Who else thinks GT5 will not contain that many features?

  • Thread starter tecknical

Will GT5 have features we want?

  • Yes, Yamauchi will come through

    Votes: 20 62.5%
  • No, GT never had and features

    Votes: 12 37.5%

  • Total voters
Does anyone else here think that the full GT5 release will NOT contain a lot of the features we wish for? GT has never really been about the features (i mean after 10 bloody years it still has the same tire squeal and no tire tracks). I don't think it will have dirt, tire tracks, better sounds, etc. I have faith in PD that it will be extremely realistic, but I highly doubt it will have many of those features that are in the wishlist. If it even has 1/4 of those features I'd be highly surprised. So do you have faith in PD or are you skeptical like me
No way in hell will we get everything. Hell, some people have conflicting wishes for GT5! I do have faith that we will be getting some of the bigger things such as damage, day/night cycles, various weather conditions, etc.

And we'll probably see a bunch of smaller enhancements as well, some of which we may not have even thought of!
No way in hell will we get everything. Hell, some people have conflicting wishes for GT5! I do have faith that we will be getting some of the bigger things such as damage, day/night cycles, various weather conditions, etc.

And we'll probably see a bunch of smaller enhancements as well, some of which we may not have even thought of!

i know we wont get everything. I dont want everything, but minor enhancements that I dont think will get put in, such as cars getting dirty, tire marks on the course, better tire sound, etc.
i know we wont get everything. I dont want everything, but minor enhancements that I dont think will get put in, such as cars getting dirty, tire marks on the course, better tire sound, etc.

In that case...

Tire sounds will likely be the same as in Prologue. I doubt that Kazunori would be fond of the cars getting dirty. And tire marks may or may not be added.
Basically, there's two things I really REALLY want in GT5.
1. Drivetrain swaps like in Forza 2.
2. Dynamic weather for real tracks that takes the weather forecast and alters the weather accordingly, which might even happen since KY said he wants to put weather in and there's the thing on the home menu that shows you what the weather's like at Silverstone or Monza or Spa or whatever.

However, even if those two things weren't in the game, I'd still buy it. I think if they used engine sounds from GT3 and never bothered to update the Nürburgring's textures from GT4, replaced the tyre squeal with the sound of a chainsaw and didn't even bother with the dust that cars kicked up on rally stages since GT2, most people on this forum would still buy the game as long as they included the most realistic driving possible and a stupidly mind-killingly huge number of cars, even if they are all Skylines...

Well maybe not but as long as the number of cars, the models and the driving were as you'd expect for a next-gen console (and I'm pretty sure, from GT5p, that the last two are up to that standard), they don't need to include too much ancillary detail like tyre tracks, dirt and so on. I mean if they did, it wouldn't be long before people started complaining about how their sump didn't crack after that last jump, or how their head gasket is still fine despite the car running 3153163642 bar of boost... Ok maybe that's going a bit far and it would be nice to see detail like that (if it was optional), but either way I'm pretty sure GT5 will be good enough to be the best racing game on the PS3 and most likely better than the next Forza, even if it's just because of the variety of cars. I dunno though, I'm considering picking up a used Xbox just for Forza 2, just to play around with drivetrain swaps.

p.s. Aren't the choices on the poll a bit, i dunno, extreme? I wouldn't say GT has NEVER had ANY features but I also wouldn't say it'll have everything everyone wants included.
I might just go to bed instead actually
Well to be honest with you its not THE most realistic driving sim out there, GTR2 has it beat in that category, but it is pretty damn close. Shame that PD doesn't bother much with adding "realistic" features in the game. It would be so much better
Erm, the poll is a little odd, I'm not really sure what the second option is meant to be, it surely isnt meant to say "GT never had any features"? The GT series has had many features.

All I expect is that everything PD have promised, we will get. I dont expect anything they haven't mentioned so far (makes it a better surprise too).
PD on the whole doesn't listen to us much, so I doubt we will get all of the things "we want".
All I expect is that everything PD have promised, we will get. I dont expect anything they haven't mentioned so far (makes it a better surprise too).

Just to keep track on what's been promised and how PD is delivering so far...Here’s what I remember from the powerpoint presentations from 2007. *

1. All cars and tracks of GT4 will be in GT5 - not too sure about "all" cars
2. more cars and tracks should be downloadable - probably
3. 4 driving views - we already have the cockpit view now.
4. damages for the race cars - supposedly on the way on the fall update
5. All Ferrari + F1 - we finally have Fezzas!!!
6. new city tracks - Madrid has been confirmed
7. online drivers : 12 to 20 - We're currently at 16
8. changing weather during race - planned somewhere down the line...possibly by GT5?

from recent interviews:

9. Have all major manufacturers including Porsche by GT5

Did I miss anything?

*Editor's Note: Not 100% factually correct
I voted "No". I guess the full GT5 will be a lot like Prologue. Only with about 20 tracks and 200 cars. Dont think we can expect much new features.

