Which Game Show Do You Think We Will Next See Gran Turismo 5 At?


I Was Just Wondering If Anyone Knew Or Wanted To Discuss It:tup:
I Personally Think It won't be shown until after it is announced on Gran Turismo's website so maybe at the TGS
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Started today. :D

We may hear of some minor news from it.
from Ahmed's interview
"even GT5 will release at the same way "laughing" we will do every thing as a SURPRISE" .

he will tell nothing, for me he and PD try to hide to tell the release untill the last month to do this surprise... call it surprise!!! it's an agony...
He's saying TGS = Tokyo Game Show

this is not the same Tokyo Auto Salon....

for me i really don't care as long as it is ASAP
from Ahmed's interview
"even GT5 will release at the same way "laughing" we will do every thing as a SURPRISE" .

he will tell nothing, for me he and PD try to hide to tell the release untill the last month to do this surprise... call it surprise!!! it's an agony...
I think you'd call that tactic commercial suicide. Launch a product when no ones ready and watch is stay on the shelf. Besides the fact he was joking the most he was alluding to was the idea that GT5 might be closer than expected and that could be a suprise. There's no was PD wouldn't build up anticipation in the months upto the games lauch. If GT5 is to lauch at the end of this year or some time next, I'd expect we'll start to see some news soon.
IMO it's going to be at E3, and it's going to be just a trailer during the Sony Conference but I really doubt they will really talk about it that much.
I think TGS (Tokyo game show) and the bi-annual TMS (Tokyo motor show, was big last time) will be big this year, though I am not holding my breath after all those big game shows came and went in dissapointment in 2008.

I think you'd call that tactic commercial suicide. Launch a product when no ones ready and watch is stay on the shelf. Besides the fact he was joking the most he was alluding to was the idea that GT5 might be closer than expected and that could be a suprise. There's no was PD wouldn't build up anticipation in the months upto the games lauch. If GT5 is to lauch at the end of this year or some time next, I'd expect we'll start to see some news soon.

Which would be perfect for a warmup from E3 and a big TGS & TMS.
Doubt it will be at E3, and even if it is, it will only be a 30 second trailer and no more. E3 last year was pathetic, and I doubt it will change this year. E3 used to be THE show for gaming, now since they changed it, its just a press release and no more.
Of course they dont know what theyre doing, its their first game, its a small company, develope multiplatform and they dont have a huge publisher for their game.

Oh wait....

I wish we would see it at GDC (march 23-27), doubt we will see it before and/or at E³ and pray we will see it at least at TGS.
??? June is the release date. All ideas that you think GT5 will come with will not appear except for the ones that not many of us want. And why are we still making ourselves sick with worry as to how PD will make the game..........it's best just to sit back and wait and be dissapointed again as so many of us were when gt4 came out. : )
??? June is the release date. All ideas that you think GT5 will come with will not appear except for the ones that not many of us want. And why are we still making ourselves sick with worry as to how PD will make the game..........it's best just to sit back and wait and be dissapointed again as so many of us were when gt4 came out. : )

agree... we wait, we wait, we think, we think, and when it will came out there will be many things that will be missing in the game...
and we cry, we cry...