Why dosent the Driving Force pro work????

  • Thread starter srjr
I've read a little bit in this forum and notised that I am not the only one with the problem. It dosent work. Literally.
when you start up the game it goes thru the 900 degrees, and both ligths are green, but other then that, it seems like it is not pluged in. you cant drive with it and you cant use it other than in "options". there it works perfectly fine. no toher place.:ill:
and if i look under "options" and want to confiugurate the buttons on my wheel i dont have the ability to choose the pedals on acceleration. i can only choose between the buttons ON the weel and the gear shifter stick.:nervous:
and if you look where it says "steering" i guess you guys that have a working wheel have some thing to choose from. its not all empty, you can choose something there?? well I cant, i got nothing to choose from:indiff: :guilty:

Is mye wheel broken?..Is there sombody who didnt understand what i meant?..is there just something that i havent done, that i have to do to make it work?

happy for all answers:) It's so boring to play without a wheel:guilty:
Hmm... I've never had this problem happen before, but maybe the wheel is plugged into the wrong USB port on the PS2? Make sure it's plugged into the 1st (higher) one.

That's the only thing I can think of that would cause this behavior if both lights were on and it calibrated.
this might seem stupid to meantion, but make sure you setup your wheel before starting the ps2 it self, i find that my wheel doesint register properly and my pedals dont work and give out while i race, which sucks balls...if i plug it in after the ps2 has already been switched on nothing like that happens and it works fine...hope this helps
SRJR, you pushed the report button and I believe you meant to hit the quote button. I would retype my reply.
I don't want to hijack this thread but I have a stupid problem with my DFP (for the first time). When I release the throttle and I'm turning, my car starts to accelerate again (just a little bit) and I always have to brake in the turn to compensate for this acceleration. The further I turn the more rpm.
I don't want to hijack this thread but I have a stupid problem with my DFP (for the first time). When I release the throttle and I'm turning, my car starts to accelerate again (just a little bit) and I always have to brake in the turn to compensate for this acceleration. The further I turn the more rpm.

That's the game, not the wheel. It's the ASM kicking in to keep the car from understeering. It was doing the same thing to me earlier, but it only happens when I have ASM turned on.
Pffff, thnx, so nothing's wrong with the DFP then?? Just have to turn off the ASM or turn in a bit slower. Going to test that.
Thnx again Jedi.

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