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Originally posted by LoudMusic
Have we always been able to do checkbox polls, or is this a new thing?
Originally posted by ZeroCool85
Its new!
Originally posted by LoudMusic
Well it freakin` rocks! I'm going to be using these a lot (:
Originally posted by Talentless
Well, veni (way-nee) veni (way-nee) vici (wee-kee)
Originally posted by Saleen Man
Originally posted by Talentless
By the way, Caesar, which is actually a title or rank, is commonly mispronounced.
No, I am not fluent in Latin. I know a little from reading a book a while ago.
The C in Caesar is said as a K would be, so it is not said as if it were an s, as is the case for the letter c in most, or all, of Latin. The ae is a dipthong which sounds like the word eye does. But the two are part of the same syllable, so it comes out as K and eye (short i) sounding like the Ky in Kyle, as in Kyle Petty. The result? Ky-sar and not See-sur is more accurate in classical Latin.
Consult more knowledgeable persons to test My accuracy. I might be wrong.
O. I was hoping it was some rare Euro supermini import.Originally posted by Talentless
Just a joke.