Where would you put the left analog stick?

  • Thread starter a6m5

Where should the left analog stick be?

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United States
My chat with KENJIusa regarding the matter got me curious. If you were designing a gaming controller, where would you place the left analog stick? IMO, Playstation controllers are the most popular style controller in the market today. Not just on sales alone, but I really think people prefer it over GameCube or Xbox controllers. But how do gamers feel about the left analog stick that is located differently than the other controllers?

In some circumstances, I find the analoge stick on the Xbox controler easier and more precise, but having the D-Pad where the stick is on the PS3 controler is pretty awkward. So, overall, PS3 controler wins here.
I prefer how Sony has done it. Its more comfortable for me, I don't even use the analog sticks, so, it all works out. I guess its just what I'm used to.
Stick placement isn't as much an issue on the PS-pads as the grip-style... the heft of the grip makes it difficult to reach/use the stick at times.

Otherwise, I find it quite comfortable.
Unless you use multiple consoles you just get used to which ever controller you use no matter where the buttons and sticks are situated.
If you were designing a gaming controller, where would you place the left analog stick?
If I’m playing 2D games, I prefer a controller with the D-Pad on the far-left. Unsurprisingly, if I’m playing 3D games, I prefer the analogue stick on the far-left. Hence, I’m of the view that two distinct pads are preferable to one compromised do-it-all pad.

But how do gamers feel about the left analog stick that is located differently than the other controllers?
I'm fond of the positioning of the Gamecube analogue sticks, and unlike the DS2, the GC pad doesn’t trap middle fingers behind the L2/R2 buttons. Shame that the design makes the D-pad pretty much worthless. :(

Incidentally I’m liking the look of the Wii Classic controller, and as I’ll be playing SNES games for the most part, the middle positioning of the left analogue stick isn’t much of a concern. 👍

If I’m playing 2D games, I prefer a controller with the D-Pad on the far-left. Unsurprisingly, if I’m playing 3D games, I prefer the analogue stick on the far-left. Hence, I’m of the view that two distinct pads are preferable to one compromised do-it-all pad.
Darn it. I thought I covered all the bases, as far as the choices in the poll went, but I didn't think anybody would be OK with either(or both) style. :D
Neither: While the PS2 analog sticks have better feel than the Gamecube ones in the location they are at, there is one controller than combines the best aspects of both controllers:

Turn the C buttons into an analog stick exactly like the one on the left, and it would be the best controller ever. Especially for the Wii.
SOny did it right in my opinion.

BTW The NG4 controller was the worst ever! you would have to move your hand around in stuff in MID PLAY!
I like the way Sony did it. It's nearly symmetrical to the eyes, and also having one analog stick up and one down is just plain weird.
I like the Xbox style better. It feels so good for racing games(& more). My hands just feel more comfortable using the xbox controller because I feel I have a better hold of the controller. The size of the controller plus the one analog stick being up higher just make things feel good for my hands. Oh and I'm talking about the first controller that came with the xbox. Oh yeah the big controller that so many people said bad things about. I love it. The Dual Shock controllers just feel so weird cuz the analog stick is lower and I feel like I dont have to good of a hold of it. I hope I explained that well enough cuz I suck sometimes at explaining things. :( :dopey:
No, I perfectly understand what you're saying, although I take issue with you liking the original Xbox controller :D I hate that one, its too huge, it won't fit ni my hands at all...
Adam Sessler, of the G4 family, made some comments about placement of the left analog stick on either the XBOX360 or the PS3 last year. He said that the XBOX setup is best for when he's playing first-person shooters on the XBOX. Like the "Call of Duty" or "HALO" series. I personally like the Sony model best, since that's the one I've been most accustomed to. I just the placement is just right for me. It works best while I'm playing a GTA game, a GT game, Tourist Trophy, MegaMan Anniversary Collection, all those games. It's funny you mention the GameCube because I was playing Sonic Mega Collection on there. I'm more of an old school guy, so I appreciate having the analog stick in the position it's on the PS2 controller. I probably would forget to use the left analog stick for movement if this were the GameCube/XBOX controllers.

So I'd prefer the PS2 style since it's the easiest one for me to use and in a place I'm actually happy with. It's best for me unless you fancy something like the Nintendo 64's model.
Adam Sessler is a moron...

ANyway, I prefer the PS2 placement, because it's more universal to many different games, while the function of the 360 / Xbox controller set up (GC as well) is significantly less intuitive and more limiting IMO. It would be a huge bother to play games like Katamari on an Xbox controller, and trying to use the analog sticks in Madden or Fight Night on the 360 is just a nightmare in itself.

I won't even bring up how much better the analog sticks are than triggers for a racing title. It is much easier to control the analog stick up and down motion than it is to control the triggers IMO.

Triggers are great for FPS titles, as is the Xbox set up, but I don't think it's right for anything else IMO.

Sony has it done right IMO, plus it allows for symmetrical gameplay and neat mechanics with easy adaptation by the user, the 360 and Xbox cannot boast the same features. Not to take away from it as a controller though.
I really don't care. Either one works just fine for me, as long as the D-pad doesn't blow donkey balls like the P.O.S. on the XBOX 360 controller... :ouch: speaking of P.O.S. controller elements, the analog stick on the Dreamcast was also a travesty -- good thing Sony, MS, and Nintendo know how to make better ones.
To me, the Sony controllers are best (but then again, I would say that, as I only play PS).

What I prefer about the Sony controllers is that they are (in design) symmetrical. IMO, controllers with one stick in a corner and the other in the middle are just wrong.

Twin central sticks is more, shall we say, logical (and in some instances, practical).
PS series controller.

I like the grips, the weight, and the way that everyone from my 6 year old cousin to my grandmother can just pick up and play with no learning required, it just makes sense.,
I never liked the Xbox controller and much prefered the PS2 controller over it, but the Xbox360 controller feels so much more comfortable.
My first introduction to an "analog stick", back in PS1 days, was a self-tapping screw screwed into the D-pad on an early, non-analog controller! :lol: Worked though...
I've been using my left thumb operating the analog stick as far back as the N64, no need to change from me.
Most of us do, but I'm asking where should the left stick be located? Like Xbox, Dreamcast and GameCube, where it's higher, so it's easier to reach? or down lower, side by side with the right analog stick? Edit: If you are unsure, check out the very first post of this thread to compare them.

Most people are voting for the latter(Playstation style). Personally, I am a Playstation guy, but I think Playstation's placement is little too low.
I like the Sony the best. why? for one, It's lasted us three generations. Don't mess with Perfection.
I prefer the Xbox and Gamecube placements. Makes it better for First Person Shooters in my opinion, and thats all i play so its obivous choice for me.
I feel that it's a tad bit more intuitive, and a little more natural in some cases. I rearely if ever use the D-pad in any of the games I play, and the thumbstick is less of a pain to use during intense gameplay.