Which do you recommend for Historic Event?

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I just found out that you can't have any more than 20mill cr. So I'm gonna put it to use on a car for the Historic Car Event. To the Bob's that have completed this event... which car do you recommend I buy? The Ferrari 330, Ford Mark IV, or the Jag? I know that the 2J would be the best choice for this event but I didn't buy the car when I saw it in the UCD and I haven't seen it since :( . I've only driven the Ferrari a little bit from one of the special events, I think it was the grand tour (not sure what its called), and noticed the pick up on that car was kinda slow. So i don't know how well it will do with Bob behind the wheel. Hope you guys can point me in the right direction.... I'd hate to spend all my money and have Bob struggle with it.

thx for reading
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