Who Still Plays Star Wars Battlefront II (2005)?

United States
The US of A
So after playing the first on PS2 and being fairly impressed with it back in 2006, it was only natural I would eventually play the 2nd later that year on the same console. While I have played many games over the years, this game is by far one of my favorite games of all time and I don’t think theirs a single game I have ever played more than this one. In fact, even years after getting the game, it managed to stay relevant far longer than most and still has a lot of meaning to me even now.

Nowadays, I will admit, I don’t play it nearly as much as I used to, but it is a game I intend to get back into again sometime soon, especially since the Classic Collection just dropped. So who else still cares about this game? :)

Disclaimer: This thread is not about the 2017 game. Go here if you want to discuss it.
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I play single player on my dolphin emulator on mac but the game on the classic collection is a bit buggy on multiplayer. I would hold off on about a few months for CC until more fixes are implemented.

The reason why you would probably not enjoy the classic collection is due to the lag, rubberbanding and crashes. The ps2 original is by far better and they nerfed the iconic sounds you hear when you enter a galaxy! (how dare they)

If there's news on potential fixes I'll update the thread, I'd like to get a game in with you just for nostalgia's sake.

I would hold off on about a few months for CC until more fixes are implemented.
I have been holding off anyway because it's a bit too expensive for me right now and I am wanting to revisit the PS2 version first before I get anywhere near the Classic Collection. (which I haven't done yet) The bugs have been a concern for me though and I am waiting for them to be ironed out eventually and I am hopeful they will be.
The reason why you would probably not enjoy the classic collection is due to the lag, rubberbanding and crashes.
Maybe, but from what I can tell, the single-player experience is still pretty decent and some of the major problems are in the online play.
they nerfed the iconic sounds you hear when you enter a galaxy! (how dare they)
Okay, that might be about Battlefront 1, but I think that was just an oversight and what was really happening was the sound was being played at the wrong pitch. It has recently been fixed though. (thank goodness)
I'd like to get a game in with you just for nostalgia's sake.
To be honest, I don't even know if I'll play this game online or not. Nothing personal, I am just not much of an online person.
I have been holding off anyway because it's a bit too expensive for me right now and I am wanting to revisit the PS2 version first before I get anywhere near the Classic Collection. (which I haven't done yet) The bugs have been a concern for me though and I am waiting for them to be ironed out eventually and I am hopeful they will be.
That's fair, perhaps revisit the originals and see if you can find a better perspective in the Classic Collection. I do agree that most of the fun that will be had in the campaign since online been buggy.
To be honest, I don't even know if I'll play this game online or not. Nothing personal, I am just not much of an online person.
Everyone has their quirks I don't take offense. I would honestly hold off on online for the time being while the devs make everything stable due to the sheer amount of problems.
I have Battlefront II Classic on the PC and I've been playing a lot of the Halation mod.

It's exactly what it sounds like, just adds Halo maps, factions and vehicles to the game. It's a lot of fun using the weapons from the Halo series in the Battlefront II style of gameplay as marines and ODSTs.

Got about 20 hours on the game in the past two weeks just because of this mod alone.
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