no matter what car i used it's very hard to drive with the logitech gt and i have to constantly fight the wheel. I've driven my bro's altima in RL and it's very easy. i understand that if you go fast, it's harder to control but i'm using a silva and goes like 60mph and i can barely control it in turns. is the game like that? for those of you who have raced in real life, is this closed to real life in terms of handling, or is it just a problem with the game or my wheel?
i've did some google searches and it seems that this is due to me not having power steering on. "assisted steering" is power steering correct? anyway, i've turned it on and it does help but i just want to confirm that it was my settings and not a problem with the wheel. I also just wanna know how realistic the handling is compared to real life.
i've did some google searches and it seems that this is due to me not having power steering on. "assisted steering" is power steering correct? anyway, i've turned it on and it does help but i just want to confirm that it was my settings and not a problem with the wheel. I also just wanna know how realistic the handling is compared to real life.