What the heck is up with the Log In Bonus???

United States
It's no secret that you're more likely to find a Unicorn, four-leaf clover, and get some lip action from Kate Upton (all in the same day) than you are raking in the credits "daily" in GT6, but what in the he** is the point of the Daily Log In Bonus when you get COMPLETELY cheated and screwed out of the bonus by the game.?.?.?

I've been at 200% with the Log In Bonus for DAYS now. Now that I'm at a point in the game where that should be paying off big time.., BAM! Log In Bonus (just magically) stopped working. I've been grinding away at GT for some time today and the bonus was applying to previous races, but now that I have the chance to earn some serious credits it suddenly stops applying the bonus.

Just to be sure I did the same race twice and each time I got the amounted listed for 1st place WITH NO 200% BONUS applied to my winnings.

Am I missing something?
Were you signed in at the moment you got the money? You must be online I think.

Yes, I'm signed in. I did a race with a 43,XXX credit payout for 1st place. That should have been a very nice chunk of credits with the bonus, but all I got was the 43,XXX listed for the event. No bonus added to it. I did the race again and the same thing.
Your PS3 may have been signed out without you noticing [it happens], every once in a while just press the PS button to go to the XMB and check if you are still singed in.
Your PS3 may have been signed out without you noticing [it happens], every once in a while just press the PS button to go to the XMB and check if you are still singed in.

Nope, I didn't get signed out. One of the first things I did was to make sure I was still signed in. It just stopped applying my bonus.
Has happened to me a few times. quit gt6 and restart it. Has fixed it for me the 3 times it happened, it's annoying but that seems to be the solution for now.
It's no secret that you're more likely to find a Unicorn, four-leaf clover, and get some lip action from Kate Upton (all in the same day) than you are raking in the credits "daily" in GT6, but what in the he** is the point of the Daily Log In Bonus when you get COMPLETELY cheated and screwed out of the bonus by the game.?.?.?

I've been at 200% with the Log In Bonus for DAYS now. Now that I'm at a point in the game where that should be paying off big time.., BAM! Log In Bonus (just magically) stopped working. I've been grinding away at GT for some time today and the bonus was applying to previous races, but now that I have the chance to earn some serious credits it suddenly stops applying the bonus.

Just to be sure I did the same race twice and each time I got the amounted listed for 1st place WITH NO 200% BONUS applied to my winnings.

Am I missing something?

I'm in agreement and reasonably confident that there is a problem. I too have logged in every day recently but this morning (when I planned to put some money together) found that I've gone back to 170%. Also..... the payments are not 170%, at the moment the payments are just 100% despite checking, double checking and triple checking that I'm logged in. Very frustrating !
I too can confirm this: I have been at 200% bonus for a few days, but yesterday and today I have gone back a day in terms of login bonus. Apparently it now thinks I have only logged in for three days in a row. Every day when I login I perform a manual save as well as race in order to win some credits. The odd thing is that I login on my son's account, moments afterwards on the same PS3, and it awards him the 5 day login bonus of 200%.
I've been at 200% with the Log In Bonus for DAYS now. Now that I'm at a point in the game where that should be paying off big time.., BAM! Log In Bonus (just magically) stopped working.

Just to be sure I did the same race twice and each time I got the amounted listed for 1st place WITH NO 200% BONUS applied to my winnings.

Am I missing something?

Nope, I didn't get signed out. One of the first things I did was to make sure I was still signed in. It just stopped applying my bonus.

Right...I have noticed this happen myself today, all I can say is I think it my be the fault of our internet connections.

It seems that if the game is disconnected from the server [for even a brief moment] due to any kind of ISP connection fault/failure, the game will discount the bonus from game play just as if our account had been signed out, even after reconnecting with the server once the line fault has passed.
The game actually has to be quit and restarted again in order for it to recognize our accounts eligibility of the bonus once more.

This is a pain in the 🤬
I think there might be somebugs within the login bonus, as yesterday I started at 110%, I logged in for 130% and got it, but when after that I logged in (after 00.00 hrs) to play and get the 150%, it went back to 110%.... clear mistake.
I think you folks are right. Even though I was logged in, I had to sign out of the game and back in for the bonus to apply properly. As others have stated there are clearly some "math issues" at play when calculating bonuses too. I cant' count the number of times I've seen the bonus applied not being correctly applied at 200% (or even at the lower percentage levels before I hit 200%). It's buggy/glitched for sure.
The game actually has to be quit and restarted again in order for it to recognize our accounts eligibility of the bonus once more.

There is a way around this without resorting to a full game restart.......Just enter & exit one of the online sections, 'Open Lobby' or 'Seasonal Events' the latter being quickest, your 'Login Bonus' should now be present for any further races until you suffer another disconnection.