Why can't i add bots or AI players to the 4-player multiplayer split screen?

  • Thread starter joeyyswagz
It was a nice decision increasing the 2-player split screen to become a 4-player split screen. We really love that.

However, we would also like to spice up the game by having lots of bot or AI players in the split screen modes. Just as you have in shooting games.
It is quite unusual in current games to include split screen modes. It's pretty miraculous that GT7 includes it.
Split screen modes are a headache for developers because they mean having to optimize games for graphical loads that are very different from full screen ones.
The split screen mode must represent 2 or 4 scenarios and multiply the cars eventually visible on the screen. If the 4-player mode allowed the participation of full grids, 88 cars could be put together on the screen at the same time and that despite using lower levels of detail with fewer polygons is quite overkill for any graphics engine.

In short, the level of detail of the game is designed for solo or online mode. Allowing full grids in 4-player split-screen mode would require its own graphical approach with a lot of time to optimize it, the number of players using 4-player split-screen mode is very small and the number of potential buyers who could decide for buying GT7 mainly because its mode at 4 is close to 0, so it is not a profitable task.
It is quite unusual in current games to include split screen modes. It's pretty miraculous that GT7 includes it.
Split screen modes are a headache for developers because they mean having to optimize games for graphical loads that are very different from full screen ones.
The split screen mode must represent 2 or 4 scenarios and multiply the cars eventually visible on the screen. If the 4-player mode allowed the participation of full grids, 88 cars could be put together on the screen at the same time and that despite using lower levels of detail with fewer polygons is quite overkill for any graphics engine.

In short, the level of detail of the game is designed for solo or online mode. Allowing full grids in 4-player split-screen mode would require its own graphical approach with a lot of time to optimize it, the number of players using 4-player split-screen mode is very small and the number of potential buyers who could decide for buying GT7 mainly because its mode at 4 is close to 0, so it is not a profitable task.

It’s moreso the technical reasons like the console’s processing power to render four screens at once than simply the engine. Throwing in any AI is more taxing to the CPU, and I assume Polyphony has an unwavering commitment to 60 FPS and their physics simulation (which is a new can of worms). AI in split screen might come at the cost of one or both.

There’s a reason why four player split screen is only on PS5, why GT games have historically not had AI in split screen, and also why even Mario Kart 8 has to compromise down to 30 FPS with four players.
Throwing in any AI is more taxing to the CPU
Racing AI doesnt take a whole lot of power.
It is the training or preprocessing that does (which doesnt happen on the console).
That + the fact that the game already has a pretty low LoD range to downscale details already hints that it would be coming at the cost of graphics. That is out of question for this game.