Where are the comps?

DjSkyline701, GTP_DjSkyline701
During the time of my 1 month break, i havent seen 3 of the 7 comps up and running. The rally comp, the artistic comp and the photomode/photoshop comp. where did they go, they left so quickly. Cant we get other people to host these comps
I know that the rally comp is shut down due to lack of interest, and I'm not sure about the other comps. Look around and you'll probably find an answer. ;)
Artistic comp was only running for 10 weeks
Photoshop one is still running as far as I know
but I am lacking time and motivation to participate
Still, I miss the Rally comps as they invited a lot of beginner - Ameteur GT4 Photo-shooters to the game. I wish someone had the time to host it again. As for me I would, but I just don't have the time on my hands
If I could make banners, than I'd be able to host the Rally Competiton.
Someone needs to bring back the Rally Competiton with a few diffrent rules.

All I would need, is for my Photoshop resizer to work, then I could host it :(
George Morley
Someone needs to bring back the Rally Competiton with a few diffrent rules.

All I would need, is for my Photoshop resizer to work, then I could host it :(

That'd be great if you could get it happening!
I'd love to enter the Rally comps again! :)
Yay :) Thanks to CCX I can resize now, so I'll make a Poll and ask a few moderators.