Which game or sim has the best Force Feedback in your opinion?

  • Thread starter eKretz
United States
I just got Ferrari Virtual Academy and Netkar Pro, and Assetto Corsa's Tech Demo, and I really like the FFB in FVA and NKP; they are both excellent - the 458 on Ferrari Virtual Academy is especially enjoyable. I think among the best out there. I also think iRacing is very good. I tried the RFactor 2 demo but wasn't very impressed, maybe I have some settings wrong, I didn't get too in-depth with it and only drove the demo car, I think the C6R? GT5 is decent but not great, F1 2012 is good, Race Room Experience is quite good too.

I'm hoping to have the prototype new FFB motors for the CSW/Elite in hand soon and am going to be using them for some heavy testing to see how they fare, and I'm really looking forward to trying them on some of the better games/sims to see if they feel any better than the stock motors and the Buhler replacements I've been using. I already know they'll be stronger and they shouldn't fade like the stock ones do when they're pushed hard. I guess I'm just curious what everyone else thinks and whether I've missed any other good titles.
Personally I like pCARS best. Though it's a horrible testbed for you to use. The reason is that even though the FFB defaults don't change often, the tyre model does. And since the FFB model is directly hooked up to the tyre model, it does tend to sometimes change the feel.

To pCARS I think either iRacing or AC are second best, both fighting for second and third place in my list.

GT5 and the 2013 GT Academy (based on GT6 stuff) are in my opinion more 'weight transfer' focused FFB systems.

iRacing has a good FFB system too and is a fairly stable and often used test base.

rFactor 2 isn't really my cup of tea either, but tastes differ. Same as you... settings? Dunno.

Personally I used FVA a lot as well for comparisons in the beta days of the CSW, because I found it more enjoyable than NKP.

RRE is a nice game, but I haven't gotten a nice setting with it yet. It just didn't give me the feel I would wish for (which is as close to reality as possible). Though since I haven't played that since launch, I can't really comment on the latest.

I can also say that Race07/GTR Evolution is quite enjoyable in my opinion.

Also a bit of Dirt 2 never hurts. It might not be a sim, but with SEN 400 it's quite enjoyable.

A last few titles you could have a look at: Formula Truck, Simraceway and an oldy Live For Speed.

Personally I would go and use something like "FEdit" as well for dry testbench comparisons.

Link: http://airwarfare.com/sow/index.php/downloads32/viewdownload/92-force-feedback/41-fedit
Live for Speed on my G25 is practically flawless. It communicates pretty much everything the front wheels are up to, it's so responsive that you can catch drifts with one hand, and I find it easier to adjust than the typical PC sim. 👍
rf2 has the best ffb and it isnt even close! it doesnt have,maybe, the best graphic, but physics and ffb are the best out there and it isn't only my opinion!Pcars ffb and physics are the worst! I really don't understand how come people compares pcars awful ffb to rf2 or AC! PCARS has the best graphic, but it finishes here!
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They put the Corvette for the demo car? Ugh. I think that car is awful. In contention for absolute worst car IMO.

When it comes to FFB, I'd say rFactor 2 (although there are a couple of real stinkers... the Corvette included), Gamestock Car 2012, and Power and Glory 3.0. The guy who did the physics for P&G 3.0 was hired by Kunos for Assetto Corsa.

Those are the three all-stars IMO on PC. People say the new tire model in iracing is great, but it's only on select cars. I recently reupped to give it another go, but the Mazda is white hot trash IMO. And if I want to get up to the Skippy, that's what I'm stuck driving for a while.

The other thing about rfactor 2 is the track always starts out green and with no grip. Until it gets rubbered in, you don't have nearly the grip you want. You're supposed to be able to save a rubbered in track, but aside from a build months ago, I've never been able to get this to work. I'm sure it's my fault though. Probably.
They put the Corvette for the demo car? Ugh. I think that car is awful. In contention for absolute worst car IMO.

When it comes to FFB, I'd say rFactor 2 (although there are a couple of real stinkers... the Corvette included), Gamestock Car 2012, and Power and Glory 3.0. The guy who did the physics for P&G 3.0 was hired by Kunos for Assetto Corsa.

Those are the three all-stars IMO on PC. People say the new tire model in iracing is great, but it's only on select cars. I recently reupped to give it another go, but the Mazda is white hot trash IMO. And if I want to get up to the Skippy, that's what I'm stuck driving for a while.

The other thing about rfactor 2 is the track always starts out green and with no grip. Until it gets rubbered in, you don't have nearly the grip you want. You're supposed to be able to save a rubbered in track, but aside from a build months ago, I've never been able to get this to work. I'm sure it's my fault though. Probably.