They promise a lot, but i dont think they can live up to the promises they make and still release the game in 2009. And i dont wanna be harsh but i have the feeling PD does not listen to the GT fans at all. They just build what they like. Therefore GT5 will probably have some new features but changes are slim that any of these features is anything we asked for. Instead of working on car damage, tire marks, changing weather, PD thinks it more usefull to spend time on some silly weather forecast feature, full animated menu's, and GT:TV wich is complete useless. Dont get me wrong, these features aint bad. But the time a developer spend on them could have been of better use. These features are cool when you cant think of nothing else to make the gameplay more intresting. But for as long as GT is as it is now, they should spent their time on more usefull features.
Just to keep track on what's been promised and how PD is delivering so far...Here’s what I remember from the powerpoint presentations from 2007.

1. All cars and tracks of GT4 will be in GT5 - not too sure about "all" cars
2. more cars and tracks should be downloadable - probably
3. 4 driving views - we already have the cockpit view now.
4. damages for the race cars - supposedly on the way on the fall update
5. All Ferrari + F1 - we finally have Fezzas!!!
6. new city tracks - Madrid has been confirmed
7. online drivers : 12 to 20 - We're currently at 16
8. changing weather during race - planned somewhere down the line...possibly by GT5?

from recent interviews:

9. Have all major manufacturers including Porsche by GT5

Did I miss anything?
They never promised all thoes things, and the powerpoint presentation was not presented as such. They were all presented as ideas that PD were looking into and hopefull of implementing, they never once said that that GT5 would include all thoes features. The same goes for Porsche and all major manufacturers. Kaz has said many times he'd like as many manufacturers as possible since him ultimate vision is for all cars to be included. not happening and he knows that, but that doesn't stop it from being part of the vision of what GT is building towards. Kaz has never said he promises Porsche will be in GT5, nor has he said he promises every major manufacturer will be in.

It's people twisting what has been said that create rumours and hope of features and content that in actual fact never was and then when it doesn't turn up everyone who followed that rumour whines that PD promised. No they haven't delivered on every promise made, but at the same time they haven't promised half the things they're credited as failing to deliver on.
They never promised all thoes things, and the powerpoint presentation was not presented as such. They were all presented as ideas that PD were looking into and hopefull of implementing, they never once said that that GT5 would include all thoes features. The same goes for Porsche and all major manufacturers. Kaz has said many times he'd like as many manufacturers as possible since him ultimate vision is for all cars to be included. not happening and he knows that, but that doesn't stop it from being part of the vision of what GT is building towards. Kaz has never said he promises Porsche will be in GT5, nor has he said he promises every major manufacturer will be in.

Ok, so maybe he never "promised" or guaranteed to get those features in GT5, but the point is, KY is hopeful in trying to put them in...I just merely posted what PD "hopes" to implement in the future and how they're doing so far.

If you're going to nitpick every word that I used, then why don't you just dig out the old interviews and articles and start quoting so that no one is twisting what KY has said.
If you're going to nitpick every word that I used, then why don't you just dig out the old interviews and articles and start quoting so that no one is twisting what KY has said.

Because he shouldnt need to?
If you're going to make sweeping exaggerations of what is promised, why dont you dig out the old interviews and articles and start quoting so that no one gets the wrong idea. :dopey:
If you're going to make sweeping exaggerations of what is promised, why dont you dig out the old interviews and articles and start quoting so that no one gets the wrong idea.

Nah, if I were writing this for a newscast, then I'd be inclined to be factually correct, but this is a videogame forum and we all know not to believe everything we read on the Net...That and I'm just feeling lazy to research this, so I'm going to stick with my fuzzy memory. :dopey:
Nah, if I were writing this for a newscast, then I'd be inclined to be factually correct, but this is a videogame forum and we all know not to believe everything we read on the Net...That and I'm just feeling lazy to research this, so I'm going to stick with my fuzzy memory. :dopey:

Well the least you could do is to try and not claim it as fact.
I was talking about what PD has promised, not what you think they have promised.
Ok, so the original post has been edited to include the disclaimer.

Anyone care to straighten me out then, because most of the features I listed were presented as fact from the powerpoint presentation and the Joypad article in 2007 and another interview with KY.

In that case, what is promised? Because as far as I know (and many of you know more), not a lot has been confirmed one way or another.
Ok, so the original post has been edited to include the disclaimer.

Anyone care to straighten me out then, because most of the features I listed were presented as fact from the powerpoint presentation and the Joypad article in 2007 and another interview with KY.

In that case, what is promised? Because as far as I know (and many of you know more), not a lot has been confirmed one way or another.

None, you will find in the games industry that companies never make very many promises purely because development takes so long and designs, licences and other factors can easily change in that time.
This is why I said the poll is a bit silly, Kaz isn't going to "come through" because he hasn't promised anything.

They dont want to promise anything that they later have to pull out and then get a load of bad publicity for it.
as far as i'm concerned, the only new feature so far is the "drift" game mode... which is very gimmicky at best...
Oh, and online functionality is new? Drift mode and online are really the only new features in Prologue, but GT5 will likely have more. I would kill for (and strongly believe we'll see) a Photo Mode with a free-roam camera and with up to 16 cars on any track.
Until I can drive an Ice Cream truck around the Nurburgring with the tires coming off the rims and popsicles flying out of the flapping rear doors, I will consider GT unfinished.