What's happened here then?


Staff Emeritus
United Kingdom
Edinburgh, UK
As part of ongoing reorganisation the GTP Artistic Competitions are being combined back into a single forum.

This is because many of the competitions weren't attracting sufficient patronage to justify their own sub-forum, and those who were participating have been expressing disappointment at the lack of participation by others.

So, by combining all of the competitions into one forum, any member (or guest) interested can see the breadth and depth of activity in this space all in the one place.

Each contest will then live or die on its participation: the popular contests will rise to the top, but realistically any competition that is attracting any patronage will be here on the front page.

We expect that there will be more moderation activity here as a result, with threads being opened and closed to help focus activity on the currently-active contest. Also, past competitions will be more aggressively moved to the Archive than has been happening recently.

Please feel free to post responses, suggestions and feedback in this thread, which I shall be leaving open for a while. The (now empty) sub-fora will be removed in due course.

Let's run with this for a while and see how we get on. I'll be updating the guides thread shortly.
I would have to say I'm against this.
As the operator of the temporarily-deceased PSC Weekly competitions (due to a lack of interest), I think that we should keep our own subforums, just to make it easier to find specific threads.
Nobody may, for example, find the PSC Weekly Suggestion Box, and consequently will not post a suggestion. Instead, new threads might be made, defeating the very purpose for the suggestion box (Perhaps threads such as the Suggestion Box, or other competitions important threads could be stickied).
Also, even though there may not be alot of traffic, it is also nice to have all the competition threads clumped together for easy viewing. I don't use the Search option very often because I find it to be a mighty pain in the ass, often coming up with mediocre results if you don't know the exact name of what you're looking for. I do still use it occasionally, but only when I absolutely have to. I'm sure that some other members think this way as well, and could be missing these threads as a result.
like it, we need a manga car revival, im this will certainly help! anyone into mangcars? HELP US REVIVE THEM in the manga car revival effort thread

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