Which mobile phone OS do you prefer?

  • Thread starter Prince.M5

Which mobile phone OS do you prefer?

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Kuala Lumpur
Since the release of iOS7 yesterday, many people have expressed their satisfaction and disappointment of the update. Some even said to should've changed to Android, move to Windows Phone and even try out something that doesn't even exist yet...

Currently I'm using a Nokia Lumia 620 rocking on Windows Phone 8 and a Sony XPERIA P rocking on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. Both, obviously have their own pros and cons but I've always liked the smoothness, simplicity and unity of Windows Phone as compared to the more freedom, technical and demanding Android OS. And as honest as possible, I'm on the side of Windows Phone.

So which mobile phone OS do you prefer the most?

I can do what i want.

I can install unauthorized apps without jailbreaking
I can transfer files via bluetooth.
I can change the look of it.
I dont get told by someone how do use a phone.
Apps are better since they are not limited by app nazis.
I'd prefer Android over WP7/8 and IOS any day.

It's much more open, and I like the interface alot more.

My Note II is by far the best phone i've ever had, and with the Note III coming up soon i'll definitely get that. :dopey:
Been Using Android

on my 3rd or 4th Rom with my Xperia X10i, Battery looks like it is dying however I'm very happy with my phone,the whole do whatever you want with your phone is the biggest positive for me.

No problem with ios feel it's a great solution to people who just want a phone that is fast reliable and smooth without fideling with it,Still think they are a tad expensive.

Edit: A friend has a windows phone and I love the Design of the UI would love to try a phone like that sometime,Blackberry's biggest appeal here is the BBM which I think is coming to all platforms (Can't see the point now that we have Whatsapp but yeah ).
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iOS for me:
- Generally rock solid and reliable, set it up once and just leave it alone
- iCloud does a good job of syncing everything
- Integrates well into the Mac+PC+Airport system at home
- Very responsive feel to it, more so than the HTC Sense/TouchWiz flavours of Android that I've tried (on a HTC One/S4)
- Lots of good apps, a benefit of the restrictions that Apple place on the App Store
- Good professional app support from companies whose desktop programs I use often, such as Phase One or Adobe
- I like the typography in iOS7. Actually iOS7 in general, even if there are a few visual missteps.
Android. Been using 4.2.1 and it's been rock solid except for the more battery drain(Drains more battery when I updated to Jelly Bean) which has been fixed by using a battery saving app. Will be getting a Omate TrueSmart with Android 4.2.2 by November. I can't wait for that! Very James Bond like since it can be used as a separate phone or with another Android phone with a app.
Android. Been using 4.2.1 and it's been rock solid except for the more battery drain(Drains more battery when I updated to Jelly Bean) which has been fixed by using a battery saving app. Will be getting a Omate TrueSmart with Android 4.2.2 by November. I can't wait for that! Very James Bond like since it can be used as a separate phone or with another Android phone with a app.

I had a similar issue when i went from gingerbread to jellybean.

I fixed it by doing a restore.
iOS, mainly because it's what I'm used to and the application I support at work is a major pain to work with on Android. That's not to say there are a ton of great things about the Android OS though, I have a Nexus 7 and a Nexus 10 and they're great.
I prefer Android, not necessarily because of the OS but because of the lack of proprietary cables and I can connect my phone to a hotel TV for the kids to watch Netflix. :)
I had a similar issue when i went from gingerbread to jellybean.

I fixed it by doing a restore.

I'm just going to deal with it until my contract is over. Then I'm going to wipe and root it. Then use the smartwatch for my phone needs. I'll most likely keep my smartphone(The one I'm using now) around if I need a back up phone.
Symbian/Nokia Belle. Yeah, I'm still stuck in the stone age... It's decent, it works, nothing else I could ask for. Maybe a little faster but that's down to the processor speed.

If I were to upgrade however, I'd try out Windows Phone.

Also, to mention the new iOS7, I hate Apple and iPhones in general but iOS7 is gorgeous compared to what iOS was before. Now the only thing stopping me from trying out an iPhone is the sky high price.

Nah, maybe not. Nokia or even any other phone company has better value for money anyways. I'll probably get a Lumia 1020 in a year or two when it's price drops and when Nokia releases a lime green one. :drool:
Android. So far, I've never experienced it not working, it's easy to set up and intuitive to control as well. It, frankly, just works. In addition to that, it's a far more open environment than iOS. I'm at least able to install all sorts of apps on my device without jailbreaking it - whether these apps can be found in the Google Play Store or not. Not having to stick to Apple products in general is also a plus, as I think that these are generally quite overpriced for the hardware they offer.

As for Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS... I don't know. Windows phone is supposedly decent, but I don't have any first hand experience. I'd say that the relatively small market share doesn't really help a lot, though.

And BlackBerry... I had a BlackBerry once. Never again.
Symbian/Nokia Belle. Yeah, I'm still stuck in the stone age... It's decent, it works, nothing else I could ask for. Maybe a little faster but that's down to the processor speed.

If I were to upgrade however, I'd try out Windows Phone.

Also, to mention the new iOS7, I hate Apple and iPhones in general but iOS7 is gorgeous compared to what iOS was before. Now the only thing stopping me from trying out an iPhone is the sky high price.

Nah, maybe not. Nokia or even any other phone company has better value for money anyways. I'll probably get a Lumia 1020 in a year or two when it's price drops and when Nokia releases a lime green one. :drool:

Is Nokia still alive?
Android. I'm on 4.3 stock. That fufills anything I ask for. Paranoid Android 3.99 is also pretty good too with the expanded screen space thanks to the PIE controls.

By the way, the OP forgot Symbian, Ubuntu OS and Firefox OS, and now that CM is a company, Cyanogenmod.
Ubuntu is an OS so calling an OS OS again is redundant.

Ubuntu Mobile is what it is called from what i remember
Weren't they bought by MS? and a few employees started Nokeea or something like that which will be android operated Nokia Phones?

Yep, Microsoft bought Nokia for a total of $7+ billion. However, the acquisition has yet to be finalized and it's now up to the shareholders to accept or decline the acquisition.

I heard about the Newkia thing but Nokia is indeed, right now working on an Android device. You may want to read the article.

And if the acquisition is not a success, we will definitely have a chance to see an Android powered Nokia.
Yep, Microsoft bought Nokia for a total of $7+ billion. However, the acquisition has yet to be finalized and it's now up to the shareholders to accept or decline the acquisition.

I heard about the Newkia thing but Nokia is indeed, right now working on an Android device. You may want to read the article.

And if the acquisition is not a success, we will definitely have a chance to see an Android powered Nokia.

Will do,Thanks mate :cheers:
I like Android because its ultra customisable and compatible with pretty much everything. Currently using 4.1 Jelly Bean.

From a looks perspective though I prefer Windows Phone, its very clean and I love the live tiles.