Who Do I Call Or Write?

  • Thread starter sic5liter
Ok, I'm pretty sure this thread is not already posted so I have some simple questions for u guys. Here goes.

Who can we call or write to get our suggestions for GT 5 to Sony, or Polyphony?
If we could do this maybe we could get the cool stuff in the game like-

Something simalar to the "My Factory" mode in the original Sega GT. (Well, I thought it was cool.)

Use of the HD.....Download your own car!!!!!(There better be a fox body mustang in GT5!!!!!!)

Anyhoo.....give me your thoughts on this

I know this has been covered, but I doubt specifically.

And yeah, I'd definately write them with a few suggestions....
one person cant make a difference but I remember when GT4 came out in Japan without 2 player garage battles and a lot of people (myself included) emailed SCEE to let them know the score...I got a reply of thanks and funnily enough the game was released in the PAL version with garage battles. 👍
Sony will not accept any ideas given to them by third patries, namely us. The simple fact is, it aviods legal complications, if you give them an idea and they say thanks, and the game launches with that idea, then you demand money from them it creates trouble they don't want. If they have a policy to never accept your ideas, basically never letting them get past the secretary, then it doesn't matter what makes it into the final game, it didn't originate from you, and anyone who goes to them saying thats their idea doesn't have a leg to stand on. Your best bet is to just post them in forums like this since the chances are someone who works at Sony will browse them every now and then, they won't be members, but they'll browse some sites looking for feedback.
I don't understand how you people have suggestions that come before the physics engine, GT4 is basically unplayable if you're familiar with real Sims or Enthusia.
I second that, I have to use the pad to play GT4, because with the wheel I try using it like I'm playing GTR, LFS or EPR and it just doesn't work.
Sony will not accept any ideas given to them by third patries, namely us. The simple fact is, it aviods legal complications, if you give them an idea and they say thanks, and the game launches with that idea, then you demand money from them it creates trouble they don't want. If they have a policy to never accept your ideas, basically never letting them get past the secretary, then it doesn't matter what makes it into the final game, it didn't originate from you, and anyone who goes to them saying thats their idea doesn't have a leg to stand on. Your best bet is to just post them in forums like this since the chances are someone who works at Sony will browse them every now and then, they won't be members, but they'll browse some sites looking for feedback.

okay Im slightly drunk so maybe it was myself who wrote the reply of thanks after seeing garage battles implemented! :)

who cares, its in! :D
They probably did thank you for your suggston, but the suggestion itself won't have gone to anyone who'd have any input in the game.
I second that, I have to use the pad to play GT4, because with the wheel I try using it like I'm playing GTR, LFS or EPR and it just doesn't work.
Like I said before; I think PD reads GTPlanet forums. Post it here.
No for once on a Sunday evening I'm not. But I've played a lot of more realistic sims, I also do drive and I know when the handling charecteristics of cars are off in a game, and GT4's are off. Don't get me wrong, some people already have, I do like GT, but it's not a proper sim, the car all have ABS that you can't switch off and the cars all grip the road too well, theres a few inconsistencies with how cars handle bumps and so on.
@orubasarot: :) 👍

As for one person making a difference, it had no effect on the actual game itself, but I had emailed Konami asking them about the song in the pre-release trailer for Enthusia and whether it reflected the music that would be featured in the rest of the game. Less than a month afterwards, a small section appeared on the website which explained how the song was recorded and who the composers for the game were. :crazy:

That convinced me that they had listened, so I was sure to send them a thank-you/congratulatory email upon the game's release. :lol:
if this forum represents the GT fanbase then it seems that the GT fanbase couldn't care less about physics.
Every other GT5 suggestions thread just asks for bodykits and decals.

You're joking, right?

Obviously you haven't read enough threads on these forums, or you'll know this isn't true. Of course, a lot of people just register to make a thread about "GT should be more like NFS", but these people aren't really representative of the forums.

One of the major concerns here is physics, next to AI and stuff. Funny you should say GTplanet couldn't care less about physics. GTplanet IS aware of what's wrong with the series.
I've found this place is one of the most open minded GT forums around, I do go off on a rant sometimes over GT's many faults and some people get the idea I don't like the game, though I do, I just sometimes go off on one. But generally, mine and other peoples rants are listned to and many discussions have started from them looking at how that area of the game is right or wrong and how to improve it, and thats including physics. Infact theres a thread dedicated to how GT5's physics should be in GT5 here in the GT5 forum.
I've found this place is one of the most open minded GT forums around, I do go off on a rant sometimes over GT's many faults and some people get the idea I don't like the game, though I do, I just sometimes go off on one. But generally, mine and other peoples rants are listned to and many discussions have started from them looking at how that area of the game is right or wrong and how to improve it, and thats including physics. Infact theres a thread dedicated to how GT5's physics should be in GT5 here in the GT5 forum.

Yes, we mostly share the same ideas, shame that we cant get our ideas implemented however, if we all racked our brains we could come up with an excellent next GT.
There's a reason why PD designs GT games for their loving fans. And actually, you are making one big misconception. One person doesn't make a difference. Actually... MANY people make a difference. Someone wanted to see cars won for acheiving a License with a certain honor, and look what happened. If Gran Turismo was never about what people wanted, we'd be stuck with the same problems, same gripes, same b*tching, same complaining, and just no real sense of evolution in any aspect. PD or Sony will likely appreciate your input, but it doesn't mean that the idea will necessarily work. Another idea I proposed, I hated how Grand Valley Speedway looked in GT3. I wanted the variant more like GT1 and GT2 with the beautiful tunnel view, then the city background around on the front straight. And what happened? We got it! I didn't get my wish granted, WE ALL got our wish granted. An idea I had actually mattered. This is why PD tries to meet or beat as many of our ideas as we can. As long as it can be something feasible and reasonable, anything is possible.

So... forget about E-mails, phone calls, worthless petitions, and the like. Just hope for it in forums like this one. Because remember. If you love GT games and you're part of a message board like the wondeful GTPlanet led by illustrious leader Jordan, you've done 1/2 of what it takes to have your voice heard. The other half is to turn words and dreams into typed messages in threads like this one. Never know. The next game may surprise you if they see an idea of yours they like. Don't bother trying to be the one voice that changes Gran Turismo for ages and generations, because we're all part of the Gran Turismo family. If we are the peasants of the Gran Turismo social system, PD and Sony Japan are our kings and queens. Don't mean to be poetic, but you're in the perfect place to share your mind to PD. Why take unecessary and bone-headed risks?