Ahh, OK, that explains a bit. When I tried RF2 with the Vette I was seriously underwhelmed. I liked that I could feel the tires lose grip pretty well, but I wasn't at all impressed with the FFB overall. If the Vette is awful though I'll have to try some other cars later and see how they compare. What are some of the best cars?

One thing I really liked about NKP was the range of adjustability of the FFB in the view menu. The damping and friction adjustments actually felt fantastic and allowed for dialing in the FFB to just perfect settings. FVA allows simpler adjustments but feels really good with the gain dialed up a bit when using the CSW. I have never tried PCARS. I DL'ed FEdit and will play around with it. One of the things I like about RRE is the little bit of wheel twitching while driving that increases what seems like resonant frequency as your speed increases, that makes it feel like you're driving a real car on a real track with a super direct connection to the road, like in a go-kart. That's good for some of the super lightweight race cars, but once you have it dialed for a light car, it's sort of not realistic in the heavier cars, because then on those it's too strong, but of course it can be dialed back in the settings. I wish that game remembered your settings per car, but instead I think you'd have to set up a FFB profile for each car to get everything just right, but at least you have the capability of doing so.
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Ahh, OK, that explains a bit. When I tried RF2 with the Vette I was seriously underwhelmed. I liked that I could feel the tires lose grip pretty well, but I wasn't at all impressed with the FFB overall. If the Vette is awful though I'll have to try some other cars later and see how they compare. What are some of the best cars?

One thing I really liked about NKP was the range of adjustability of the FFB in the view menu. The damping and friction adjustments actually felt fantastic and allowed for dialing in the FFB to just perfect settings. FVA allows simpler adjustments but feels really good with the gain dialed up a bit when using the CSW. I have never tried PCARS. I DL'ed FEdit and will play around with it.
Agree with him, the C6 is the worst car for me in rf2!
ISI has chosen the worst car to put into the Demo:tdown: but you should really drive the Clio, the Megan( a bleast to drive), the storic F1, the Skip.......👍
Ahh, OK, that explains a bit. When I tried RF2 with the Vette I was seriously underwhelmed. I liked that I could feel the tires lose grip pretty well, but I wasn't at all impressed with the FFB overall. If the Vette is awful though I'll have to try some other cars later and see how they compare. What are some of the best cars?

One thing I really liked about NKP was the range of adjustability of the FFB in the view menu. The damping and friction adjustments actually felt fantastic and allowed for dialing in the FFB to just perfect settings. FVA allows simpler adjustments but feels really good with the gain dialed up a bit when using the CSW. I have never tried PCARS. I DL'ed FEdit and will play around with it.

In terms of what I would have made the demo car: either the Cleo or Megane. Or if they were going to go with a GT car, I would have picked the Nissan 370z (or maybe it's the other Nissan. I like one lot more than the other). Those cars, especially the Cleo or Megane, are cars that are so drivable, even a green track is going to give you plenty of grip.

I personally love the historics Eve F2 and Brabham BT 20. But those are cars that handle dramatically better when you get a rubbered in track.

Now that I type this, I've never really given the Corvette much of a chance. Just thought it gave a horrible first impression and was a tank compared to the Nissan. Maybe it wouldn't drive so awful if I'd ever driven it long enough to get some grip on the track:)

I also think some of these cars could be set up better. Whether it's just my driving style or placebo affect, I always make sure I get rid of the negative toe in on the historics cars.
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rFactor 2
then netkar Pro/LFS
Then GSC/iRacing

rFactor 2 is best because it don´t compromise. May not impress to much on a G25 but it scales like no other sim with better ffb products :)
I played a lot of sims like nkP, LFS, GTR, rF1 and 2, iR, RBR and so on...
An independent project called X-Motor Racing has the best FFB for me now.
Each car has its own behavior and the feel of the road on ffb is the best.
I can feel weight transfer, tire contacs, all bumps ans roughness from the ride.
Live for speed IMO, i revisited that game after a long long hiatus, and even with the crummy graphics, the feel of the game and the FFB still hooks me.

iracing's wheels feel like they don't have the proper amount of wheel weight, and once you break traction, feels almost nothing like how a car would react. (although everything in between and the racings FFB does feel good)
Yeah, as far as iRacing goes, it is at its best when you are on perfect pace and line. When you're meeting those conditions the FFB is really really good. I DL'ed the X-Motor demo and will update after I try it. I had never heard of it before it was mentioned here.
Of those I've tried, it's a tie between WRC 3 and GT5/GT6 demo (PS3). I haven't tried that many games, but still...

