What the Dickens has happened.PS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr


Still here.
What The Dickens!

It's December, that merry old time of the year again.
So to celebrate the season, every day is going to be Christmas day and in a traditional Charles Dickens Victorian style, that means snow!

Dickens 1.jpg

Monday's @ 8pm UK

In the 5 week gap between my GT1s ending and Zo's VGTAs starting I've decided to run this filler' fun series that will hopefully keep everyone occupied over the period.
It's been thrown together quite quickly but hopefully it should run fairly well. If it doesn't, blame Zolon :)

So this introduction will be relatively short, I'll add or make changes to it if things come to light.

What we'll be racing are 2 cars over 3 tracks each evening.

The cars are the Olsbergs RX Lite...
Dickens 2.jpeg

...and the Ford Bronco Bucky Trophy Truck (yes that's right).

Each evening there will be 4 races in the Olsbergs, 2 at each of the listed tracks, and at the end of the evening a 3 to 4 lap race in the Bronco at the 3rd, longer track. The 1st race at each track in the the Olsbergs will have 5 mins practice followed by a 10 minute race. The 2nd race will also be 10 minutes but without practice. The Bronco race will not have a practice session.

And yes every race will be in the snow! The cars are both 4WD so it's nowhere near as bad as you might think. The Olsbergs slides just nicely, the Bronco ploughs through everything.

For the RX cars I'd like you to try and keep to the track... if you can! There are sometimes shortcuts that can be taken but generally it's quicker on the (ice covered) tarmac.

For the Trucks it's all restraints removed. You can take any lines you like around the tracks! You can also bash other trucks if you feel like it - but bear in mind damage is on FULL so you'll take some too. They are quite tough but do give up eventually*. Winner will be 1st over the line or perhaps the last man standing (which might be the same).
* I tried to play against the AI but they were just no fun, they just wanted to race.

Anyway I hope you all enjoy the bit of light relief.
There may be a bit of mayhem but it's all just for Festive Frolics.

ABS allowed if needed. It is slippery after all.
TC maybe allowed - I haven't decided. It does remove some of the fun.
Standing starts.
Damage will be on Visual only for the Olsbergs.
Damage will be on FULL for the Trucks!
Penalties ON for the Olsbergs.
Penalties OFF for the Trucks
Track limits off for all.
Tyre wear etc. OFF

I did think of teams but that's more work.

And of course...
Season's Greetings go out to all those who have joined in with my series throughout the year.
Thanks for racing, it would be a bit quiet without you. :)

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Never tried the snow, what's the worst that could happen!
There's less grip, obviously, but you just drive a little slower. Probably!
You can control the RX Lite on the corners often by just using light brake and throttle inputs. Much sliding there will be padawan. The Bronco doesn't really know it's snowing, it goes much the same off road and on.

This is about the nearest I can get to running a Rallycross series that has more cars than the normal 6 car limit.
Am I to understand that you're planning a Frond Bronco race at Le Mans? With ice and snow? Should be interesting that!!! :D

My problem will be that I'll be travelling a lot in December (plans are in "work in progress" status) so I dont have any certainty on where I will be during these next few mondays. Travelling with the playseat was possible this time but it won't be again. I'll look into the calendar (assuming 1st race to be held next Monday and then every week until last race) and try to figure out when I'll be able to join in the fun!

And thanks, once more, for putting this up! :cheers:
You should try snow in a thunderstorm then :)
On slicks at night in a car without any headlights? :P

My problem will be that I'll be travelling a lot in December
So it's true, you are Santa then? After your final delivery have a few days off and leave it to your elves.

Yes it's from next Monday, as usual. And yes Broncos at Le Mans in the snow is going to be a thing!
It's like the Group B races during the summer, nothing too serious, so drop in when you can.
On slicks at night in a car without any headlights? :P

So it's true, you are Santa then? After your final delivery have a few days off and leave it to your elves.

Yes it's from next Monday, as usual. And yes Broncos at Le Mans in the snow is going to be a thing!
It's like the Group B races during the summer, nothing too serious, so drop in when you can.
Or wipers
I've had a little rethink about the format which has resulted in me changing this paragraph on the initial post.
Each evening there will be 4 races in the Olsbergs, 2 at each of the listed tracks, and at the end of the evening 1 x 10 minute race in the Bronco at the 3rd, longer track. The 1st race at each track in the the Olsbergs will have 5 mins practice followed by a 10 minute race. The 2nd race will be 15 minutes, without practice. The Bronco race will not have a practice session.
The bolded bit is the new section. Basically I've reduced the first race length at each track in the RX lite to 10 minutes and have added a 5 minute practice session to hopefully get everyone used to the new track.

Depending on how the random grids/starts go I might change it to qualifying instead.
will the view options be unrestricted for this series?
They will indeed be unrestricted, that way you can see the full vista of the winter wonderland before you - if you want.
The licence point thingy will also be left off because snow and ice aren't the best combination to increase your online rating, quite the opposite in fact.
Hi there @jammy21, it's been a while since we last raced together! Good to see you. I'm not sure how many of the regulars are going to attend this slightly crazy Christmas idea, but if there's space I'll certainly send you an invite. 👍

Default setups, no tuning. The game will fit the correct tyres for the conditions.
Well that was interesting! There was certainly some joviality going on, so that's hopefully a 👍. I certainly had a few chuckles at the various antics. And surprisingly there was also some really good, close racing on the ice covered tracks, in between the frivolity.

If anyone has any thoughts of tweaking the format, let me know. The full damage on the trucks has already seemed to have been dropped. ☺

Nice to see @jammy21 back out on track (and often in front) again. Also good to see the return of @xeronima.

Did that delivery ever arrive @half_sourly?
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Nice to have on the track racing. It's been long time since I race last time (over year?).

Some odd with default setups (RX). I run on 6th gear with speed limiter on 184 km/h and cars fly by me about 5 km/h faster :confused: How's that possible when we should have same car and same stock setup? Is there something that I don't know about difference with cars/setups as I have wheel and I think it's loose stock setup that I used.
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It sounds like you were using the rallycross setup. It gives you faster acceleration but a lower top speed. Change to the circuit setup and that should fix it.
Ok, I have to check that out. I think I saw somewhere "Rallycross" text but didn't noticed. Thanks!

Yes, Jammy needs a little more help by the looks of the results :banghead: . Please remove 6th gear from his car.😉
Ha-ha I was thinking that I need 7th gear when those other past me on the race :)
Oh yeah. I didn't think that one through. ☺
Good :)
Just a quick show of hands - who has got the Japanese Car Pack for PC2?

There's a couple of cars in there that I'm considering maybe using in the future. There's no rush though. I keep looking to see if it's on offer and if I see that it is, I'll post it up.

