Widget Settings

OK, let's get this correct.
I'm not doing this post to get anyone mad, we all just need to be on that same here.
For the new widgeters, you need to set up these very easy setttings up before you start, if not it will slow everything down.

1). Open and install the Widget

2). Place your cursor over the (super awesome fantastic) Widget

3) Left-click on the sprocket looking box

4) Left-click races
a). Races on: Short events
b). Free up : at least 1 driver

4b is the most important setting.. Please Please do this.

I had a couple hours today of 6/6 drivers used today, which brought up my frustration. Don't get me wrong I love that people are beating up my bobs, but I can't pay it forward until I have at least 1 driver.
It happens. Things get out of sync between the widgets and they might see different drivers available depending on when races finish, etc. If someone is using 6 out of 6, then definitely send them a message.
I just downloaded this widget today as well. Are we certain this thing is safe? It makes me a touch nervous when I have to enter my sign-in credentials into a 3rd party app.
I just downloaded this widget today as well. Are we certain this thing is safe? It makes me a touch nervous when I have to enter my sign-in credentials into a 3rd party app.
It is safe (or about as safe as if you used any standard browser). You can use Yahoo Widgets to see which sites it is trying to connect to, and you will see that it is only connecting to the PSN network.
It makes me a touch nervous when I have to enter my sign-in credentials into a 3rd party app.
While I personally don't know what to look for, I trust NLxAROSA and a co-worker when they say it's clean. 👍
I ran the widget overnight and this morning my virus detector found this thing called doc.exe. The widget had also dropped out of the server. While this is more than likely a co-incidence, it would do no harm for all you widgeteers out there to check.

PS I actually think the main 'is the widget safe' issue is whether or not it's possible for the owner to harvest account details and use them for his/her own purposes, although I suspect if this was happening, it would be all over this board.
Doc.exe wouldnt run from a widget, the widget is only javascript pretty much. The code for the widget is freely available using yahoos own tools. Having checked myself its 100% safe.

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