorry. I kind of prefer the GT formula a bit more, but I like your thinking, GT_Fan2005.

The only championships I can probably see this work for is the One-Make Race series which have mostly race cars on track (Beetle Cup, Golf Cup, Clio Cup, etc.), the bigtime race series, and of course Formula GT. But if GT really does go into TOCA's direction, will GT veterans and fans be able to acclimate to this new method of Gran Turismo racing? I'll kill it here. You carry on.
i think at least half of the cars in GT4 shouldnt be there, including the ones you mentioned, and the choice of race cars should sstill be there but you should be able to have other options as well for those who dont just want to buy a race car.

I think those kinds of cars should stay. KY said he wanted GT to become a sort of automotive encyclopedia/history. It's also a "driving simulator" and I'm sure many people who've played GT wonder what the hell IS it like to drive Jay Leno's Tank Car? What the hell IS it like to drive the very first self-powered vehicle? Sure the experience has a limit, but I think that's what GT is all about. I like the ability to drive in the JGTC cars and what not, I think those can stay as you said.

Racing modifications are another important part I think, but would be relatively pointless if all it did was change your car's performance/appearance. I think when you buy a racing mod, you have to choose sponsors and what not and then you turn "professional", getting paid, etc. Sorry to get off-topic.

I agree with a lot of what you said. Don't bring any new racing series in, keep the ones already there, and focus more on the tuning aspect of the game.
Having played "Pro Race Driver" and "TOCA Race Driver 2," I can say that I disagree that GT is going in the direction of Codemasters' popular TOCA franchise. I think the Gran Turismo series has been well known for being able to take your dream car (granted it's in the game) and be able to take on the world. In the case of TOCA RD2 and PRD, you basically sign up for teams, they fix you up with cars, and you're racing with them against hungry competitors. If GT was REALLY going in the direction of TOCA, instead of laying down the 1,250,000 Credits for the WoodOne Toyota, you have to apply for the WoodOne team, maybe take a Test Drive, and if good, you get to commit to the WoodOne Team until the end of the season. If you ask me, I kind of like Gran Turismo's formula slightly more because I like trying to race all sorts of other things, even buying and modifying cars. I don't think I'd like to commit to a certain team, run a championship, go to another team in probably another series... I'm sorry. I kind of prefer the GT formula a bit more, but I like your thinking, GT_Fan2005.

i see what your saying but thats the gameplay side of it, im talking about what actually goes into the game, if GT ends up with 35 different championships all of which are very clse to or the same as toca then its a lil bit pointless me thinks.
I think the ability to create your own racing team, design their logo, and change a normal hot-hatch into an all out competitive race car would be excellent. It would give the game an extra edge.

Also, racing modifications would be a welcome return - although this time you could also choose between bodykits (or body conversions to be more precise). Not necessarily branded 'ricer' kits, but touring car/GT Car style kits. This I'm sure would satisfy the ricers anyway; most of the wide-arch racing kits used in GT racing look amazing anyway.

Anyone remember the Racing Modification when done on a Peugeot 106 in GT2??? You ended up with an awesome looking wide-arch beast. Shame it was maybe the only car in the game that did that.

Give the ricers the chance to pick from the kits, and then spray the car in a vomit colour.............

Give the racers a chance to pick from the kits, spary the car in a nice colour, add their logo, etc etc.

And yes, 30% of the cars in GT4 were pointless or clones of another NSX, Evo, Skyline blah blah. Get rid of those and use the extra development time to focus on the rudiments of the game. Like the AI. Bah, don't even get me started on that!!!
What if you could start your own tuner companies? Specializing in customizing your favorite cars. Since it'll be online, I could go over to GT_Fan2005's Shop in England for him to customize my Aston Martin, or Jaguar, etc. We could each have our own tuner company too, in return, I'll tune his Subaru and apply the settings for the uphill climb at Pikes Peak next week. Sort of the eBay mode, we could sell customize cars for more than their normal cost. Just an idea...
bring back the Racing Mod. definately. Design your own decal would be sweet as ****

