What style?

  • Thread starter drifter7
what style of drift do you use i dont know what you'd call the way i drift i usually brake before the corner and floor it to swing the rear end out and then i use brake and throttle control to keep in the drift NO E-BRAKE!
I usually use throttle+steering to throw the rear end out on easy/medium corners off straights, other than that I'll use a feint motion and throw the car sideways going into the corner and use the throttle to keep it sideways. for really sharp and hair pin corners, I'll throw the entire care sideways and use the brakes and opposite lock to keep the car sliding sideways with as little forward movement as possible and then just as the car enters the turn use the throttle to start pushing it forward and keep it sideways around the corner if its a hairpin. Make any sense? lol.
i have the ghetto fab style (aka. the rocking monkey)... 5 US patents on it... welcome to teach anyone this style and have them pledge there loyalty to ME...
i get it but i was wondering if there is anyone who could tell me what the hell kung fu drifting is i heard it on another fourm but i have no idea what it is
isnt inertia drifting when you drift then flick it over to the other side and drift the other way because if so i use that to link drifts
but then again if you set the brake balance to the rear alot its kinda like a less powerful e-brake so i guess its alright to use the e-brake but i find it more fun without it
Originally posted by drifter7
but then again if you set the brake balance to the rear alot its kinda like a less powerful e-brake so i guess its alright to use the e-brake but i find it more fun without it

I only use the e-brake for angles, usually i only use it to get a complete sideways position.
has anyone else done the 180 reverse to 180 its when yo8u spin half drive backwards for a sec and spin back without hitting the wall or going off track it looks awesome
Originally posted by drifter7
has anyone else done the 180 reverse to 180 its when yo8u spin half drive backwards for a sec and spin back without hitting the wall or going off track it looks awesome

I do that all the time :D
feint, braking, accel off. I usually use braking drift unless I'm going for show, then it's feint all the way to the end.;)
with a powerful car u usually use a power over, feint drifts are good for corners where your entrance speed is low, like S.S.R11, but i mostly use braking and power-overs
does anyone know of any other drift tricks such as the one i post and i posted this here so it doesnt make a new thread and i want to know about the drift tricks ppl are making up
Uh, you didnt make that one up. Its called Feint drifting, nothing new. Everyone basically does that, dude.
I use pretty much all the techniques. (all the techniques possible in GT3 anyway) It just depends on the corner. If you aren't trying them all, you're limiting yourself.

Originally posted by drifter7
does anyone know of any other drift tricks such as the one i post and i posted this here so it doesnt make a new thread and i want to know about the drift tricks ppl are making up

Sometimes i do a compination of e-brake, gas, brakes, no gas and e-brake. Confusing to do. heh. :lol: