Where is Citta Di Aria (Course Registration) ?

  • Thread starter H4z3
I cant find the course Citta Di Aria in Course Registration.. all the other courses seems to be there but not that one..
Is it just me or does it not exist for noone ?

Maby there is a bug in the game, because i want to play that course on multilan race but cannot choose it..

I have completed the game and unlocked all the tracks, but still it is missing..
anyone ??
It's missing from the arcade mode point blank, which is a pity because it's one of the best tracks in the game.
It's sort of a special track in the PAL versions but I'm sure there was a way of getting round this. My mate got Citta Di Aria in multi - lan.

Hope you can sole it.:)


Hmm ok, ive been trying many things but it doesnt seems to work..

I have the NTSC/US version of the game..

I agree, its one of the best tracks in the game and i really want to drive it on multilan..

If anyone solve this problem please let me know :)

I did a goodle search, but there where just threads in some strange language i couldnt read :(