Which wheel...

  • Thread starter dazzi
I got a DFP last year in July but if i were to get another after school casual job i would save up for a new wheel my options are G25 or Driving Force GT,
my dfp is in good condition so i dont know if its worth it but im sort of leaning towards the DF GT since it has more buttons and g25 i doubt it has enough to assign everything in a game like GT5? with that i mean everything, incar view change the angles inside the car, do the changes as your driving like the real time tc etc, lets say do everything with in Gt5 with a g25 if its possible from features its the wheel i like most but will it suit my faveourite driving game :D... perfectly?
I would go for the G25 if you have a solid place to put it really. The feedback on this thing requires a steady desk and not some flimsy tv dinner table.

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