What uses does the handbrake have?

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
In the overtake thread it turned out a bunch of people (including me) don't use the handbrake to the point of happily remapping it for the overtake button so it's not even there in case.

In general racing I never used it, and don't miss it but it made me wonder maybe there are some special uses in advanced driving styles I don't know about which use the handbrake in combination with other controls or specific situations.

So, people who use the handbrake - what do you use it for, and can it have any benefit in races?
It's quite useful for grid starts when using a wheel/pedals. It's easier to hold and release a button on the wheel than hold down and release the brake pedal.

Also occasionally used to spin the car back around when facing the wrong way and stationary......
In the overtake thread it turned out a bunch of people (including me) don't use the handbrake to the point of happily remapping it for the overtake button so it's not even there in case.

In general racing I never used it, and don't miss it but it made me wonder maybe there are some special uses in advanced driving styles I don't know about which use the handbrake in combination with other controls or specific situations.

So, people who use the handbrake - what do you use it for, and can it have any benefit in races?
it might help stay inside more than you could without it
works pretty well with the z33

1:45 2:35 and 4:10
I do use it...

I don't know what the default is but I have been mapping handbrake to the O button since the first PS1 some 20 years ago...

Edit:. I actually use more than I realize....

Parking on the side of the road, setting up the cars so that I can take photos later....
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The only time I remember using it in was in the Gr.4 Huracan at the final hairpin of Tokyo EOL.
I was pushing hard to keep the pursuers out of my draft for the upcoming straight and went in a little too hot.
Instead of backing off and losing all my momentum I gave the handbrake a quick yank, floored it in 1st gear and
powered my way out of trouble.
For a fun 360 spin between "Schwedenkreuz" and "Aremberg" at 150 mph :cheers: !

The only time I remember using it in was in the Gr.4 Huracan at the final hairpin of Tokyo EOL.
I was pushing hard to keep the pursuers out of my draft for the upcoming straight and went in a little too hot.
Instead of backing off and losing all my momentum I gave the handbrake a quick yank, floored it in 1st gear and
powered my way out of trouble.

Good stuff, you're my man :bowdown::lol: !
For racing, there’s little to no use for it. There’s maybe the very odd time in a 1st gear hairpin where it can help to rotate in understeering car, or perhaps a situation where you blow a braking zone, you can use the Hand Brake to quickly get the car pointed in the right general direction.

For rallying, it’s definitely more useful. It gets used even more for drifting.

Also has a lot of use in social/cruising lobbies, for parking. Otherwise you’ll just roll away lol.
Using a Scandinavian flick has been more predictable for me on a wheel and it was the same with the pad too. It loses me time with the extra sliding (rally) but I find it easier and weirdly rewarding doing it that way.
I never really used the handbrake for initiating a drift, I usually used flicks and inertia, sometimes combined with an upshift or downshift to start drifts. The Hand Brake is more about extending entries if you initiate early, and making minor corrections mid corner. It’s also super useful for making adjustments when following close behind someone else. On dirt, I really only ever use it for tight, slow corners to fight understeer. It’s not really something that makes you faster, but the handbrake is more like a tool that can help turn big mistakes into smaller mistakes.
In the overtake thread it turned out a bunch of people (including me) don't use the handbrake to the point of happily remapping it for the overtake button so it's not even there in case.

In general racing I never used it, and don't miss it but it made me wonder maybe there are some special uses in advanced driving styles I don't know about which use the handbrake in combination with other controls or specific situations.

So, people who use the handbrake - what do you use it for, and can it have any benefit in races?
I use it in grid starts because it's faster than releasing the brake. Other than that if I wouldn't be racing in a league I wouldn't use the handbrake outside of drifting lobbies.

EDIT: I also forgot the obvious reason you would use the handbrake: to park your car:lol::lol:
For a 180 turn if i end up pointing the wrong way on a tarmac runoff.

I use it far less in rally than most people. Being all over the handbrake is quite a modern way to drive. I prefer always to conserve the momentum of the car and thus use weight transfer/Scandinavian flick to slide the rear. The only time I use handbrake is for an acute turn with a narrow entry, or Monte Carlo hairpins.

In drifting you can use it to make entries early or avoid going wide. I much prefer to break the rear loose only with the throttle and control angle with the brake pedal and minimal countersteer, but one can use the handbrake to save face when coming too close to the car in front.
For all the people saying to park your car...LOL yes, I know about this one. However I have had some pretty old cars broken in "fun" ways, and have learnt the joys of handbrakeless parking (in gear, wheels angled). But yeah handbrakes are very useful...and legal ;). I think the law is funny on it in the UK, IIRC you can legally drive a car without a handbrake, but it is illegal to leave it unattended on public roads which sort of makes it a no go other than driving to the garage to get it fixed.

I had tried using the handbrake for quick turnarounds but found I had to be moving anyway, and a quick squirt on the throttle gets me there in anything RWD. Besides given the short length of most races in Sport mode if you end up 180 your race is probably beyond saving in most cases and the extra second or two it saves will mean little.

I might remap the handbrake to something though, as I had used it on one or two tight hairpins when using cars like the GT-R but I wasn't sure if I was actually saving time or not, and it is so easy to over rotate the car with it I just didn't feel it was worth the risk. I am surprised how many people use it for minor corrections though.
Using analogue sticks, I removed it as I had a dodgy O button (spotted by an eagle eyed GTP member), realised I used it for grid starts, activate the handbrake light and you didn't even need to hold it while revving away, light go green, handbrake light goes off, accelerate, perfect launches every time.
Clearly some prefer it for grid starts but apart from that none unless you're counting "for the lols".

I'm sure it works on cars that it shouldn't.
I've used it very ocassionally to combat understeer in Gr.3 and Gr.4 RWD cars, but it's hard to use and most of the time you'll just lose control. Handbrake is probably only good for drifting, lol.
I never lose control using it for a corner. Understeer correction, crash avoidance, angle correction for passing. It's very helpful. But yes.. situational. If you get a bad angle into a turn because of other vehicles I'm forced to under steer the entire corner. It's stupid not to have. But. Also semi unrealistic

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