For the PC, I think I'll go for ETS 2. I've only tried that and Simraceway, and SRW is almost uncontrollable - because of my wheel.
Yeah, as far as iRacing goes, it is at its best when you are on perfect pace and line. When you're meeting those conditions the FFB is really really good. I DL'ed the X-Motor demo and will update after I try it. I had never heard of it before it was mentioned here.

Lack of skill explains my issues:( I was giving this another go last night and I was in a turn doing maybe 50mph with my Mazda, made a slight correction that would have bothered nothing, and was sent into a violent 720 whirly bird and then only the grass.

It really is great FFB when everything is perfect, but I just wanna smash things because I'm not a robot in my driving skills.

In this sense, I really think Reiza games (like Gamestock Car) have the absolute best handling of any sim. They just seem to dial out all the weird gray areas. You never feel like you have to adjust to its idiosyncrasies or that a crash/wipeout wasn't your fault. When you crash/lose control, it's entirely on you. It feels most like a real car of any sim I've played.

EDIT: Not that I'd recommend anyone go out and buy it right now. Gamestock Car 2013 isn't going to be a free upgrade for previous owners. And GSC 2011 and 2012 were both released in July. So 2013 has to be coming fairly soon.
Hmm, just tried the X-Motor demo and the FFB is not working right. I'm getting a constant weird vibration in turns instead of a constant solid resistance. It's not the wheel either, I just tried FVA right after and it works fine there. I'll check the settings menu for XM.
But, you could drive a boring skip barber with no grip instead!

Yeah. I'm gonna be honest. I don't like the Skippy in rf2. I guess if you keep the throttle applied in turns it sticks to the track, but it's not a car that thrills me all that much in rf2. I guess a lot of people love it, but I'm skeptical on that one. When people say the Skippy with tire model 5 in iracing runs circles around it, I'm taking their word on it. Because I don't think either one of these games had that car properly dialed in before that.
Nobody mention RBR ? Rally games are maybe the best games to get the best of FFB.

Sega Rally and his realtime field seems really good too if you like classic arcade games.
For me nothing come close to NetKar Pro except the AC Technical preview.
I have not tried Ffactor2 or Pcars, but I have tried everything else.
The BMW free game is also excellent, but not as good as NetKar Pro.
BMW Experience
No. The actual wheel is vibrating because of the FFB motors oscillating for some reason. This has nothing to do with the wheel rim's vibration motors. I'll check out those available adjustments and see if it helps to tweak them. May try uninstalling and reinstalling the sim too.
I've been thinking about this quite a lot recently.

Ignoring older stuff and concentrating on the new batch of sims..... I decided to have a good look:

As a result, I bought Netkar Pro for the Assetto Corsa tech demo, also bought Ferrari Virtual Academy (which had a €5 for all content offer during August). I created an account in R3E and downloaded the new build 300 rFactor 2 demo. I downloaded the latest pCARS beta within Steam. I couldn't be bothered to sign back up to iRacing so I have to rely on my memories of it from a few years back. All testing done with a completely standard G25 set as most people,have it (900 degrees, 101% force, damping and centre spring off)

The only PC sim which "just feels right" straight away, no tweaking or messing about, is Assetto Corsa.

Everything else you can adjust to, but it lacks something. Briefly: R3E is very good communication but the very light wheel weight which changes as you put the steering under load is a bit disorienting (the exact opposite of Race series' tendency to mask fine detail with excess wheel weight unless you tweak it), iRacing has very communicative FFB when it comes to surface details but I always found it hard to tell what the rear of the car is doing. rFactor 2 also lacks car grip information and I just couldn't bring myself to lap the demo more than briefly. FVA is very good, but eclipsed by AC. PCARS isn't really fair to mention yet because it's nowhere near test ready.... far too variable per build and per car.

Maybe with hours of tweaking I'd have a different opinion about R3E and pCARS in particular, but I firmly believe that if I use a totally standard wheel like G25 with the game's preset configuration, it should just work, and in particular it should provide you all the information you need to understand the car and drive it by feel. Kunos and Simbin "get" that, as do PD.
IRacing is the only PC sim that I didn't feel the need to adjust right away. The wheel is light but I like the feel and the little details you feel in the tracks and cars.
Me and my T500 like NKp and FVA most and on a good second place are Race07/GTR2/R3E.
The problem with older games is that the T500 is not supported and you have to make your own settings.

I don't have Iracing, but I have most Sims between GTL and rFactor2.