I think everyone agrees on that. It was a nice part of GT that I was sad to see go. Unfortunately, it would probably take ass-loads of space... but maybe a paint-shop kind of deal wouldn't be far off. It would necessitate PD restructuring the way they 'paint' cars, instead of having one 'skin', they would need an extra blank or 'bluescreen' skin to paint on... heck... the different car colors all require seperate skins, so it's not such a remote possibility. I once stayed up for weeks with the old Nascar 97' (not sure what year) game and made myself a ton of skins for the cars. The driving on that game was impossibly boring, but it was great to be able to fully customize the paint.

What if you could start your own tuner companies? Specializing in customizing your favorite cars. Since it'll be online, I could go over to GT_Fan2005's Shop in England for him to customize my Aston Martin, or Jaguar, etc. We could each have our own tuner company too, in return, I'll tune his Subaru and apply the settings for the uphill climb at Pikes Peak next week. Sort of the eBay mode, we could sell customize cars for more than their normal cost. Just an idea...

And we all get our own personalized hood and door logos... that'd be awesome. May never happen, but it would be awesome. :D
I like the mix of racing and sport cars, I wish they would make the initial starting out a little more involved. I remember in GT2 working through the lightweight, wagon, roadster and other basic races, winning small amounts of money and making small upgrades to the same car as being alot more fun than being handed 100'000 credits for game data and 10 cars just off the license tests. I'd like to see a return to having to work for your money and more of an emphasis on making one upgrade at a time. I also remember loving running the stock car championship in GT1 with the viper, balls out powersliding every corner.

As for the rally, I think it would be better if they split their efforts and developed a Gran Turismo Rally exclusive game. The physics and tracks of the current rally races just seem weird when transitioning from the street racing, not to mention the ice races which seem to be a pain in the a**. I love the Colin Mcrae rally games because of their season-style and point to point racing. Theres nothing like having an actual points battle and 3 or 4 actual competetive cars to compare times against. The Gran Turismo circuit based rallying is fun, but I think it needs more tweaking and more specialization. Specifically: more tire options besides dirt or snow. Say a full range for the different surfaces (heavy-light gravel, snow and gravel, snow, ice (with options for studs and widths), clean/smooth-dirty/rough and wet tarmac) with different compounds and tire manufacturers. I think that this range of options would really open up alot more tuning options and make the rallying more fun.
The mix of race and street cars is nice... but I wish you coul duse the SAME car for more stuff.

GT4 made it alot harder to go through the game just using like.. 4 or 5 different cars. Now you have a large array of series where your choices are cut down alot.

I liked taking on big muslce cars with my small toyotas and stuff, but they kinda killed that.

PD should look at how races were setup in GT3, and not keep adding more and more series where you MUST have a race ready car. Super fact race cars feel too arcadey IMO.
I couldn't have said it better myself! Ho!!!!
I liked the concept in the old GT, but it burned out.
I hope, pray, and wish for that to comeback like the phoenix from it's ashes!
That'd be cool.
I love how when I first play Gran Turismo, it was the first game to have a Civic hatchback and an Impreza besides a rally game. I love tuning back then and I still do. GT has enough stock cars, although more wouldn't hurt. It is a racing game, so why not add race cars and real tracks?
Very true, but the aspect of the game is just enjoy driving itself, race car or road car.

I agree with the 1st post as well.
I think they should throw rally and f1 out! its not even real f1 cars anyway and no real rally tracks either, and hate to drive rally in the game to...

EDIT: dont want nascar and trucking either... I want dragracing cause I think PD will do it great if they want to and its no good dragracing games ot on the market either...
I do like having a range of existing race cars in the game, but I certainly see where you're coming from, GT-Fan2005. As you say, the first and second GTs were more about tuning road cars, and that is definately something that shouldn't be lost from the game.