Whistler Wisdom

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United Kingdom
I've searched for threads offering tips on the Whistler Ice Races and, although I found a few, there was no definitive easy guide to them.

It has taken me around 20 attempts at the two Hard races (and a few cuts and bruises!) to get them completed and I thought I would impart some of the lessons I have learned over that time.

1. DON'T use the DFP wheel. I use the wheel all the time in GT4 but for the Ice races you are simply making life ten times more difficult for yourself. Let me put it another way; of the 19 failed attempts I had 17 of them were using the wheel...I don't know why it took me so long to realise the error of my ways.

2. The 5-Second penalty is your friend. Well, okay, so maybe 'friend' is taking it too far; but you can learn to use it to your advantage. As I'm sure you're already aware it only applies if you hit something with the front of your car; not the rear. While I'm not advocating wall-riding don't be afraid to tap the back of your car on the wall to help you get round - the AI cars do it so don't feel guilty!

3. Choose your car carefully. While it might be tempting to go for something small and nippy, such as a Pugeot 205, it's not always the best option. The car that took me through the Easy and Normal Whistler races was the Audi Pikes Peak Quattro. In real life, you'd want a big 4WD for driving on ice, why should this be any different? There was one other reason I chose the Pikes Peak...

4. Block, block and then block some more. It may not be the prettiest method but if you want the easiest way to win these races this is your answer. Get in front of the AI car and then simply sit on the inside of every corner, going at whatever speed you can maintain control. Obviously a big car like the Pikes Peak is useful for this as it can just fill the track. It will take you a couple of goes to nail this technique but it's perfectly legal and, frankly, easier than wall-riding.

So there you have it, my guide to the easy way to win at Whistler. One final tip; for the reverse race I tried to use the Pikes Peak and was presented with an Impreza Rally Car - far superior in terms of traction. So, I switched to a tuned up Lancia Delta S4 and it gave me a Toyota Corolla; this time the boot was on the other foot and I had a huge speed advantage, making it an easy, if slightly hollow, victory.

I hope this helps a few people reach 100% if they've been avoiding these races!
1. DON'T use the DFP wheel. I use the wheel all the time in GT4 but for the Ice races you are simply making life ten times more difficult for yourself. Let me put it another way; of the 19 failed attempts I had 17 of them were using the wheel...I don't know why it took me so long to realize the error of my ways.

Yeah, normal racing is a delicate art, while ice racing... Ice racing is using a chainsaw to sculpt styrofoam, a sledgehammer to drive a finishing nail. At least I think so...
2. Traction Control is the key. Basically, even if you never normally pay TCM and ASM much attention, go and check them out for this. Turn the ASM (Oversteer) to 20, the ASM (Understeer) to 0 and the TCM to 10 - you'll notice the difference it makes straight away. The grip you get off the line is twice what you would normally.

I believe TCS and ASM are disabled in dirt and ice races. :)
I believe TCS and ASM are disabled in dirt and ice races. :)

They are. In a normal race on tarmac if they're on you'll see a little icon appear when ever they are activated, like during cornering. It's in the same cluster where the e-brake and bad oil icons appear. During a special race this icon will never appear.
Okay, it seems I was wrong on the Traction Control. All I will say is that it certainly acted as a very effective placebo when I adjusted them!

I have updated my tips accordingly.

Thanks all.