Who'd have thunk it?

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Barack Obama and Dick Cheney are related! Article...


According to Mrs Cheney's spokeswoman, Mr Obama is distantly related to Mareen Duvall, whose son Samuel married the granddaughter of Mr Cheney's ancestor, also called Richard Cheney.

Mr Obama's spokesman, Bill Burton, responded to the news by saying: "Every family has a black sheep."
That's pretty good. But does it even matter at all?.....Nope!
I bet there are a few people related to Hitler here.

It's not hard to go back 200 years and find where your family somehow connected with that other family. I am somehow related to Osama Bin Laden's college roommate.
Isn't everyone everyone else's 13th cousin or something?

As far as relation goes, Obama and Cheney also are both liberals, duh.