Why didn't anyone do this?


Umm...just a question to all you who attended the GC 2009 show...why didn't anyone think to film the car selection/track selection screens, showing off all the new cars and tracks?
sorry about the snootiness. I wasn't trying to be snooty, simply asking a question. But, it would make it a lot easier to answer everyones "what new cars are there" and "what new tracks are there" without having to sift through all the videos...that said, there have been videos and screen shots that have showed some interesting things (like what appears to be a new Cathedral Rocks course and the return of the Audi LeMans quattro Concept car)
Look in my new thread. I have all new tracks and cars as footage.
(thread in progress-not finished with uploading)
It's quite hard actually, the screen was glossy and with all the reflections it was hell to even make a decent picture, lol. Not to mention all the people waiting to play and look at you taking 25 pictures or the same thing and all of them turning out to be blurry /rant