Which ****e cars roll easy.

  • Thread starter MG era
Which cars roll the easiest in vice city, in my opinion it's the moonbean and the landstalker and lot's of boxed vehicles.
I hate that slope near the bridge to the golf course (on the left island side)... Where it slopes up to go to the parallel road that leads to the main drag... When you leave Kaufman Cabs and hit that slope at the normal angle you're traveling, it rolls pretty much any car in the game.

- bbitto
I'd have to say the BF Injection...:mischievous: So easy to roll...:D The good thing is that it usually ends up on it's wheels though.
Originally posted by Nismo GT-R
Landstalker no doubt about it, it was even worse in GTA3.

Heh - if GTA3 was a two player game, and you wanted to find me, just follow the trail of rolled Landstalkers through Staunton Island.