What's the biggest animal you've hit...

  • Thread starter axletramp


Never trust a fart.
Jersey V.1.0
What's the biggest animal you've hit in your car?

My daily commuter journey to London takes me through fast country lanes and I have managed to amass quite a 'hit count' of various species (not deliberately you understand :( ), rabbits, squirrels, pheasants etc. This is a worldwide forum so I was wondering if anyone had hit anything really big i.e. a moose in Canada etc. (or that monkey at Trial Mountain)?

;) :D
Originally posted by axletramp
What's the biggest animal you've hit in your car?

My daily commuter journey to London takes me through fast country lanes and I have managed to amass quite a 'hit count' of various species (not deliberately you understand :( ), rabbits, squirrels, pheasants etc. This is a worldwide forum so I was wondering if anyone had hit anything really big i.e. a moose in Canada etc. (or that monkey at Trial Mountain)?

;) :D
Well i hit a REAL FAT CAT that I think wanted to commit suicide and jumped out in front of me on the highway :P poor little animal. 😈
Originally posted by NocturnalPS
Well i hit a REAL FAT CAT that I think wanted to commit suicide and jumped out in front of me on the highway :P poor little animal. 😈
I hope you don't mean a company boss... :D
I hit a squerrel on my bike :eek: . I was riding down my street, and it goes down after my block, and I was going about 30(I have a speedo), and a squerrel just ran across the road. I saw him at the last sec and hit the brakes, but it was too late. My front tire ran him over, and I almost wrecked.

We hit a bird with our van. We were going down the highway, and it flew right in front, and he got a windshield ride. No damage, and no bird blood or anything, he just kinda flew again. :)
I hit a large dark coloured dog on my motor bike doing about 35 mph once. By luck or chance I managed to stay on without crashing. It was at night and in a dodgy area of town so I didn't turn around and find out what happened to the dog. The owner probably would have tried to kill me! :blackeye: :rip:
I hit a squirrel once, that was about it. He barrell-rolled and kept right on running.

My friend, however...hoo boy. Different story there. He is not exactly a dog's best friend. Let me just say that he has several confirmed kills under his belt :eek:

He claims these incidents to be "accidental"

Originally posted by Macka
I hit a squirrel once, that was about it. He barrell-rolled and kept right on running.

My friend, however...hoo boy. Different story there. He is not exactly a dog's best friend. Let me just say that he has several confirmed kills under his belt :eek:

He claims these incidents to be "accidental"

:burnout: :snoopy:

I had a similar situation with a cat I had to clean out from under my Lancia's wheel arch - not fun! :(
As stated in an older thread ... I ran over my friend's dog one time ... he was in the car with me.

Yes, it was one of the worst days of my entire life.

We've never hit anything, but when I lived in WV, just about every week or so, someone would hit a deer. Deer and car don't mix, so normally the car was done if it was a headon hit, but i also knew a couple of people that were lucky and only glanced one.
Originally posted by LoudMusic
As stated in an older thread ... I ran over my friend's dog one time ... he was in the car with me.

Yes, it was one of the worst days of my entire life.


I can't even imagine how much that must have sucked. :(
oh, i've been waiting for a thread like this to come up.

me and my mates play a game, cos we live int he countryside.

what we do, is that if we run over something, no matter what it is, we get points for it. here's the board:

small animals (toads, rabbits, birds) - 10 points
medium animals (badgers, pheasants) - 50 points
large animals (deer, cattle) - 100 points
large objects (people, bins, cars) - 150 points
and if we crash the car, no matter what we crash into, it's grand 250 points.

tom's in the lead with 430 points.

yes, we're tight. but we don't try to run over animals, they just got in our way. i dont' think we'd be able to play this if we lived somewhere else.

and we haven't ran over a person. yet.
I hit a humpback whale...with my tanker...im now serving time in a federal pennitentary......

Just kidding...i was in my dads semi once when we hit a deer...it still shredded the front end...just killed the deer...it skinned him...so the hunter that was in behind us thanked us for the kill and skinning it too.....lol
I hit a 1200 lb. elk with my 300 cal. Winchester.... Does that count?

J/K I missed, but it was huge... My heart was racin' too hard, and my hands were shaking... Yeah, yeah, I choked big time... There's always next time right?
Originally posted by Pako
I hit a 1200 lb. elk with my 300 cal. Winchester.... Does that count?

J/K I missed, but it was huge... My heart was racin' too hard, and my hands were shaking... Yeah, yeah, I choked big time... There's always next time right?

Only if you clubbed it to death with the gun ;) :)
Originally posted by piesupreme
oh, i've been waiting for a thread like this to come up.

me and my mates play a game, cos we live int he countryside.

what we do, is that if we run over something, no matter what it is, we get points for it. here's the board:

small animals (toads, rabbits, birds) - 10 points
medium animals (badgers, pheasants) - 50 points
large animals (deer, cattle) - 100 points
large objects (people, bins, cars) - 150 points
and if we crash the car, no matter what we crash into, it's grand 250 points.

tom's in the lead with 430 points.

yes, we're tight. but we don't try to run over animals, they just got in our way. i dont' think we'd be able to play this if we lived somewhere else.

and we haven't ran over a person. yet.

