Why don't polyphony record their sound on a dyno ?

I Know that in Spec II the sounds have been upgraded compared to the Japanese version but to me the sound are still not accurate enough.I also know that they recordtheir sound directly to the source (like in the GT TV GTR-Legend video) but damn recording them in a dyno is much more accurate with the differents gears and the car in full accelaration in stead of just being stopped ! I guess that both Forza and PGR do it so why wouldn't Polyphony do the same ?
Actually, that's a good question. I'm not too happy with how they record their sounds as well. Surely they can do what they think is right, but it is obvious that a specific engine idling at 4000 revs will sound differently than the same engine at 4000 revs under heavy acceleration. I suppose they do alter the sounds before they get in the game, and even if they're okay in the current Prologue, I think they still could be improved. Other games do have a better, richer and closer to real life sound, and I think Polyphony can do it as well.
Im guessing one of the reasons is dynos are extremely noisy! and can with some drown out the noise from the engine/exhaust.working on a mod recently for GTR2 the guy that was helping me out with it used sounds that were recorded from a dyno and you can hear the dyno "whine" over the sound of the engine.(thats not a straight cut gearbox)

still think the best way to record sounds is with remote mics!ether from the engine bay.

or above the exhaust! (although not advisable if the exhaust has a habit of flaming which i found out!)
-> I may think is that maybe Japan has a very limited access thru dyno's unlike Euro-land and US. Plus access to a dyno is very expensive in comparison compared to a stationary position, my wagon cost USD$120/hr to get my whp .

-> And I may think they put mics and camera gear on the interior (like Best Motoring), and tiny but accurate mics on the engine bay while testing cars on the track, but I'm not so sure.
-> I didn't say that they don't have an access to a dyno, it is just too pricey to have one. The possibility that Forza can do is just Bill Gates is on their side (infinite funds). :indiff:
I dont even think they record there sounds, it seems like they replicate them -

Are Polyphony aware of our views on the subject? im sure thats the point of prologue is to get feedback for GT5, so if the main issue is the car sounds im sure they would address it?

Maybe a petition is in order? - not a nasty one just something to present to them of our concerns over the issue.

I know task 1 is to get the physics right, that is crucial to a simulation based video game. However, being the perfectionists that PD are, how is is possible for them to OK these sounds when everyone knows that they sound so wrong? Auditory senses play a huge role in the believability of a simulation as well, not just visuals.
Yeah well something went wrong somewhere down the line cause' tbh i havnt noticed a difference in sound since GT3. The sounds sound very digital, even the better sounding cars still arnt right. What did they use to record with... a Nokia?
Ive never really been all that happy with GT's engines sounds myself.. they still sound too electronic, I much prefer Forza's sounds which are recorded on a dyno. Also the tires screeching sounds still sound like someone flogging a horse!

GTR2 sounds are pretty good, too. Never played forza, but it wouldn't surprise me that... well... ANYTHING would sound better than what we've come to expect from polyphony. sad, sad indeed. Corvettes, for example, should not sound like straight fours.

Here's hoping for the best, though.
Well, the sounds definitely have improved with the latest update of Prologue, so the Corvette does not sound like a four-pot anymore, given you think it ever did. The engine sounds have never been this good in a Gran Turismo, but there still is quite some room for improvement, as games like GTR have shown.