Win2000 Q's

1-Is it compatible with most pc games? (mostly Counterstrike is all i want to know)
2-Is something wrong with this OS, i've heard negative things about it.

(off sorta)
3-Would I really need a graphics card to play counterstrike at a consistent 30fps if the cpu is around 1.2-ish ghz?
1 = Compatiblity with most games is tougher then any other version of Windows. Especially those that use OpenGL. . . They seem to have difficulty especially if you are using an Nvidia card. You might need to do a little work around to get most games to work, but it is not that day

2 = Not a thing wrong with the OS, actually believe it or not, but it is the most solid of Microshaft OSes out there.

3 Most likely if you want to get the full graphics and less chop :D
Originally posted by azndrifter318
1-Is it compatible with most pc games? (mostly Counterstrike is all i want to know)
2-Is something wrong with this OS, i've heard negative things about it.

(off sorta)
3-Would I really need a graphics card to play counterstrike at a consistent 30fps if the cpu is around 1.2-ish ghz?
On your third question, I'm a little consufed. Do you mean you have onboard video and want to know if you need to buy a card, or do you want to know if you need a card? Well, onboard video sucks, and 1.2GHz for modern games isn't really that much. You're most likely going to need one.

I'm a hardcore 2000 Pro user, and I can say it rocks. I've never had problems with OpenGL and just as many games that support XP support 2000.
Wanting to know if I really need a high tech graphics card. Since it's an old game I'm thinking it would run at least 30fps because it's like around a 1ghz cpu w/o the need of badass graphics card.
Originally posted by azndrifter318
Wanting to know if I really need a high tech graphics card. Since it's an old game I'm thinking it would run at least 30fps because it's like around a 1ghz cpu w/o the need of badass graphics card.

So what speed is your CPU? You've now quoted two different speeds.

Counter Strike doesn't take much video processing. I used to play it at 800 x 600 at better than 30 frames a second on a P3 600 with an original GeForce (32mb SDRAM).

Of course, you can get a hell of a card for under $100 now. I would suggest it, as you will enjoy the game much more.
I haven't got the computer right now, getting this weekend. I just asked my uncle if he had an old computer with a cpu over 1ghz and he said " Yeah!" And that's as much as I know, so I'm so giddy till the weekend once I get the computer!
Originally posted by azndrifter318
1-Is it compatible with most pc games? (mostly Counterstrike is all i want to know)
2-Is something wrong with this OS, i've heard negative things about it.

(off sorta)
3-Would I really need a graphics card to play counterstrike at a consistent 30fps if the cpu is around 1.2-ish ghz?

1. Yeah. Pretty much. Most games I play (Including CS now and then) Work.

2. Win 2000 is by far the most stable OS I ever had. Never has crashed on me, hardly slows down. ME is much worse than 2000.

3. Dosent matter, really. My reccomendation is a Geforce 4 Mx400. Only $60 bucks. And CS runs at about 60 FPS at 800x600 or about 30-45 FPS under 1024x768.
i have had windows2000 running on my home PC for a couple of years now, i honestly cant remember a single crash or freeze up in that time....not like XPPro...
Originally posted by LoudMusic
I just saw you can get a PNY GeForce FX 5200 128MB AGP for $60 at Circut City. That's phat-tabulous.
My brother got a Apollo FX5200 128MB "Bloody Monster" for his new system and overclocked it, so far, to 300MHz GPU and 383MHz RAM. Not too shabby, especially for older games. It was only like $70 at It has a fan on the heatsink, which is one of the reasons he got it...

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