You hit a cow, the car isnt gonna live, no matter what :)
Let's see, what's my score...
1 deer. Stupid thing didn't know motor ways aren't for pedestrians, and furthermore, it came from the left, so would've had to yield even it was a vehicle. ;) (The car suffered relatively minor damage, but since it was cheap, the repairs would've been too costly.)

1 crow (quite intentionally). He felt lucky, and lost. Never stand in the way of a car coming toward you at 55 mph. Yes I'm a sadistic bastard sometimes. (No I'm not, I just help natural selection occasionally.:))

1 girl. She came way-too-fast around the corner on her bicycle. Lucky for her, it was a yard, and my speed was about 15 mph before I saw her, and managed to almost stop (meaning a speed lower than walking speed) before contact. Only damage: a two-millimeter deep dent in the hood of the car. I didn't even notice that until after a few weeks. She hasn't been quite as reckless after that incident. :)

Does that give me 260 or 110? :P (Or maybe 510; after all, the car wasn't repaired after the accident, even though it was repairable. The damage was mostly bent metal, a windscreen, radiator and one headlight.)

Amazingly I've hit no squirrels, even though they're abundant here. I've had quite enough opportunities (esp. after one particularly sucky day, when a squirrel ran right in the front of my car; she/he/it was only saved by my game-trained reflexes :D). BTW, axletramp: :lol:
I have hit various animals in my day. Nailed a few birds, one oppussum, a few squirrels, and more than few armadillos. However the biggest I have hit was a 90 pound doe at 65 mph on the Oklahoma turnpike. Wrapped the front of my truck around the water pump and broke out the windshield.
As the other 'flatlanders', I've nailed a deer. Good sized doe...but, amazingly she lived.
I drove into flock of stupid ass birds last summer, and last week I drove past a ran over squirrel and it did this big twitch (bent in two for like a second, then went back to normal) right after someone else re-ran it over :P
I've been driving for less than a year, and luckly I haven't hit anything yet. Not even another car. I did scrape the rims of my van against a curb once but that was next to nothing besides a 1 inch scratch. ***KNOCKS ON WOOD***
i haven't run over or hit anything yet except for a few ants ;) no i love all animals and don't have the heart to kill any intentionally and whenever i see a dead animal i feel really bad .....especially when it's someone's dog .....that bothers me the most

oh and i can't stand when i hear about someone tying up their dog outside while they go into the drugstore and when they come out, their dog is gone ..... :(
I've never hit any animals that I can recall...:confused: But about a week ago, I was following my friend home in the middle of the night, and there was a deer laying in the road. It was still alive, and looked right up at my friend about 2 seconds before he ran over his head(not on purpose, he couldn't swerve or he would have hit on-coming traffic or a guard rail. He was quite shook up afterwards...:nervous: )
Originally posted by Josh
I've never hit any animals that I can recall...:confused: But about a week ago, I was following my friend home in the middle of the night, and there was a deer laying in the road. It was still alive, and looked right up at my friend about 2 seconds before he ran over his head(not on purpose, he couldn't swerve or he would have hit on-coming traffic or a guard rail. He was quite shook up afterwards...:nervous: )

aww... thats sad :(
OK, here's my most gruesome kill. I was coming down a country lane with high hedges on both sides. I know the road very well and was just hitting 110mph at the fastest point when a pidgeon just flew straight out. It all happened pretty fast, but there was a hell of a bang :splat: , so I stopped.

My windscreen was cracked and a wiper arm was bent back at 90°. There was no sign of the bird - just a white and red stripe that went off the windscreen and all along the roof! The pidgeon had pretty much evaporated! :yuck:

BTW Ferrari_355, I don't think a curb really counts... unless you accidentally added an 'r'... :(
Originally posted by axletramp
OK, here's my most gruesome kill. I was coming down a country lane with high hedges on both sides. I know the road very well and was just hitting 110mph at the fastest point when a pidgeon just flew straight out. It all happened pretty fast, but there was a hell of a bang :splat: , so I stopped.

My windscreen was cracked and a wiper arm was bent back at 90°. There was no sign of the bird - just a white and red stripe that went off the windscreen and all along the roof! The pidgeon had pretty much evaporated! :yuck:

BTW Ferrari_355, I don't think a curb really counts... unless you accidentally added an 'r'... :(

Pigeons are retards... haha..

Darn thing probably deserved it.
thy living in australia trying cross the Nullabour plain ant dawn and dusk is imposable the roads are full of Kangaroo's and they are bid tuff things hit one head on and you wipe out your car but the semmi trailers just go through sometimes wipeing out a dozen at a time They are the bigest threat here I had one just hit my tail light I was doing 180kms at the time lucky all he did was crack the tail light If i had hit him head on I might not be here today