Will Trade Any Ticket to Borrow a 0/0/0 X2010 Prototype (Carbon)

  • Thread starter BMWcrazy
United States
New Jersey
I'm willing to give any car or birthday ticket just to borrow a 0/0/0 X2010 Prototype (Carbon). It's the car that you get by getting all golds in the Sebastian Vettel X Challenge. It has to be 0/0/0.

If anyone is interested, I have all car level tickets and birthday tickets.

There's no need to add me, I will send you a FR as soon as you let me know which ticket you want.

Thanks! :)
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If you borrow a car it wont be 0/0/0 will it as you have to get in it to borrow it.
It is "ONLY" another Red Bull X2010. Same everything = PP, Weight and HP. Only difference is the name next to it "PROTOTYPE" and it being dressed in Carbon Fiber.

Not that difficult to get if you have the wheel. Just takes practice and some patients, but not a challange that cannot be done. Used to believe it could not too! Then again if you have a DS3, not sure how it can be done as you need some smooth fingers.
I'm pretty sure I have one. I don't know if it'll let me trade you, but I got it with the GT5 $20 pack.
I'm pretty sure I have one. I don't know if it'll let me trade you, but I got it with the GT5 $20 pack.

No you didn't, you got the 2011 👍

OP, you know the glitch to save the car as a 0/0/0 once you get it to your garage permanently right?