Whats the difference between r8 race car and playstation team oreca r8 race car?

  • Thread starter gt5guys
Im 16 hours in my le mans 24 race and i have an r8 '01 and playstation team oreca r8 '05 in the lineup. the r8 '01 is ahead of the the other r8 by one spot and in the straights, i see the playstation r8 is lagging behind in acceleration. is this an AI problem or is the og r8 just better?
From what I remember, the 2005 Audi R8 was severly handicapped at Le Mans in 2005 for not complying to the "Hybrid" Specification (Heavier weight, Horsepower reduction) so the Playstation car is based on that while the 2001 Audi R8 was not subject to such penalties as it complied to the regs so its in-game counterpart is likely modelled similarly to that.

Granted the AI is also worse with some cars so whatever deficit in performance only exacerbates their pace issues.
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From what I remember, the 2005 Audi R8 was severly handicapped at Le Mans in 2005 for not complying to the "Hybrid" Specification (Heavier weight, Horsepower reduction) so the Playstation car is based on that while the 2001 Audi R8 was not subject to such penalties as it complied to the regs so its in-game counterpart is likely modelled similarly to that.

Granted the AI is also worse with some cars so whatever deficit in performance only exacerbates their pace issues.
thanks my guy
also my progress on the race got back to zero becuase all my endurance series races and a couple of random cars dissapeared from my garage. i think my hard drive disk is dying :(